Amazonite a communication gemstonesteemCreated with Sketch.

in #gemstones7 years ago

Amazonite is a beautiful blue green stone that is usually seen with white streaks running through it. The green color comes from copper that infuses as the crystals are forming. If you take some time to do some research on Amazonite, you'll find there is not a lot of information to be found about this crystal. This could be because it has only recently become well known in the New Age/Metaphysical/magical communities.

Contrary to what many people think, amazonite does not come from the Amazon. It is actually found right here in the good old USA and in Madagascar and parts of Russia too.

Amazonite's metaphysical Properties includes its ability to create a feeling of power within you. It is almost like you can feel the power of the Amazon running through this crystal. It inspires truth, sincerity, honor, self-love, courage, communication, eloquence, integrity, trust, clairvoyance, clarity, prophecy and openness. Hold a piece to your third eye (middle of forehead) to unlock psychic vision.

Amazonite helps one to analyze and sort out information and combines this process with intuitive wisdom. It helps you to manifest and retain the pure energy of Universal Love. It is a Spiritual Gem stone of Faith and Self-discovery. Too often we tend to use our thinking mind's reasoning abilities to try to rationalize thoughts and images we receive, rather than letting our intuitive selves show us the meanings. It brings you closer to the Spirit that works within you and allows you to trust and act upon those intuitive flashes.

Often, when our faith lags, we tend to get aggravated at ourselves and others around us. This can range from simple aggravation to somewhat self-destructive behavior. Amazonite's energies can restore our faith, gives us the self-confidence we need to make those tough life decisions and still be able to show compassion to others.

Amazonite is very soothing and calming. It accomplishes this by dispelling negative energy and allowing us to let go of sadness and grief. It is very calming on both the brain and the nervous system. Amazonite has a nice schiller affect. As light bounces around on the internal planes of the crystal formation, it creates an almost iridescent shine from within the crystal.

Amazonite makes the perfect gemstone to give to someone with anger issues. It helps to eliminate the aggravation that often causes anger within people. It's energies also have the amazing ability of helping you let go of the old stagnant parts of your life that are holding you back, allowing you to move on and become all that you were meant to be.

Add in Amazonite's ability to boost self-love and it allows you to cleanse your spirit of the negative issues that have been holding you back. No more will you sit to the side while the world passes you by. Amazonite allows you to spread your wings and fly, soaring to the heights you were made to fly to.

Amazonite's energies make it a good gemstone for those that are dieting as it helps regulate the metabolism and can flip the switch on a sluggish metabolism and jump start the fat burning process. It is a good stone for any woman to have around as it helps to relieve cramps during the monthly gift and also helps to ensure a smooth pregnancy, both in getting pregnant and through the entire 9 months and delivery.

Facing a tough decision? Hold an amazonite and it will help you make the right decision that is perfect for you.
If you find yourself in a situation where you are surrounded by chaotic energies and you are left feeling out of balance, almost in pain from your chakras being so far out of balance, use an amazonite stone laid on each of the 7 chakras for 3 to 5 minutes to allow the stone to regulate each chakra and bring peace back into your life.

Vibrates to the number 5
Astrological Signs of Virgo and Aquarius
Planet: Uranus
Chakra: Throat Chakra

Amazonite Technical Details

Chemical Composition - KAlSi3O8

Hardness - 6 to 6.5

Specific Gravity - 2.56-2.57

Refractive Index (R.I.) - 1.53

Bi-refringence - weak maximum birefringence of 0.008 seen on {001} sections

Optic Sign -

Optical Character -

Class: tektosilicate

Crystal system: triclinic; bar
Crystal habit: as anhedral to euhedral crystals or massive, lattice (perthitic) intergrowth with albite is usually present, also rarely in a cuneiform interpenetrating pattern with quartz known as graphic granite

Twinning: twinned according to the albite twin law with {010} the twin plane, and the pericline twin law with b the twin axis. Carlsbad twins also occur, but baveno and manebach twins are rare.

Color: various shades of green to blue-green

Luster: vitreous

Transparency: opaque to translucent, rarely transparent

Cleavage: characteristic cleavages are {001} perfect and {010} distinct intersecting at approximately ninety degrees
Fracture: conchoidal


This information is a reprint of my website which was removed from the internet some time ago.

My work was copied on thousands of websites and 10’s of thousands of Ebay auctions. All without my permission. At one point I had to hire a person to do nothing but contact plagiarizers. Because it was a reference only site, over the past 3 years earnings from Google dropped to less than $200 a year. The site could no longer support itself, so I removed it.

I still want this information available to all who need it, so I am bringing it to Steemit. All images are mine or were donated to me by friends.


Great info-post. See Lithotherapy my blogline. I have found myself working with crystals and gems a great deal. From fossiking and mining through to searching out stones for Reiki practioners to carrying and using myself. I have no aspects in astrology of earth, except mid-points and house cusps. No actual planetary aspects. But I've seen the Stonehenge shine and heard their song from halfway round the world as well as up close and personal. And they are not the only circle that still lights up. My favourite bracelet is a string of adventurine that I wear. Twenty two stones around my left wrist.
Right now, I'm contemplating on what to do with a three and half carat yellow sapphire that is not yet set in anything. It is not topaz but very similar in colour. My favourite shade of yellow-gold. Suggestions¿ IMG_20180409_080837-01.jpeg
Resteemed. Keep on keeping on.

Is it something you found or purchased. There are many fake stones available online. That is why I prefer raw or simply tumbled stones. I like to go to the gem mines here in the US and dig for them myself. I found a 6 ct purplish/blue sapphire several years ago and had it cabbed. It was appraised at $1200 back then, but because it was not the more popular blue shade, it never sold.

As for healing and metaphysical properties, if it a real sapphire that has not been treated in any way, it will have all the energies of sapphire, plus yellow light ray.

I hope this helps!

This was found here, and faceted here. I rarely get overseas stones unless I need something like lapis lazuli or turquoise. Except for the couple of necklaces of amber, I've pretty much got collection of Australian stones. Amber I used to fossik in the North seashore of Suffolk when a child. You still can at Walberswick and Shingle Street.
The sapphire business I was in died when your astronauts be out back Moon crystals, and watchs became quartz in the late seventies. A Redhead matchbox full of chips was worth AU$400 in 76 and $4 in 77. Back then gold dust by weight was about the same as sapphire chips by weight. I remember digging a half a potato sack of gravel out of the rapids at the creek, and carrying it up to the verandah to wash by hand while having a beer sitting down comfortably rather than standing knee deep in mountain-cold water. I'd make two weeks wages in two days, and go to work hoeing tobacco during the week (some w/e, had to get out and water the baccy) where one might find a stone the size of one's thumb. If it had too many fault-lines it fell to chips when the smith tapped it, but if not, might sell after faceting for over a thousand $, or go for polishing and still bring in a weeks wage. Of course it would depend on difference between gov't assay office and local chinaman.😆 I Inc we found NBC d a ruby that could be faceted, but the chinaman's offer was at the time a great deal more than, say, keeping it for a gf. There is still gold to be found in you don't mind not finding any for the enjoyment of camping out. Commercially it can be nonprofit, but fossiking for self in hundred year old methods can often pay more wage than one expects. It's really attitude. Like gambling. If you need, you won't find, if you have fun and stay within economics, you'll profit. 😇

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