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RE: Chemtrails: The Truth And The Conspiracy Theory

in #geoengineering8 years ago

I have known many skeptics that have really warmed up to Geoengineering (ha ha). I get the impression people naturally accept this if you give them a little space and time. However, most wake up just enough to recognize it and to respect material on the topic. For someone to become active in doing something about it, now that is the real challenge.

Decades of acceptance and rational believe does nothing to stop it. In fact, one must sit there in fear watching this take place perhaps feeling hopeless to stop it. That is no path to take, it is cowardly and comes at a high price. I recommend to take on the risk of spreading knowledge. Of all things, in the US at least this is the safest thing I can think of. There are other things to do but at least start there. By doing nothing we give in-direct consent to be sprayed. These are toxic man-made materials and they have no business being on the earth, air, and food.

Thanks for posting, I'm following..


when i first started on this, it seemed that no one i knew could even conceive that such a thing could ever happen. i knew, from my 6th grade earth science textbook (circa 1981) that this was a known thing for quite a while. i quickly bored of doing verbal battle with trolls in everyday life, and decided to do whatever i could, by myself, as if i were the only one who would ever be convinced of what i was seeing. first, to confirm that what i was seeing was what i thought it was.
optics have long been an interest of mine. from microscopes to telescopes to all of the electromagnetic spectrum, so, i knew that it could be used to gain the data i needed to begin. i cannot, as of now, confidently speculate on the why and wherefore, but i do have solid evidence that there is something in the sky that can be measured.
until humans started chemically separating aluminum from the earth, there was no free aluminum in the local environment. Al+3 doesn't like to remain free. it is a definite puzzle as to why our skies are now full of the stuff.
at least now it seems there are more people who are questioning. we may get some traction on this soon. i do hope it is soon enough.

Patents are convincing for those that have the good habit of following the money.. Monsanto patenting aluminum resistant seeds was the final thing that convinced my Dad. Apparently Aluminum has 4x the reflective surface area as sulfur (they may try to claim it is still just harmless sulfur). Dane Wigington claims to have many rain water tests that show positive for free formed Aluminum. Apparently many residence on the west coast can find ultra high levels of Barium poisoning in their blood which the doctors can't explain any other way.

Of course the suspicious winter-time halos around the sun and metallic looking reflections perhaps you could add validity to what we are seeing. Any science that people can use in their heads to explain what they are seeing will probably be remembered and repeated more often.

I'm always asked where are these plains coming from. We have some whistleblower testimonial on youtube but I don't have a lot to back that up. This is something I'm interested in, we can't just know about it at some point people need to be confronted.

this is not medical advice.
i, personally, have found, that metal detox can be more hazardous than low level exposure. exposure causes a build up over time. the body does it's best to deal with it. it excretes some, it stores the rest, some by itself, but also with help from the microorganisms that live in us. this is apparently, playing at least some part in the increase in fungal and bacterial overgrowth, that is plaguing many people today. killing these things off too quickly, releases the toxins their overgrowth was meant to control.

excretion can only take place at certain rates. releasing toxins from the tissues faster than the body can remove them is dangerous. the rates can be altered by using binding materials and by altering the modes of excretion. i am working to put together a post containing some of what i have gathered. detoxification seems to be a widely misunderstood subject. i struggle to make sense of all i have found.

i, personally, have experienced symptoms of barium toxicity. i have found relief with epsom salts. i have used them in baths, and even taken a teaspoon with water. this is what i have done. i cannot legally recommend anything to anyone else. i am, as yet, unsure if my improvement was due to the magnesium or sulfur, or both.

i am still researching aluminum. i have found scientific papers describing the use of alfalfa in removing metals, including aluminum, from wastewater. i have also found seaweed(not listed what kind) used for water. what works for wastewater, may not work for humans.

excretion of toxins takes place by kidneys, colon, mucus membranes, tears, hair, nail and skin growth, and sweat. i try to protect my kidneys from any of this. from what i have found, sweating i believe to be the easiest and least dangerous, provided, i don't overheat myself. overheating the brain is dangerous.
far infrared sauna increases sweating without significantly increasing ambient temperature.
i, mostly, use sunlight. this has many beneficial effects for me. it improves my mood and increases my vitamin D sulfate, all the while increasing sweating. i am careful not to burn.

Skeptics can be wrong too just like anybody else. I am a skeptic but I am not arrogant enough to assume I am always right. True skepticism is about keeping an open mind. Disbelieving everything is just a form of negative belief. I think as people start panicking over climate change we will start to see more demands for geo-engineering. That kind of meddling with the climate would worry me very much. We already have some countries doing weather modification - who knows what the unintended effects are of that on the environment. Now take that to a planetary scale and we could end up effing up something very important without even realising it.

By warmed up I mean that absolutely hate it but I'm saying it in a nice way!! Sorry, I should assume the reader gets it..

OK sorry I misunderstood. I thought you were saying people were coming round to the idea!

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