The Normalization of Geoengineering

in #geoengineering7 years ago

I had the great opportunity earlier this week to sit down and discuss chemtrails with my friend @inthenow on his new show, The Controversy Cafe. I encourage you to follow him, he has a wealth of information on this and a plethora of other relevant topics. He’s also a great person to talk to. He was genuine and fun...I had a great time even though I was nervous!

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We touched on many topics, including the Normalization of Geoengineering. More and more often I am finding current discussions about Geoengineering where whatever expert is leading the discussion uses a flippant demeanor, as if of course this is happening and aren’t you a silly little goose! for making such a big deal out of it! My current favorite is this clip of Dr Michio Kaku explain how we have been doing this for decades:

In the video above, Dr. Kaku lays out the HAARP program and its use of trillion watt lasers to heat up the atmosphere at high altitude in order to control the weather. He appears to relish in the established science being utilized, full of pride that physicists are disrupting natural weather patterns so we can have a picnic or go to a ball game without worrying about rain ruining our plans. He explains the basic science behind creating or stopping rain and how these lasers can induce lightning strikes. Sounds like a weapon any large military can’t live without.

This conversation happened on CBS This Morning with Charlie Rose and Norah O'Donnell. I find Norah O’Donnell needing to remind Dr. Kaku to interject ‘allegedly’ into his explanation fascinating. The demeanor of everyone on camera as Dr Kaku casually explains how the U.S. government has used weather modification as a weapon for decades, first against the North Vietnamese during the Vietnam war. The normalization of Geoengineering has begun.

No Big Deal Then, Right?

Further, in an episode of Seeker entitled ”What Are Airplane Chemtrails, Really?’, the host explains that Chemtrails are simply ‘condensation due to low temperature and high humidity’. His tone is ripe with mockery and contempt as he explains away any concerns one might have about what is being spewed over our heads. Even his shirt is condescending! My favorite part, however, is how he dismissively lists the contents that he believes make up chemtrails. Check it:

2018-01-05 at 02-33-34.png

Water vapor
Nitrous oxides
Carbon Monoxide
Metal Flakes


Hold Up

Let’s pretend for a second that was real hard science right there, friends. That that little list was all that was ever what made up Chemtrails. That that dude right there had done his full, due diligence and research and KNEW that was all that was in the streaks marring our skies.

What kind of metal flakes for crying out loud? What does any/all of it DO to our atmosphere? How does it break down? What does it change into as it changes? What is left over? What settles onto the earth we inhabit; into the air we breathe, what flutters down onto our children's outstretched hands?

This ‘explanation’ is another way of attempting to normalize the idea that flinging foreign substances into our atmosphere is really no big deal and we should really stop worrying our pretty little heads about such inconsequential dealings! They aren’t for you to fuss about, Karen!

The bottom line is this; I believe it is unconscionable to experiment on a planetary scale. The permission to do so would be impossible to obtain and madness to grant. The assertion that no one is building weapons from these ‘experiments’ can only mean one thing; of course they are.

Take care out there. Look UP and ALWAYS ask more questions.



Hi Beth, I was a part of a group one time that tried to take real grassroots action,. We were willing to pay for all of the equipment needed for the Sheriff to go up in a plane and take measurements and samples of this crap that they are dumping on us! Believe it or not the Sheriff has the power to investigate everything above his county and everything below his County, he has absolute power! Even after reporting this as a crime he still would not do it!

If we could find somebody that has a constitutional Sheriff in their town we could crowd fund the investigation with our steem power!

Dude. A) what the HELL, wouldn't DO it?!? I had no idea that was even possible and then I had no idea the sheriff could just say 'no'. 2) :googling 'constitutional Sheriff':

Pretty much anything that doesn't occur naturally in the air is pollution, it was not meant to be there. I don't get how "scientists" believe adding chemicals, metals, gasses, or whatever is a good idea.

The flawed premise is to create a reflective haze in order to increase the albedo effect. This reflection of natural sunlight would then help reduce global warming. Friggin crazy

This and so many other issues plague us. However, if you need to travel a long distance possibly over sea's, are you going to fly or use water transport.
If any of us fly it is wrong to complain about chem-trails while we contribute to them. Personally I do not know the break down of what is involved in the trails, But I do believe fuel or burnt fuel would be a key ingredient, how that breaks down and fall to earth where and when. I have no clue how to answer. My under standing is Aeroplane fuel and car fuel are somewhat different in their make up. That same thing happens at ground level. we do not see it so much as we are in it.

