BTC 1st Stop Drop: $8620?

in #gems4 years ago (edited)

A Drop to $8620? Let's Wait and See~

20200624_164950 fun 3.png

The blue shadow line in the back is the predicted price of Bitcoin.
It is produced by the Fibonacci Method.
The red and white candles on top of the shadow are the real candles that are playing out.

What is the Fibonacci Method?

Fibonacci's numbers are a mathematical expression of natural occurrences and proportions. The Golden Ratio is found everywhere in nature and in architecture or art too.

Bitstamp 1hr USD

20200624_164904 fun 2.png

I sure hope no one was longing Bitcoin!
Getting into short position is best.
(This isn't financial advice!!)

2nd stop may be 5k.
Lets find out ...

Update 2, 7:36pm Korean time (6/24)

20200624_193611 update2.png

Playing out right on schedule.

Update 3, 11:26pm Korean time (6/24)

20200624_193611 update 3.png

Still playing out right...

Everything is mathematical.

Update 4, 10:55 am Korean time (6/25)

20200625_105431 june25 drop.png

Going sideways before the drop... it's only a matter of time before it drops DEEEEP.

20200625_105301 june25.png

My other charts say... $8664.65
Good Luck! (not financial advice. I just like to see if I can guess it right. It's kinda

Update 5, 딱 2:00 pm Korean time (6/25)

20200625_135749 update 5.png

These are Binance prices.

Look How Close the Charts Were!!!

my charts
20200628_085619 amazing.png

price on binance
20200628_143950 lookhowclose.png

My charts were off by $2.12 !!!!! Whoa~

not bad, not bad at all...
Just add $5 and you're good to go...

2nd drop: 8622

That's what I'm calling. Let's see how close I am...


We will see BTC on new highs in 2021. I don't think this year

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