The Phoenix academy-part 2

in #gedwriting7 years ago (edited)

If you have not yet read part one. Go ahead and click here.

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Everyone scattered around to find a partner. Girls squealed once they were together and guys high-fived.
In no hurry, she waited for the leftover kids to choose from. It didn’t take long for only one kid to be left partner less. It was Sammy Megaera. At first looks he didn’t look like a fighter. He was tall and scrawny, and wore glasses twice the size of his face but, he was great at stealth and dodging hits.

At first glance you would not have guessed that he and Zaia were twins, but there were small similarities. Like the crazy black curls and bright green eyes. She made her way over to him.
“I’m so sorry that you keep getting stuck with me” He immediately apologized.
“I would much rather be partners with you than anyone else in this room” She reassured him.
They took their starting poses, along with everyone else.
“Now listen up!” Everyone’s eyes locked on coach King. “In a real fight you won’t be fighting your friend. Each wrong move could be your last! The person standing in front of you. IS, YOUR, ENEMY. Now fight!”

Neveah and Sammy tune to face one another again.
“Good luck” they said simultaneously. Their staffs met and the fighting began. Each move perfectly flowed through her, almost like dancing. Sammy was no easy target, he perfectly dodged most of her moves, almost landing her on the floor a couple of times. Soon they were both out of breath but still standing. The sound of banging staffs filled the room while the coach strolled around the room. Stopping at each team for a few minutes, checking their posture and technique.

He repositioned some kids and examined others. Once he got to Neveah and Sammy he placed his one hand on her back and the other on her shoulder, pushing her to stand up straight. Her body felt weak and his hand felt as though it was burning through her skin.
“Stay straight” He said under his breath.
He then focused on Sammy “you’re doing really great Sammy. I’m very proud of you.”
“Thanks coach. I’ve been practicing.”
“It’s clear. Keep it up”
He then moved on to the next group leaving Neveah’s knees weak.
They went back to fighting and she tried her best to forget the imprints of his hands still on her back.

It didn’t take Sammy long to knock her down on the ground. She immediately got back up and attacked. Their fight quickly went back to normal once she got herself distracted with her movement. Before long the class was over. The bell pulled her out of her fighter mode and back into reality. They were both out of breath and sweating, like most of the class.
“Nice work everyone!” Coach announced while everyone began heading out.
She headed straight for the locker room, but was stopped when someone called out her name behind her. She turned to face Logan.
“What’s up?” She greeted him.
“Is everything ok with you and coach?”
“What do you mean?” She acted as though she had no clue what he was talking about.
“What were you guys talking about?”
“Oh, he heard my scream like I’m sure everyone in my section did.”
“Wait what?!” shock filled his eyes.
“Please don’t give me the concerned older brother speech. Please”
“Aren’t I aloud to care about you?”
“I dunno, do you?”
“What kind of question is that?”
“Don’t worry about it” She tuned to start walking again, but was stopped when he moved in in front of her.
“Look, just because we don’t always talk does not mean I don’t care about you. You could have at least told me the dreams were back.”
“Do I really need to keep the entire school up to date about my dreams?” She asked very annoyed “Why? So that everyone can psycho analyse me again?”
“I’m sorry. Was it about mom?”
“I’m not sure how you can call the woman who tried to kill us mom, but… yes”
He sighed. “You want to bunk with me tonight?” He ran his hand through his hair and a clear look of stress filled his face.
She suddenly felt guilty for causing him to stress. Her eyes dropped to the ground.
“No it’s ok”
“You sure?”
“Ok.” He tuned to start walking, but paused. “You know I love you right” It was totally out of his character to display any emotion towards his sister and it warmed her heart to know he did care deep down.
“I love you too” She smiled.

Once she was in the locker room, she headed straight for the showers.
The warm water ran down her back, calming her down and sending her into a mindless trance. She breathed in the steam and ran her hands over her soaking blond hair. The outside world vanished outside the shower door leaving just her, in a world of peace.

The rest of the day went by slowly as she sat through lecture after lecture. Instead of making notes she doodled on her pages hoping that none of the teachers were going to ask her any direct questions. In war history she nearly dosed off when Miss Raven -an elderly hippy lady who spent most of her time in the forest talking to squirrels and bird- called out her name.
“Neveah, dear. Do you know the answer?”

Blankley she stared at the board to try and get a clue of what was going on.
“Who was the Kingsley tribe?”
Luckily she knew who they were, since coach King was a Kingsley decedent. He has told her all about them.

“They were the first tribe that protected the spell casters. They were also the best tribe warriors in our history"
"Very good" she clapped her hands softly causing the bells on her bracelets to jingle.
"And did you know that we have a living descendants of the Kingsley tribe right here in this school"
"Yes" most of the class said simultaneously, half annoyed.
"Indeed" She cheered.
She spent the rest of the time talking about how amazing the Kingsley tribe was and all the amazing things they have done. Since Neveah knew almost everything about them she quickly drifted away again into her own mind where she spent most of her time. The time flew past, and before long another day of school had finished.

After school most of the kids hung out in the court yard. The only place where the Spell casters and warries could mix other than breakfast, lunch, and dinner. They didn't have any classes together during the day, so Neveah was just looking forward to seeing Zaia.

Oddly though Zaia was nowhere to be found. It was only then that she realised the group of kids growing lagers at the school entrance. Hoping that she might find Zaia there she jogged over the gathering.
"Neveah" Coach King pulled her arm to get her closer. "You shouldn't be here" He said franticly.
"What why…. what's going on?" Her heart began to race and her knees grew weak. She pulled herself free from his grip and began manoeuvring through the crowd.
"Neveah, wait!" He yelled after her, but she ignored him and pushed through.
Once she got to the front of the crowd she found Sammy on his knees in the dirt, his face between his knees.

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She turned to face the gate where she found Zaia tied to the gate. Her hands were sprayed out as though she were on a cross. Her legs folded in under her so that she was on her knees and her neck was tied to the gate to keep her head up. Blood poured down her neck staining her white blouse.
Her knees could no longer support her and she fell to the ground. A scream escapes her throat. A hand fell on her shoulders to pull her up. She resisted, pulling back.
"Let me go!" She yelled through sobs…grabbing for Zaia's lifeless body. Sammy seemed to be weakened and didn’t fight back and was pulled back without struggle. Neveah dug her fingers into the ground, but to no avail……..

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