Geoengineering : The Double Standard

in #geoengineering7 years ago

When I open my eyes in the morning, I can look up and out my bedroom window to the sky above. I love this little peek at the day, when I have a moment think about what the day will bring. Being in Los Angeles, the sky is often bright blue and clear.

This morning, as I woke, I saw haze. Not the natural kind, of course, but that haze that comes from chemtrails being spread overhead. I pointed them out to my husband who was already up and we had an interesting conversation.


Flip it. Flip it for Real.

Let's go about this from the other point of view. Let's say that these trails are nothing more than condensation, that I'm making a big deal out of nothing. I have no problem doing that, I question myself more than anyone else ever could, so it's not a difficult stretch for me.

You with me? Good. So they're not aluminum, not chemicals that will numb our minds or affect our health. Just the 'natural', regular stuff that comes out the tail pipe of an airplane. According to this article;

"... composed primarily of water, in the form of ice crystals. The combination of water vapor in aircraft engine exhaust and the low ambient temperatures... allows the formation of the trails. Impurities in the engine exhaust from the fuel, including sulfur compounds...provide some of the particles that can serve as sites for water droplet growth..."


Keep Calm and Carry On

If I read this correctly, I'm not supposed to worry! It's only a teensy tiny bit of sulfur and some other things not specified, but truly nothing to see here, nothing to worry about. Which is fine, you know if you've read some of my other posts that I'd kinda really like to brush all this under the rug and not worry about it any more.

Here's my question; since the government hyper-regulates the exhaust coming from my car the way they do, why aren't they doing the same for airplanes? In Los Angeles, where I live, you can't have a car muffler that is too loud, and the exhaust being released is highly regulated.

Why the double standard? If my car was releasing exhaust the way these airplanes are, I'd be pulled over, cited, and my car would be impounded. If there's nothing secret or incendiary being exhausted by these planes, why aren't they being held to the same standards as my car?


A little food for thought on a Saturday morning. Next week, I'll be going in-depth to answer the question, "What Is In Chemtrails?" It's quite a big post already so I may be breaking it down into parts. Thanks for staying on this journey with me; as always, I look forward to discussing in the comments!

Stay Awake!

Just Beth.jpg


You’re the best!! Keep doing what you’re doing. Create dialogue, make people think by showing both sides and stay persistent.
I’m with you!!! : )

hey @tinylayla!! thank you so much, we have to stick together!

Hi bethalea,ive been saying for along time,who makes sure planes emissions dont harm life on the planet.To be honest i dont think they give a dam.Great posts beth

Hey, thanks for reading... right? I don't know what the emission standards are for airplanes, however if my car made trails that hung out all day and spread, I'm pretty sure they wouldn't let me drive it anymore!

Lol very true.It just amazes most people dont see it or even care.I ve spoken to some friends and family about the chemtrails and they acknowledge them but say something like "dont worry about it,nothing you can do anyway".We do live in strange times.1984 springs to mind.Good stuff tho @bethalea

El ruido y la contaminación acústica creo que es el mayor problema de los aviones, vivo cerca de un aeropuerto y por lo que he investigado la contaminacion sonica, Los condicionantes psico-sociales son más difíciles de gestionar que la huella acústica, lindo post saludos

¡Guau, Freddy, no había pensado en eso! ¡Gracias por mencionar un gran punto!

what happens is that the planes are of the big corporations, there they are understood, now the ordinary citizen gives us up with his foot

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