Mainstream Media Lies Again.

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Please visit this post and upvote. This really should be part of an ongoing conversation.
This (above) fortunately, is natural, unlike the other geoengineering we see every day.
The regularity of the pattern would require over 20 of the chemical dumping planes
to fly a nearly perfect formation. This more resembles other patterns seen in nature.
Like these ripples in the sand, that are normally seen caused by wind or water.
If you look closely, you can see places where the bands merge.
Similarly, this can be seen in the picture with the plane above.
Chemtrails for certain exist, but do not do this.

Even the most regular patterns of chemtrails laid down by planes are rather haphazard,
irregularly spaced and not at perfect angles to one another.
Nature does do weird things, but it doesn't do this:

Or this:

I agree, the Daily Mail article is a hit piece put out to confuse the public
by conflating a natural occurrence with something else, unnatural,
that can be seen almost anywhere on the globe every day, but didn't used to be.



Good post. The sand pic is compelling evidence.

Thanks, I just didn't want to cloud the geoengineering issue. We who are fighting geoengineering need to be as clear as possible. That article was a good catch. I've seen the phenomenon before off the coast of Japan.

When presented with facts and theories, revisit the facts often to help that base picture emerge. This is the foundation to base theories on.

I agree, everytime I see one of those plains their trail is way too messy for that.. There is a theory for the waves but I would certainly want to see a study or something with evidence. The obvious focus is to get people aware of what is happening first.

I've seen many studies involving wave dynamics, including pressure/temperature differentials, and condensation. It's been a while, I'll see what I can dig up. I've dealt more with crystallization of liquids in motion, than condensation of vapor in motion, at least since college.

You've convinced me too. I had commented on the other article wondering how could anyone believe it's natural but on second thought I was just comparing the two pictures, not thinking of how the planes would manage. Truth is I'm concerned how others don't care the skies have changed so drastically, I want them to look at the sky more and wonder too, seeing this stuff go unnoticed can predispose you not to consider other angles at times.

Edit: forgot to say that there is danger in lowering our guards just because something resembles something else we've seen before, it's easier to fool us that way. Thank you both for sharing!

It' good to hear.

I'd like everyone to recognize there is a problem as well. I'm only trying to make sure that you and I and everyone else who already sees the problem, can't continue to be ridiculed for being crazy. The more people we win over, the fewer we will eventually face when we actually solve the problem of being forced, against our will to breathe, drink, and eat these poisons.

Thank you for the comment.

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