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RE: [The Infamy Series] Let's talk about geoengineering and health issues

in #geoengineering6 years ago

Hi! even if that is the case, that the coughing is not caused by whatever is in the sky.. then it's still defo not a normal sets of clouds. Far from it even so. And yes I know the law of attraction, but this is not how that works.. because the situation is not like this: Boyfriend looks in the sky en believes in chemtrails and he feels the trails will harm him physically . With the LOA you believe in it BEFORE it's happening. Before the coughing we weren't thinking about having a bad cough! Why would we? It's 25 degrees here and summer time..

We know more about the believing in something and making it happen than you think, done lots of reading about these things too, not only on chemtrails :)
And booked plenty of success too with that believing it's already there, and feeling it...
So no need to convince me of that..

But if you believe this is a normal sets of clouds, then it's really time to do some of your own research before you are jumpin to conclusions and waving it of as maybe he believes so much in it, that it's happening. Because you would be actually have to feel that feeling before it's true, and knowing it is...It takes time and effort to accomplish things trough those ways of thinking (of life when you master this really good)

If this is your normal sky view (so not that one in the park!) then you might think it's a normal set of clouds yes.. but it's not.. pay attention and actually observe first.. Not just because you don't see anything weird above your head, saying this is normal to me. There's even a contest here every month look for dailydose ... and see how many others post pictures of this..

Have a good day!


Hey thanks for your informative reply, although you seem a little bit offended, that was not my intention! I am actually just trying to understand what chemtrails are how they are created and how other people think about them. Therefore I am trying to create a rational solution and the easiest would, of course, be the law of attraction. Furthermore, I see that you know much about this law, can you link me some Source because I am highly interested in that topic too. Or maybe you want to create a blog post about this law ;) I would definitely read, upvote and esteem it!!!
I am sorry to still tell you that I still not really believe in chemtrails. When I look outside now, all I can see is crystal clear blue sky some contrails and some cumulus clouds far away, so I don't really know what to watch out.
Anyways, thanks for answering me!
Have a nice day!

I will reply short only because I still feel not 100% after a few days being ill.. and I am here on Steemit only to post what I can produce today .. so I will get back to you later on that.. have a good sunday!
ps it may seem that I was offended but it's more likely that I chose the wrong words because I was not feeling well that day.. so wanted to say that I'm not ;)

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