Another Creative Application On The STEEM Blockchain!!!

in #general6 years ago (edited)

It is a really simple concept, or so I thought.

The STEEM blockchain has a content/reward system that is designed to change the face of social media. It is now possible to earn money for doing what people normally do for free (and make others wealthy). People who produce text, video, and audio now have the opportunity to use applications such as Steemit, D.Tube, and dsound to monetize their content.

This is the essence of the STEEM blockchain.

Or is it?

I though it rather simple; someone creates a post, others upvote it, perhaps place a comment, and a week later people are paid. Authors and commentors alike share in the rewards.

This concept applied until the creativity of Steemians started to appear. Now, what was a simple concept in my mind turned into something that people can use for a lot more than I thought.


We now have crowdfunding on the STEEM blockchain. People now have the ability to put up projects and have other Steemians contribute. Using the same reward system, hearts are given out which earn payments. Presently, people are able to get STEEM but the project is going to launch its own token when the SMT protocol is released.

Check out this article to see the impact of that technology on this blockchain....

What is really fascinating about this project is that it shows how so many Steemians are determined to change humanity. We are all tired of the bankster instilled, scarcity system. The team is dedicated to help make the world a fairer place. This is one of the things that makes STEEM so powerful...the community it first rate.

They wrote a sensational post a little over a week ago which explains a great deal more about the project. I suggest that everyone give it a read along with visiting their site.

Another wonderful aspect to this is one can sign in using Steemconnect which is often an issue with newer applications added to the blockchain.

Here is their website which is operational.

For those interested in learning more about the project, here is their purple paper...

In my brief viewing of the site, this seems like a sensational way for Steemians to help out other Steemians.

It is also an example of how blockchain is upending many of the traditional models. For crowdfunding, we now have a means that is less costly while utilizing STEEM.

The fun is only beginning.

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steem will change the world

But the whales! The whales ruin everything!!! EEEKKKK!!11

Hmmm yeah now that that's out of my system this project sounds very similar to one that I previously dreamed up. You'd basically be able to start a project that you'd never be able to finish by yourself and put up bounties so that other people would have incentive to help you.

You know what... this project might be exactly that. Except instead of just for programmers and developers it could literally be for any project. Nice.

Seriously though it feels like projects like this are being announced every week while the rest of the world is blissfully unaware... even a huge chunk of the Steem community is unaware... it's nuts.

Yes there does. We have moved out of the hype period in the industryinto real world solutions which means that the amount of development is going to be amazing going forward. Not all projects will work out but the more in the pipeline, the more that we will be able to support.

Fundition is a great site/concept. We already have two campaigns running on it!

It's so wonderful to see the humanity that is showing it's beautiful face through the creation of these applications. is one such application; thank you so much for bringing it to our attention!

Seriously, and this is not just a healthy dose of brown-nosing :), but I really do count on you when it comes to this kind of post. You seem to always know what's new and happening here, and for that, I am very appreciative.

Go ahead...pat yourself on the back :) You deserve it my friend!

Thank you for the kind words. I am glad my writing helps to keep people aware and positive of what is going on. There is a lot to look forward to with STEEM.

I know it is tough at this time....our thoughts are with you.

You are most welcome! Thank you for yours :) I have to say, speaking of humanity, the outpouring of love and support from this community has been positively overwhelming. I know there's some negatives to this platform, but there really are a lot of amazing people here too.

Thank you again.

The negatives are starting to be overwhelmed on many different levels. Humanity is going through a different energetic shift which is causing the establishment to fight back in desperation. On STEEM, there are so many applications showing up that are going to enable people to truly change their financial lives that a lot of what we deal with today is not going to be least for those of us on here and active now.

I sure hope you're right!

Humanity is going through a different energetic shift which is causing the establishment to fight back in desperation.

You can really feel it, can't you? I am so glad to be here and active...can't wait to see what the future holds :)

Yes I can feel it @lynncoyle1.

It manifests itself physically...a variety of symptoms hit me on a daily basis....nevertheless, all par for the course.

Things are moving rapidly on so many levels. People think this is about blockchain and cryptocurrency...these are signs of a much deeper, esoteric movement that was promised for thousands of years.

As the continual shift takes place over the coming decades, people are going to realize how humanity is changing. Technology is a big piece of fact it is a characteristic of the age we are entering...which is abundance.

I've read your reply countless times and each time I do, I get a sense of calm but also excited in the pit of my stomach! That may sound weird haha but I really do trust your gut and your knowledge here.

By the way, I shared the post to ura-soul on this post of his, but he wondered if they weren't live yet or experiencing some technical difficulty because he couldn't get on. Just an fyi if you care to check it out.

Thank you again for everything! Cheers ;)

It makes total sense. There is a great calm that comes from knowing that abundance is coming and it is operating from many different levels. The forces that created the scarcity environment we operate in are powerful yet they hold nothing compared to what is coming. The energetic shift on this planet, which, again, was predicted for centuries, is cleaning out the old. Technology is probably the best indicator for us normal people to see. There are those who are really connected who can see it via mediation or simply through their advanced consciousness. Since I waffle between 3D and 4D realities, rarely ever advancing to 5D, I have to look at the movements in these realms.

And they are there.

As for the site, I was on there the other I dont know if it was shut down for updates or crashed. I will have to try and log in again.

When I first read about it, I wondered what I would put together to get crowdfunded and came up with nothing.

Then, a couple of the cryptopubbers started initiatives on there in the form of Crypto education/airdrops (!/@vanessav/kud5jeibl) and a collaborative music project (!/@sequentialvibe/g5az91p7s) I was able to flip a few steem their way and help em out.

What will the blockchain think of next?

What you just wrote Lynn made her feel so warm and brought tears. She has beeen ballimg since what @davemccoy did for us on his blog. She truly respects you and please stay in touch with her as she needs her friends and she thinks highly of you in that department

Thank you for that @briancourteau.

I cant imagine what you both are going through. It is tough to understand the impact we make upon others at times. We often believe that we operate and nobody is watching yet there are people. The question is what impact we make.

Our thoughts of love continue to head to both of you.

Thank you so much

This looks rad! I'm going to test this out for some projects once it's fully operational. Seems like they have a huge team and great vision for their product. I'm guessing the hearts are SMT based?

Either way this is a great idea for true crowdfunding, where the crowd funds the founder and no one loses. Plus the crowd actually gains here! Go crypto

Just another example of the great things that are going on with the STEEM blockchain.

The amount of creativity on here is truly incredible. We are going to see so much more going forward.

I read about this when it was presented as another project. I am pretty interested in this has to do with crowdfunding and can be used for charities that I care about.

Again I see Mav in the places of importance... I love to see you thinking about charities and helping other people! Keep it up @maverickinvictus :)

Pretty cool! Maybe you could expand with a future post on how to use this platform to support a cool project with screenshots. I would love to see how it works but don't have much time to read through their website. I supported these guys on a mainstream crowdfunding platform and they are now a reality, pretty cool mesh networking radios.

You do a good job friend greetings blessings for you

Yes exactly steem block chain has the content to change the face of social media. Yeah to me its just posting and commenting and getting upvote. Well the new concept is good one . Yeah let the fun come more

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