Serious or Just All Talk

in #socialeconomics7 years ago


Please read the following in a positive manner. In every discussion there can be criticism, what we have to try do in my humblest keep it simple mind is react in a positive way to any criticism and overcome the argument in that part of a debate.

I see much talk about the non equal system people from many areas of the world reveal to a wider audience then was seen before. The unfairness and downright social crime involved sometimes would make a heart cry. To dwell on one unfairness over another and give any a validity over another I feel defeats the purpose.

The hardest question to answer is. How do we stop this from continuing reverse the trend and keep it improving?
The biggest obstacle I see is mentality. people not willing to put in unless there is a reward to personal value, a remuneration for their efforts. on a sub context here, if there was more equality from your investment which gave no direct remuneration returned. This would create an environment where more are in need of less and thus leave more available to you in future times. Also if you are a business person store owner, you now have more people with the ability to purchase from you.

My personal view is at this time of tech advancement, blockchain usage, ability for a non bias international community. The things we could achieve are still beyond out vision. But people are starting to dream, and reach each other through networks such as . The possibilities I can see right now.

  1. A reduction in the basic costs of living.
  2. Improved services from thrash removal to medical facilities.
  3. Reduce the effects we have on the planet and begin to have a more positive impact going forward.
  4. Reverse the global warming effect. I do believe this is possible and 1 or more solution is dismissed for reasons of it will only have a drop in the ocean effect on the whole thing. I would like to pose a question here, and ask, How many drops would it take to reduce the level of the ocean and reduce the flooding we see from sea flooding?
  5. I would like to buy up some of the Sahara or other desert and Turn it green again.

I believe all the above and more can be incorporated into a social economics environment. In doing so they would all possess the ability for higher performance. Medical and me turning the Sahara green, would probably be the last in this list as the costs are better used initially to provide for the medical ideals. All the above are integrated where profits from one go to further generation of social needs and expansion within social needs.

I imagine everyone or many if any that will read this will look at it in the cost of billions, where in fact the cost would not have to be so high. Establishing a minimal capital to begin with or an amount available would enable a time frame estimates and returns to be calculated. along with a progressive probability for a requested time frame.

If this post gets some interest on comment, I will do an update blog and expand where persons felt a need to. I will also answer any questions posed to me which I feel are asking of my opinion. Maybe also a further blog of the breakdown I see on how this can be funded, and the different scales of funding projections.

P.S number 5 is just something I would like to see done and not something I feel should be done from social economic fund.

Thank you for taking the time to read this Blog. Please follow and upvote, resteem if you can, we might just manage to raise funding to begin this adventure.


The change starts from the youth, the children are the future, a good education is needed that provides them something that has been lost: "values". Today many people have lost the will to do things for others without receiving anything in return, this has become a pitched battle where all face each other and defend their interests.

This proposal is very good, it is time to break with the social inequality that increases every day. It only remains to work and work until reaching this goal, after all the technology and resources exist ... only missing extra hands to start work.

I believe the change starts with all of us, the changes made today become the standard of tomorrow. Take for example yourself and I, we both see a change is needed, and we can agree on where many of those changes are needed. we will like you have said have differences on some things because of our personal requirements and wants. However on the majority of issues that would arrive during a debate we would agree changes are needed, but maybe not on what that change would be. Where we compromise there, to get the best from both and sacrifice the things we are just been nit picky about, Progress is made. and things go forward.
It becomes what you and I do or do not do today. These things determine the outcome of tomorrow.
on a personal level I would really like to see the beginnings at least of a social economics fund. Obviously rewarding those who began the fund, But unlike with the Crypto's , I do not believe a % of gains should go to original investors, But lean more toward the side of capping the investment returns, to a payout each year with a max of equal to an investment. so a person who invested 100 will get a max return of 100 each year for their original investment. Although the rewards do not seem great in comparison to the profits people make from trading, This program enriches everyone by reducing living costs. and some passive income to those who originally got involved

Maybe I'm just a dreamer... .....

Okay, it happens that a large part of the population has been inflated by the phenomenon of consumerism, if a new electronic device comes out we run to the store to buy it. Although it sounds silly this factor is fundamental to solve social equality. Since many will not reduce their income to stop buying the "new" and contribute to the ecualitarianism.

It is necessary to implement educational policies, so young people will be the promoters of change. For our part, adults need to reinforce positive behaviors that encourage children to contribute to society and help others at home.

In my town there is a saying that says: "Old parrot does not learn to talk".

There are people who do not understand the message (I have a personal experience) and are unlikely to support egalitarian initiatives for their interests, but the important thing is to gather people who are clear and out of this yoke.

Children can be the beginning or the end of an era. They are the new generation, and this responsibility remains in our hands.

I do not disagree with your points, But I also do not believe we should place a burden on those to come to be the difference. Everything you say is true and that can only happen over generations, not within one. The problem with waiting is new obstacles get placed in the way, Like above said consumerism. But the underlying structure thrives on providing more of the same, with an update.

As a population. we should be placing the foundation and basic structure for the thing we want the next generation to implement. Waiting is never a solution.

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