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RE: Chemtrails: The Truth And The Conspiracy Theory

in #geoengineering8 years ago

It has been done in the past and admitted to, so it is at least plausible...but....

They were just scientific experiments to get vital information to protect the American public from new types of warfare. These do not appear nefarious...the only way to lean about this kind of stuff is empirically and secretly. I am not sure who came up with the idea that all aerosolized chemicals look like water vapor. This is the dumbest part to me. The next most stupid belief about it is that commercial airliners have gigantic canisters hidden in them and no one notices. If experiments like this continue today, it is probably by military planes, for a short time, over a small area, using safe chemicals that probably are not even visible to the naked eye.

  • [Confirmed Chemtrail Use]
  • Cloud Seeding : release of silver iodide, dry ice or salt to create precipitation. Technically similar to chemtrails but not part of the 'chemtrail conspiracy', this is included as a distinction of the known primitive 'weather modification' technique. It's here also to demonstrate the motivation, and technical evolution of what would become chemtrails ('what else can we spray?').
  • Operation Big Buzz : Bugs. Big Buzz was a U.S. military entomological warfare field test conducted in the U.S. state of Georgia in 1955. The tests involved dispersing over 300,000 mosquitoes from aircraft and through ground dispersal methods. [U]
  • Operation Dew : Operation Dew refers to two separate field trials conducted by the United States in the 1950s. The tests were designed to study the behavior of aerosol-released biological agents. Operation Dew took place from 1951-1952 off the southeast coast of the United States, including near Georgia, and North and South Carolina.[1][2] Operation Dew consisted of two sets of trials, Dew I and Dew II. Operation Dew I consisted of five separate trials from March 26, 1952 until April 21, 1952 that were designed to test the feasibility of maintaining a large aerosol cloud [of zinc cadmium sulfide] released offshore until it drifted over land, achieving a large area coverage. Dew II involved the release of fluorescent particles (zinc cadmium sulfide) and plant spores (Lycopodium) from an aircraft. Dew II was described in a 1953 Army report which remained classified at the time of a 1997 report by the U.S. National Research Council concerning the U.S. Army's zinc cadmium sulfide dispersion program of the 1950s.
  • Operation Ocean Spray : Bacteria. Operation Sea-Spray was a U.S. Navy secret experiment in which Serratia marcescens and Bacillus globigii bacteria were sprayed over the San Francisco Bay Area in California. [U]
  • Operation LAC : Operation LAC (large area coverage) was a US army chemical corps operation that dispersed microscopic zinc cadmium sulfide (ZnCdS) particles over much of the United States. The purpose was to determine the dispersion and geographic range of biological or chemical agents. Anecdotal evidence suggests there were adverse health effects--of course mitigated by US gov agency reports which are to be trusted always (911 NIST report, Warren report). The wikipedia article continues, "the use of ZnCdS remains controversial and one critic accused the Army of "literally using the country as an experimental laboratory"". This is solid proof of chemtrails and because of the widespread scope of the dispersal (most of US), chemtrail doubters such as topmind types have no leg to stand on anymore.
  • The Fluorescent Particle Trials : Toxic Metals. A UK Ministry of Defense report included 'The Fluorescent Particle Trials', [in which it] reveals how between 1955 and 1963 planes flew from north-east England to the tip of Cornwall along the south and west coasts, dropping huge amounts of zinc cadmium sulphide on the population. [U]

Fluoride on the other hand has no benefits, lowers your IQ by a few points, is illegal to put in drinks in many nations, and is in most of the US tap water supply due to lobbying from a chemical company. It is far more reasonable to bitch about this. The science on it is public and peer reviewed as opposed to just some declassified documents and fearful speculation.


i try not to speculate too much about things i cannot prove. i KNOW there is aluminum and barium in the sky, because i, personally, have done my own tests. i have no need to pollute the data i collect with assumptions about whether something is nefarious or not. the data speaks for itself. i have no need to try to discredit real data, by calling it dumb, stupid, or trying to make it look ridiculous by saying words such as nefarious, hidden, or fearful. usually, i find that the fearful are the ones who would reject the idea of gathering the data themselves, rather than simply believing what they are told.

i don't bitch about fluoride. i only take measures to protect myself. i don't much care to try to convince people who think that all is fluffy rainbows and yummy lollipops, everything is right with the world, and there are no bad people.

i have read about many experiments from the 50's, 60's, into vietnam, and all the way to today. NASA has even done a few, publicly.

listing experiments from 60 years ago does nothing to explain the data that can be readily collected today, by anyone with an extra $20, an amazon account, and the knowledge to understand what they are doing.

if you believe that nothing is going on today, and the last experiments were in the 60's, you're welcome to. be my guest. i, though, know what i can measure, and am not in denial of the evidence of my senses, or the measurements made by my equipment.

you may benefit by educating yourself about the concept of the strawman, and the ad hominem. these are what are called logical fallacies. there are many more. there is even a list on wikipedia. understanding these are very useful in knowing when you are making an argument that is baseless or founded in demonstrable fact.

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