Yellowstone, EFW charts, data monitoring and disconnects

in #geoengineering6 years ago (edited)

Since I am new to Steemit I will give a little background on my own experience with observing earth changes and how data is handled and seems to be recieved by public. Its my belief peoples fear of the contents implications helps disassociate the conciousness of the actual givens in our time, since we are all so busy anyways... Why worry; it helps motivate to get informed and accept what we can see with our own eyes to prepare for a Volcanic winter in the near future.

When in 2012 I noticed Yellowstone it was during the election period. It matters because the rules governing sharing of climate & national park data are implemented by those elected. I found out Obama had gagged via orders releasing data, implemented delays to audit and edit instead of giving public live information, erased data from charts and turned off monitors in areas that showed unusual activity.

Then came the government shutdown. I'm a person who likes to discern the big picture, I also did part of my education in political sciences so its high on my interest list. When the shutdown occured, I noticed two really odd things affected; highly trained meteorologists & air traffick controllers jobs where in cuts, to a level looking like a purge.

I had also discovered geo engineering around that time. I found it bizzare and realized the meteoroligists had been mentioning unatural weather events like "haze" leading up to that. Air traffick controllers see what others would like camouflaged in sky.

This did not sit well as they both scan radars and spot anomalies in our atmoshmphere. The reality of DEW, Elecronic Frequency Weapons, odd earth magnetic fields or shifts in certain areas like gas releases would be noticed by such a group. I hope you get my point of how much bigger that is than it seems at first glance. I am just reporting facts that are verifiable. Trump didn't begin to shut down emergency warning systems or climate data that was Obama's hidden baby. The EPA head resigned in end of 2012.

Here we are in 2018 and I am sitting on a mountain, in a village with less than 45 people year round watching my former home under attack. Yet few people realise they are even under attack or that the technology exists to low frequency volcanoes to erupt for example or affect peoples moods or will to activate and resist. Due to targeting not because I wanted to, I moved back to France and instantly realized the air was different. Less ELF etc due to lack of antennas.

Its personal I care about where I live, how I affect it and what others may be doing to it that affects me or others matters. I literally I grew up in Northern California; places burned are included. I lived in LA, its where I began to learn about this stuff. The antennas and smart meter intelligent systems are being put in in France currently and I realize few understand the health and privacy implications.

The bees and the insects affected. To say they are not defies simple logic. One can say they are not adversly affected and try and back it up, not that insects who run on frequencies aren't affected by new ones or changes in frequency levels in an electromagnetic enviornment. Their nest sends off a frequency, its how they find their way home. Basic science. Right?

I watched a whale wash up dead to Malibu shores in 2012, have seen sea lions who are slowly dying due to some "unknown" phenomena off west coast, starfish disintigrating and everyone downplaying entire mountainsides falling in a national park killing not just once but twice. They refused to shut park down cause "tourism" so when it happened again the next day, oops.

When looking at all of these things a brutal how can it not be real that something is more than wrong since the signs are there should occur. What are the implications of pretending or refusing to take the time to address supremacists of a different kind cloaked behind NATO? Deflecting the roots of the evil current and old evil by using big words like "Nazi's" which the group behind NATO needed to exist. Forgetting the jews on goyim Nazi's or not even knowing the Bolchevik revolution or Crown and Vatican plays that set and maintained Nazi's and ww2.

First article;
Setting the scene / Developping a New World Order

They tell us. In order to have the new the old must be removed. It takes a few generations. I live informed because I am a concious human being and couldn't care less about filling my time with entertainment to escape reality. We have to live life on its terms.

The terms I see from my perspective and knowledge base say the hornets nest was stirred and the war on humanity by a group of DNA supremacists, who happen to be sadistic freemason pedophiles for most part are mad. Their networks are being disrupted.

Disney executive; its unheard of since its existence to have investigations let alone charges to the group cloaked by sovreignity in areas it owns. People are catching on to the white collar organ human trafficking network, child services globally kidnapping kids for profit and militaries and contractors doing same. Sports and Ivy league awash in sexual abuse.

The realization people might understand and break the social programming means they either act and annihalate threats or get seen in daylight. Vampires do not like daylight nor facts which may be why mirrors of their actions are deflected they cannot face them.

I already know the topics I am addressing may get me insulting degrading comments but I warn those in advance: your inability to research verifiable information, analyze it and formulate a sound fact based opinion does not negate my ability to do so.

I have also had experience with the trolls who are actually contracted to protect the organizations implicated, so I guess I see you like evil versions of telemarketers but their version is to stay online and gangstalk people to get paid. JTRIG types. No one even questioned if Snowden & the intercept had exact same data on US & Mossad versions of GCHQ.

Because they do exist and Snowden sure didn't release that. Just saying. Knowing the world in which we live is kind of important and due to dumb down delays; rather urgent. When NATO for example says "setting a scene" focused my studies & career, in theater etc I instantly understand that differently. I also spot really bad scripts 😂

Discernment avoids consuming distorions, I hope this serves to inspire people to educate themselves if they aren't already and supports the very needed geoengineering and electronic warfare movement. Going to leave food for thought on that here. The DEW weapons in CA give much more cred to this slow awakening of yellowstone being potienally intentional and part of agenda 21. It would explain why no real planning or warnings will come from our governments and why they permitted fracking on areas they shouldn't have.

Tom Lupshu of Survival Ohio
(Please note not sure what happened to Tom but sure he was targeted for his knowledge)
Russia and Yellowstone disclosure of Magnetic anomalies

Fast Forward more Tom Lupshu

Incredible insight from Tom Lupshu on the realities of our world.

Jessica Lupshu and Tom's situation should be like an awakening to the realities of our world. Often we react instead of listening to what is being said in between the lines.

My heart again goes out to Survival Ohio clan and my many thanks for all the unfamiliar information they helped me understand about the world we live in. Depressing wasn't the point of this post but a naturally occuring biological effect unfortunately, for those of us with feelings and empathy left.

Moving on to what spurred this post the faulty monitoring of yellowstone now blatant for anyone paying attention and abnormal frequencies

Ben Ferraiuolo
Frequency Event Returns Once Again

Really glad to have found someone else monitoring data who has an understanding of it. I will end it on this and apologize for grammar mistakes in advance. My grammar is beside the point. I always ask if plausible; who, what, when, where, why. I don't always like the answer but hope others will do similar, so we do get answers.

The HAARP Report

To Peace, love and treating each other better


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