The Scientific Establishment's Push for Geo-Engineering to Block Out the Sun

in #geoengineering6 years ago (edited)

Blocking out the sun is a new hype being stirred up in 'scientific' circles of the establishment. This seems to stem from a worry of raising temperatures, i.e. "global warming". To make temperatures go lower, the bright idea is to block out the sun.

Despite denials of geoengineering, it's been admitted to here and there. Evidence has been mounting, especially photo evidence of streaked trails across the sky. Maybe this is just contrails, but it looks highly suspicious to me considering condensation trails dissipate after a while.

Does this seem normal and simply "contrails"?


Not to me.

These chemtrails, as they are called, don't dissipate, and persist for hours. They actually cover the sky and block out the sun. And this is what the scientific community seems to be calling for more of. I guess we don't need the sun to grow food well, or we do and the "cost" is worth it to them.

Popular Mechanics recently talked about the desire of Harvard scientists to launch a "sun-Blocking geoengineering experiment". No kidding. They want to block out the sun by spraying particles into the atmosphere to reflect sunlight and thereby lowering the temperature of the Earth's surface. That sounds like chemtrails which people have been talking about for decades. Only now, it's being admittedly promoted.

This recent idea, they claim, comes from the 1991 volcanic eruption of Mount Pinatubo in the Philippines. Millions of tons of ash and sulfur dioxide went up and made a layer that covered the sky. This then lowered global temperatures by nearly a full degree Fahrenheit for the 2 eyars that followed.

The idea then is to do similarly with a man-made layer that covers the sky. Filling the atmosphere with a level of particulars, but without the volcanic explosion and lava. The hope is to also reduce global temperatures, or delay the consequences they foresee from "global warming", or what's not been renamed to "climate change".

But not so fast "geniuses" from Harvard. Messing with a complex system of climate can have even worse negative consequences that aren't foreseen. The interconnected ecosystem of Earth could be greatly affected and produce negative global climate changes for years to come. Let alone, the health issues with particle particulates into the air that will then fall to the ground, being breathed by all creatures, including us.

A study from last year says the plan to block out the sun like a volcano is not a great idea at all. It said that blocking out the sun in one area, such as the Gulf of Mexico, could trigger droughts in sub-Saharan Africa. But hey, some people gotta lose for others to win, so no biggy.

The tests by Harvard would be milder in the effect compared to the above study. They want to send a high-altitude balloon several miles into the atmosphere and then release about a pound of calcium carbonate. This is less harmful than the surfer dioxide that comes out of volcano. The cloud of particulates would then spread and the balloon would measure sits effects. They want to study the effect of the particulates to build simulations at larger scales.

The plan is to be able to apply this type of process at a larger scale, as stated earlier, to reduce global temperatures. But these simulations don't guarantee a positive outcomes. Things could get worse. It might even worsen the climate change that they fear. Maybe the already existing chemtrails have been also making things worse. Weather manipulation has been patented decades ago, and various nations are allegedly doing it now. Check out the resources at and see how we're not being told of everything going on.

Thank you for your time and attention. Peace.

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The military industrial complex seems to be able to do what it wants, whether it is continuous wars globally, propaganda about what to like/hate, or doing on-going experiments on the planet and its inhabitants. The wolves (psychopaths) are running the hen house.....but most don't care as long as they have their bread and circuses (regular paycheck and Netflix).

Once the powers-that-shouldn't-be crash all the economies globally (and that seems to be the current objective), life will be hard for all except the 1%. Maybe then......folks will wake up.

Yup, entertainment and the pleasure trap as an escape form the grind of survival, while making no time to learn, discern and seek truth that is hard to figure out.

Netflix, being the most important component to this formula....


Definitely a distraction! :-)

How stupid lol they pollute the planet and instead of decreasing the pollution they create a scheme where they can keep it going and then just inject a shitload of awful chemicals into the already fragile atmosphere. What could go wrong?!

Yup. Brilliant minds at work on this planet eh :/

There are some pretty idiotic "scientists" out there. Their first crime is believing the consensus trash and the second is thinking they are so smart they can correct it. We can't get good weather prediction 3 days out. And the science is bad science with bad data and stupidly wrong conclusions.

Watch Dr. Tim Ball's interview. Pretty outstanding.

Thanks for the link drop. He knows what hes talking about, things many of us have seen, but he's right it within the scientific community speaking out against the dismissive labels to silence people and the con science to blame CO2 to convince ppl of warming while ignoring the sun.

I have an even more favorite documentary:

I've watched this several times. You just can't get more clear truth and drubbing of the bad science.

They have been doing this for many years as so many of us know. In Arizona, they do it but whatever they use "appears" to dissipate. I say appears, as it is a growing trend for even those under the clear Az skies to have vitamin D deficiencies. My mom has one, is outside a lot and even takes D supplements and has a deficiency. I believe they have found a mixture of what they use to work while being clear.

It's wild, and people are still so brainwashed they can;t see anything wrong, it's all normal, the government wouldn't lie to use about that ... sigh..

They want to study the effect of the particulates to build simulations at larger scales.

Right. Because releasing a pound of calcium carbonate in a small area would lead them to accurately predict what would happen if they released massive amounts all over the place. How stupid.

Also, It's been my experience that over the summers here in Wisconsin, chemtrail days are always hotter than clear sky days.

I suspected as much, good to know it might be raising temps when they spray.

We should go for it. This strategy worked out well in the Matrix.

Yeah, we can do better, after all, cartoons aren;t real :P

sounds like a preemptive strike against solar powered robots run by a global ai seeking to wipe out humanity to me. they're just trying to save the world from evil robots guys c'mon. of course this will just force the robots to use humans as batteries to power themselves and the simulation that keeps us from noticing our prison.

or has it already happened...? bumbumBUM!

But really we should stop them. This is just silly.

The prophets of our own doom :/

I am following you for years now @krnel and your insights never disappoint me! Good work!

Glad to provide information you value :)

The current geoengineering program is spraying the particulates at around 35k-40k feet where they drift down to earth over a few days. That's as high as the aircraft can go. Now, if they can release the particulates up around 60k-70k feet, they would stay aloft for up to a year. That would be something. But, that's still treating the symptom, not the problem. The only viable method I've heard to address the problem of catastrophic climate change is a massive program to remove carbon from the atmosphere. It would cost tens of billions of dollars annually, but it's doable.

Carbon is a solid, carbon-dioxide is a gas... how are they going to remove carbon?

Ok right, I meant to say CO2. Here's one of many links to info:

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