Climate Engineering - If you breathe, you are affected

in #geoengineering7 years ago (edited)

There is an ongoing campaign, now global,
to modify climate for the success of minority.

It started long time ago,
yet many don't acknowledge it even now

In pretty much every corner of the world,
they sell us Global Warming propaganda,

yet everyone who pays attention,
notice how planet is colder.

Not just that,
natural weather cycles are things of the past...


All kinds of techniques were tried since the past times, to manipulate the weather in favor of the minority. It has been more and more successful project... Today I will present you the one that is part of my reality, and it is impacting me in certain ways. I was unaware of this when I was younger, and I couldn't even comprehend how far this goes:

Nowadays, highly-secret technologies are used to manipulate the weather. It is a weather-warfare.

Not many can comprehend hologram planes, since many can't even comprehend sole Chemtrails yet.

If you are aware of climate-engineering, you probably understand it is a global concern. Millions of trails are being sprayed everyday...

Meaning, it is needed to use advanced technologies in order to cover such massive surfaces.

Holographic - illusionary planes are used to perform most of Chemtrailing, guided by ORB's. (Secret military tech)

(Will share details and visuals later)

In case you never heard of aerial spraying, I'm really excited you are reading this post.

I'm aware of it for 8 years and I'll be more than happy to share my observations with you.

FACT #1 There are various types of spraying, some of them leave fat trails in the sky and others don't:


Even though many sources will misinform you and speak about Contrails, it is a lie. They don't exist.

Chemtrails are affecting you and your family in ways you probably aren't aware of. They have been focus of many top researchers, who provided data how inhaling nanoparticles is extremely harmful for the well of our being...

Some of the lighter symptoms:

  • Fatigue
  • No Energy
  • Pain in the Muscles
  • Headaches

They actually provoke:

  • Ears Ringing
  • Pain in the Joints
  • Bloody Nose
  • Issues with Digestion
  • Pain in the Stomach
  • Weaker Immunity
  • Bad Vision
  • Loss of Concentration
  • Insomnia
  • Respiratory Problems
  • Heart Pain
  • Depression
  • Aggression

And many more symptoms.

The effect of changing the climate is harmful for what was once perfect ecosystem. Hard work from farmers is getting ruined considering there is no natural weather cycles. They have to sell at more expensive prices, to cover what was taken from them. Meanwhile, uninformed majority is forced to eat GMO and has no choice... Climate Engineering as a way of manipulation!

Any preferred condition can be made. Check this detailed observation out... I will state one more time, most of climate engineering is done by Advanced technology that is unknown to the mankind. It is easily recognizable though

Chemtrails for dummies:

  • 10:58 Mostly holograms (+some planes) start spraying
  • As the time passes, trails are spreading
  • 14:09 Artificial Hat is made, covering the sun

So next time you see those lines in the sky pay some attention. How is the weather afterwards, how do you feel? Also pay attention for something else, how do those planes look to you? Real or see-through? Make sure to observe this video of cloaked Hologram-plane (0:33)

You can clearly see it is see-through, part of top technology used by elite. You can call it extra-terrestrial technology, conclude yourself why is that so. The see-through planes are guided by orbs, observe the visuals below:

Many people realized about Alien-Tech being used for the Climate Engineering, but many are still blind. It is cause the majority is being misguided by things that don't truly matter, not even trying to rationalize since they are convinced life is something else.

This surely looks like we live in a Matrix. But I'm confident it is just Alien-Tech. You should definitely pay attention on the planes, and let me know what did you see. There is lot of Holographic action, you wouldn't believe... but you will.

Here you can see them getting caught in the dark. It is a highly secret technology that is too hard for most to even perceive. It is by any means not strange, why is that so...

With this high tech pretty much anything can be achieved, it can transform shapes and create Illusions - just like straight of a video game.
Knowing the truth empowers you, so I encourage to check the video below: (1:11):

Here you can read an article, about mysterious orb junk found in Spain. You wouldn't believe, there was plenty of more similar articles online, somehow they went missing. 😃 Now I wanna go back to topic of trails.

When one would look at this whole concept, he would maybe think this is about covering the sun.

Well correct, but it is not just about covering the sun. As I've stated before, chemtrails are filled with all kinds of nano particles. Ranging from heavy metals to viruses, pretty much everything you can think of can be found in chemtrails.

This air test was performed in Phoenix, by a professional laboratory that wished to stay secret.

Check out the report below:

As you can see, shocking results stated that:

Barium is 278x the toxic limit, copper is 98x the toxic limit, manganese is a staggering 5,820x the toxic limit and zinc is 593x the toxic limit

Barium, Copper and Zinc are heavy metals. They highly contribute to toxicity of the body, even though Manganese is somewhat regular he is still toxic.

Aluminum is a staggering 6,400x the toxic limit, iron is 28,000x the toxic limit, magnesium is 5.3x the toxic limit, potassium is 793x the toxic limit and sodium is 15.9x the toxic limit.

Barium and Aluminum are 2 of the most commonly found metals in Chemtrail analysis. When you combine them, Baal is formed (Ba+Al). This is not a topic for this category, but I'm sure right people will understand me...

These two compounds were also described by Dr. Teller in his weather modification paper:

As two possible agents that could be spread by aircraft into the upper atmosphere. His intention was to use them as reflective agents for sunlight in an effort to reduce global heating.

It is an important fact to add that aluminum was found in the brains of patients who suffered from Alzheimer's Disease. Maybe now, a question can be answered to why is Alzheimer's increasing...

