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RE: The Daily Dose - March 22nd 2018 - By Anouk.nox - Entry No1

in #geoengineering6 years ago (edited)

Such an important topic. This all ties into the whole man-made global warming (aka: climate change) hoax. Chem Trails are a component of the overall agenda of control, exploitation and profit, which includes manipulating data and only funding those scientists who support their scheme. As with other Deep State agendas, the media is totally complicit, as are the military industrial complex, compartmentalized parts of intel agencies and governments.

It's vital that we keep raising awareness on all of this. There are a lot of questions that need to be answered by the leaders of our nations. This is a truly global conspiracy.

Nice job, @anouk.nox.


Thanks for your comment, I know it is just a little part of the big plan of total control. I was shocked when I found out last year that farmers that may think they don't spray the shit the government wants you to spray, sometimes get sued. They just spray it through the air, and the wind blows it to the other farms, and then the products contain their product, so this government ruled company will start a law suit because they sell products without paying them. Pretty sick and I wonder how many farmers will be able to stay biological with their products.. I actually don't have a tv since we moved to Hungary, and I download what I like to watch, for the rest I can do without those mind controlled tv shows with the endless commercials in the breaks. I am glad to find many people that aren't sleeping anymore when it comes to these topics, because before joining steemit, most people would look at me like I lost my mind. Yeah sure, spraying stuff in the air, uhu. Well yes, just open your eyes and use common sense when you look and observe the clouds and sky.. It's obvious to me, but before no one ever told me about it, so I didn't catch it yet.. But people tend to act like you're talking about something that can't be actually true. I will have a look at your posts too, as I don't know if I ever saw any! Have a good evening (or day depending on your time zone lol)

My pleasure, @anouk.nox. Hungary, eh? I actually know someone from there. You're virtually in the last bastion of European civilization, there. Your leader is much admired in Canada and the USA. I think some of what you're referring to may be related to Monsanto. They also have seeds that don't reproduce. Total GMO b.s. (look up seed-washers)It wiped out generations of farmers and helped create the corporate farming industry in the USA, and likely much of CAN.

There're lots of people awake here in our countries but most are rightly scared to shit about saying anything. There is a very tight grip on the truth. It's way past 1984. They're pushing us towards war - and if they can't start one with a fictional enemy in some far-away country, they're more than happy to have us fight ourselves. Very sad.

It was good meeting you on here and I'll definitely watch for more of your intelligent, well-written work. Cheers!

Yes I mean Monsanto related things :) Evilness.. I must admit that I do not know much about the leader here in Hungary yet. We have moved here in only weeks after my boyfriend applied for a job and since then we have been living in a few places because we could not get our own place yet. We have just been settled ..

I understand that most people are scared, I don't know if you read my post about my passport most likely being rejected by the Dutch government ? Because of a debt that shouldnt have been a debt, and because we lost everything because that same municipal did not pay us 6 months , is now trying to take away my identification as mine will expire in weeks..

This municipal has been horrific for us living in Holland, and we would have never climbed back on our own feet again if we had stayed there.. But now they want to ruin everything again.. Actually had a bad gut feeling going to the embassy , but what choice do you have while your id card is expiring, right?

Good meeting you too, have a good day!

I haven't yet, but I will. Very sorry to hear about your traveling difficulties. I'll comment after I read that post.

Take your time ;) have a good weekend!

Sorry for the delayed response - hope you had a great Easter weekend, despite your circumstances. I read quite a bit of your post and it was very sad, indeed. I can appreciate your situation, but have limited time on this platform. You seem to have some very kind and generous supporters that can help you more with the immediate issues. I am happy to resteem your content for you. I hope this small amount of support will help. To be honest, you're a good writer and I look forward to future posts similar to the geoengineering article.

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