The question I have with everything, is , Yes we know the problems, Dr Kaku or others, But all those who bring these problems to the surface rarely have an underlying solution. And if that solution does fall to the eyes of someone who has the power to make a difference, more often a blind eye is turned. Not turning a blind eye will result possibly in a loss to the one who can make a difference.

I guess I am trying to say , we need some direction on solutions as well as highlighting the issue.

hey @brayias! I completely agree, my friend. My goal here is first to research and then figure out what can be done to change the situation. Also, not all planes leave the same trails...however it's ALL too much to put in our atmosphere and far too understudied to be considered not a threat. Keep checking me out, I'm only getting started on this topic!!

When you have done your research, and confuzzled your brain, got it straight agian and have a clear thought to mind. Come back to me. I might already be ahead of you, or you will advance my thought. I say this over and over again, No one comes with a solution, and thus I sit by not knowing where to take mine. Or I should say, unknowing how to get the beginnings.

They install tanks on special plains then spray it out on purpose. .. Corporations and governments do this .. It falls on the public to stop it.

hey @jamesc, that's the same conclusion I keep coming to... it's up to US to stop this from continuing. I hope I can help educate enough souls so that we can come together and finally force them to stop raining poison upon us unchecked and unaccounted for.

we are still at the this is a problem stage, I am looking to move forward from that onward to solutions that can work and with time in existence become stronger and do more. then reducing the power or control hidden agenda's hold.

This is a hot topic for me. I have been into the "conspiracy theory" for quite some time. I love it when I point them out to family and they are like 'eh'. I mean love in a morbid way. It is crazy that you can see 2 planes, same path height etc, but only one will leave lasting spreading cloud, followed by more like it that create grid patterns that eventually block out the sky. I say ' yup they are spraying today' far too often here in Arizona. I just would like results in SHUTTING IT DOWN. If it is considered military operations involving weather well, aint that a blatant act of war when prayed over civilians let alone a actual enemy? I dig the article, will follow. RESPECT

I hate to say I understand the need/desire to plant ones head firmly in the ground and ignore what's going on, sometimes it can get overwhelming. However. Don't make it a permanent solution, you know? Ignoring things don't make them go away! Thanks for the props, appreciate it! xo

I was getting paid out by a mate yesterday about there being NO trails in the sky. I laughed at him and said, that just proves it mate. Do you think they grounded all the flights? He just looked at me dumbly and then made some crap up about it being the wrong weather conditions. I told him about 7 pm there would be an east/west west/east flyover that would leave trails across the sky. Sure enough, by 8pm I was able to point out 9 or 10 distinct trails across the sky and a plane laying a new one in the pattern. He still does not believe anything is going on...

hahahaha, that's hilarious! well... some of it is hilarious... you know what I mean. ;)

Watching the sky with a pair of Polaroid sunglasses will give a whole different view of things. The trails and their vapours become a whole lot more obvious as does the constant haze.

oh, like the ones you use to watch a solar eclipse?

Like the ones fishermen wear. Polaroid is actually a brand, polarised is actually the correct name I suppose. A bit like Kleenex being synonymis with tissues. Any brand name and many crappy sunglasses are polarised and the effect is to reduce glare and increase contrast.

In order for planes to fly, they have to modify air pressure. When air pressure drops suddenly, water turns from gas to vapor. It's really cold up there so it freezes and remains as a trail.

If you fully understand the physics behind flight, then you will understand the vapor trails.

If governments are so sophisticated that they can modify weather, wouldn't they makes these trails less visible?

Kaku is just saying that if you heat up the water vapor with a laser, it can't condense into clouds over a local area.

If you don't believe this, get a syringe and half fill it with water. Remove the air and put your finger over the end. Pull back the plunger to create a vacuum. You will notice water vapor. That's basically what the wings are doing as they pass through the air.

Do you think I work for the government?

Kaku says the military uses weather modification to wage war.
Also fun science experiment!

Oh, for sure, I can see all those tanks vulnerable to precipitation exploding now.


"What private?"


"Enemy AP?!"



*explosion onomatopoeia"

As much as I hate looking at that guy, hes right. haha.

lol, which one?


bethalea!! Thank you, your Post.

Nothing to see here...DSC_0008.jpg

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