Public studies were carried out from Gianni relative to environmental conditions in the Molise region of Italy. A laboratory analysis was made and repeated private surveyings in support of the campaign against the (Chemtrails) Wakes Chemistries. The precious contribution of the independent city investigators worried for the health of their own beloveds and the entire ecosystem would fill up the first pages of national journalistic heads. A job that rewards, the will to tell the truth in spite of institutional accomplices and corruption.

Below, you can see the results from Italian study:

And guess what, you wouldn't believe, its Aluminum and Barium again at the top spots. 😊

Here you can read the conclusion, as a warning sign to everyone:

The Ministries of Health and Atmosphere offend the health of their own compatriots, unconscious victims of these crimes against humanity. I would want Gianni and Nicholas to have undertaken this local battle, hoping that it can provoke interest between you readers and those who will want to give prominence to the news. It would be beautiful if this survey was cited in greater blogs relative to the problem. It represents the active participation of the citizen against a State that ignores the fundamental rights of all man.

On August 28, The Idaho Observer published reports on air quality, and found following "ingredients" after Chemtrailing event:

  • Bacteria, pneumonia and anthrax
  • Nine chemicals, with acetylcholine chloride
  • Twenty six heavy metals, incl. barium, lead, aluminum, mercury and uranium
  • Four molds and fungi
  • Two cancers
  • Two vaccines
  • Two sedatives.
  • Seven viruses

Different air analysis reported on:

  • Morgellons
  • Desicated Red Blood Cells
  • Ethylene Dibromide
  • Virally Mutated Molds
  • Nano-Particulates of Aluminum and Barium
  • Polymer Fibers with unidentified Bio-active material

In case you want to learn more about this subject and matter, you can watch Sofia Smallstorm video presentation:

She is an expert when it comes to Chemtrails, Weather Warfare and Synthetic Biology


Morgellons (/mɔː(ɹ)ˈdʒɛlənz/) is the informal name of a self-diagnosed skin condition in which individuals have sores that they believe contain some kind of fibers. Morgellons is poorly understood but the general medical consensus is that it is a form of delusional parasitosis; the sores are the result of compulsive scratching, and the fibers, when analysed, turn out to originate from textiles.

As you can see, delusional parasitosis speaks for itself, that is the point of time we reached. When mainstream canals of information control the public opinion, and convince people they are delusional... Sometimes we rather tend to believe everyone else than ourselves, and that is the wrong way. We must always follow our deeper knowledge, and search for that instinct to guide us through life...

I encourage you to read more about first hand experience with Chemtrails and Morgellons here:

We need to protect ourselves, and our loved ones


Need to play it smart and stay consistent. In spreading the word and helping ourselves with the true methods... 😇

You can read more about pulse magnetism therapy here:

Always make sure to get your product organic. In times like these, that is one of the crucial rules.

Aim to detoxify yourselves as frequently you can.

Spread the word, and use the knowledge in good ways.

Don't change your perception to negative,

rather use the information to enhance your lifestyle to the max...

Everyone can do it,

all it take is good will and dedication.

Be the change you want to see in the world,

Res, Non Verba



Agreed 100%, this feels like I was writing it :)

Really good post mate, you have some great information. I was particularly interested in the orb business going on up there. The devices including the chembuster do have a link with other dimensional being or tech as Wilhem Reich discovered, and he wasn't alone. I think there may be a link between a positively charged atmoshpere and the EDE crossing over?
Also the devices i make use magnetism to work so it interested me with your information as well.
Good stuff old chap will be checking in again and gave you an upvote.

The devices including the chembuster do have a link with other dimensional being or tech as Wilhem Reich discovered, and he wasn't alone.

I most definitely agree. That is the thing I point most of the time - orbs are extraterrestrial tech :)

I'm really glad you understood everything I wrote. Things like that always feel good in this reality...

I think there may be a link between a positively charged atmosphere and the EDE crossing over?

Agreed! Positive charged ions mess up with our vibration, lowering our frequency in the process... We are way much more advanced than we were taught :P

Its amazing really, exciting and dangerous times ahead.

Wow. Thorough and beautiful work! Steemit is full of such good content like yours, so glad I've finally made it to this community. Also, I appreciate the positivity you project. Don't Stop!

It is... and there is no censure on Steemit :) its censorship resistant, that is why its the best!

If everyone lived to be 90 social security would go under in a generation, what your seeing is called a soft kill. Lowering the lifespan over yrs and yrs, in the past they did it through wars.

Agreed, its called global depopulation agenda :) Nothing new, it always was the same

a very good post. this. surely people love it


What? lol ;)

10% of Chemtrailing is still done with classic ways... The rest though ;)

you don't need to show me that pictures, I've seen them long time ago :)

But thanks, they will be nice for the rest of the people who read this

I figured you would and yes there are lots of pictures out there.

We can't win

Poison and things that harm us everywhere

I'm winning everyday :) that is your point of view...

You better change it fast bruv :) time is running out

There is an answer to every single thing you wrote, you just need to be consistent

Nothing can stop you, if you work on yourself hard enough... and on every aspect you've mentioned, there is a way to counter it

I know there are things we can do as well to all of those issues. Re-educating yourself out of the matrix will help and starting a race with failure in mind might just deliver your just deserts.
its in the title.....enjoying life.
Keep up the good work

Of course you do, I've seen that long time ago. :)

Thanks for sharing the vision!!! :)

Oh I'm up on all the lies

Fantastic post....well researched and implemented. I live in Scotland and have been diagnosed with COPD. There has been a 9000% increase in lung disease here in the last two decades even though the number who smoke has dramatically decreased. Go figure. Nice one my friend. BE LOVE BE TRUE FOR THAT IS YOU.

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