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RE: Non Binary Kids

in #gender8 years ago

well I guess I see it as people are pushing this problem onto little kids and the numbers show that this is happening because of the teaching of this lies. the number of kids under 5 trying to pull their dick off has skyrocketed recently and it just happens to be in the areas where they are teaching this dribble to little kids.
So I guess we both want the same outcome but have different ideas on why this is happening. I see it as this gender crap is the cause of it because this problem is groing at an incredible rate sence we brought this crap into action recently. you seeit as trying to fix the problem that it created. its ok we disagree and it isn't a big deal because we both want the best for the kids.
If teaching or trying to teach this stuff to little kids is causing them to try to do this destructive stuff at incressing numbers that would have been unheard of 3 years ago is not a reason to stop this then how is increasing this program that's making kids pull off their penis going to fix the problem?
You come off to me as someone that can admit their is a problem but will not look at the one thing everyone is point at as the cause of it. we are all yelling this is when it started and this is what is causing it, then people on the other side say no, don't yo want to help the kids. the stuff that is doing this is there to help them.
Its the problem and until you come to grips with the fact that your soulution is the problem and the reason for all of this, it will only continue and get worse. drug addicts do the same thing.
They claim they are sick because they ran out of drugs. we tell them the drugs are the problem. they then get all emo and say you just don't understand. cycle continues and gets worse.
Pushing the cause of the problem as the solution is horrible imo.
We both are ony caring about the kids in the end even if we both have different opinions on what should be done or not done at all.


It seems you are not understanding some of what I am trying to tell you so I am going to put it simply for you. This didn't start when you think it did. We were infiltrated and anyone talking sense, defending free speech, was isolated from trans groups online. What you are seeing is a campaign, and some people who may be trans or think they are may be involved, but that's not who's mostly behind the campaign.

Nobody was going into schools talking to them about gender, issues of gender in the context of trans were being discussed amongst ourselves, some people jumped in and said that they had a solution and from then on everyone who opposed was an oppresor and marginalized because feminism and patriachy.

This is bigger than whatever left vs right mentality some may be trying to fight, this is a crime against humanity, what is being done to men and women, but specially men.

You think you know what's going on, and it's nice to know what you see moves you enough to act, it gives me a little hope, but if you really knew what was going on you'd be shitting yourself.

You wanna know what the biggest shocker was for me on the so called journey? Realizing how distracted all of us are, how much stuff we all miss, how we can easily go on automatic and not see what is happening right before our eyes. People just getting through life without looking to the sides. You'd be amazed how much people miss, how they will believe anything you tell them if you only do it right.

@@ -1,419 +1,1016 @@
-It seems you are not understanding some of what I am trying to tell you so I am going to put it simply for you. This didn't start when you think it did. We were infiltrated and anyone talking sense, defending free speech, was isolated from trans groups online. What you are seeing is a campaign, and some people who may be trans or think they are may be involved, but that's not who's mostly behind the campaign.
+you have anther reply you sent me I still have to respond to. I will get to it soon. %0A%0AI think you want to believe I don't understand you. I am not saying trans is a new thing or that this push is only recent. I have grown up with trans people in my family and around a lot of gay people in my family and non intermediate family. I feel it is stupid that you assume I am disconnected from the world and really wish you didn't just put me in a situation where I have to validate my opinion by stating things about my family as to show that I am not disconnected with what is going on.%0A%0A%3EWhat you are seeing is a campaign, and some people who may be trans or think they are may be involved, but that's not who's mostly behind the campaign.%0A%0AI agree and would also like to add that this movement is corrupted and most, not all of the trans people I know or have grown up around think this movement is bullshit. I personally believe it is detrimental to the people that are really having to deal with being trans.
@@ -1306,16 +1306,281 @@
+And that is the problem. The problem is not that people didn't come to school and teach the whole class of kindergarteners and preschoolers about gender and sex its this idea that if you disagree with a group you become an oppressor and are part of the problem. %0A%0A%3E
This is
@@ -1742,19 +1742,169 @@
lly men.
+%0A%0AI hate the idea of the left right bullcrap. I do not like it when people try to group or categorize people. we are all individules not a group imo.
You thin
@@ -2086,19 +2086,601 @@
+%0A%0Amaybe I have a good idea and is why I speak out so much about it. I get I don't know everything and am still learning but o keep trying to say I don't really know whats going on to invalidate my perspective is not an argument. again I really dislike the way you put me in situations where I have to defend the right to have a valid opinion. It is a huge down fall of how you are coming at me. I don't sit around and say you don't know whats really going on or if you really had an idea of what its like. you have no idea about how I think or what my life has been and vice versa.
You wann
@@ -3073,8 +3073,2010 @@
t right.
+%0A%0AI do realize it and it is a big thing im trying to point out. I am constantly having to stop and think about things because I find myself going on automatic. part of the reason I take so long to respond to you. %0A%0A%3EYou'd be amazed how much people miss, how they will believe anything you tell them if you only do it right.%0A%0AYeah like the fact that brain washing kids into think gender matters and blah blah blah is bad and maybe im not saying it the right way is the problem. because the people making and creating this problem and pushing to make it worse sure have found the right way to tell everyone. they use emotion to get people to break down their walls. facts and logic are getting thrown out the door and it is why we have people pushing to teach more preschoolers about this crap when it is the problem. we watch the numbers increase dramaticly at a crazy pace yet no one will accept that what they are doing to fix the problem is only making it worse. Just watch and see as the numbers keep increasing as people keep trying to push the same ideas as a solution when their solution is what is making the numbers increase. %0AIm actually getting sick of talking about it because the amount of lies andfake studies and propaganda that is getting pushed at me but when I present actual facts and stuff its thrown out the door becase it doesn't follow along with the narrative. they then move on to the next thing they try to get a gatcha moment out of. as long as people keep pushing this ideas of feelings over facts, logic,science, and reason then things are only going to continue to get orse and gender is just one part of this whole narrative. they are trying to seprate us into any catagorie they can, sex, race, gender, religeion its all the same bullshit. believe the other side is wrong no matter what is said and not care about the facts and use reason, no go pure emotional and ignoe reality.%0A:/%0Asry bout the rant.%0Aill try to get to the other reply you send me yesterday evening soon.

I really dislike the way you put me in situations where I have to defend the right to have a valid opinion

This! This is exactly why I did it. So that you know why some of those kids go so crazy when they feel like they have to tell you about their personal lives just to make a point that they know what they are talking about when they speak of their desires, about the way they see the world.

I'm not telling you to play along and tell them they are right, I am telling you that if you want them to listen, calling them names is not going to help.

Movements are not necessarily about agreeing about solutions or about what the problems are. The only thing necessary for a movement to form is for people to come together thinking they have an issue in common that can't be tackled individually.

this idea that if you disagree with a group you become an oppressor and are part of the problem

Some trans people may hold this idea but this is not an idea created by trans people and I think it is dangerous to foster its association to us. This idea I see more prevalent in feminism but is not even exclusive to feminism. You can see this idea in a lot of places, some cults are very famous for using these tactics to keep a following. It is the same idea that drives prople to believe all speaking against Hillary are supporting Trump.

This is the idea I am trying to bring awareness to, because it is what in my opinion is causing most problems. But people thinking that I hold this idea because I am trans have an agenda and disregarding what I have to say makes my work a lot more difficult.

Your are not disagreeing with groups, you are disagreeing with actions born of ideas.

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