The Phoenix Academy- Part 1

in #gedwriting8 years ago (edited)

Music played softly in the background as the curtain blew softly in the wind, an owl hooting outside. The star light filled the room revealing the clutter of clothes on the carpet and reflecting off the mirror onto Nevaeh's unconcise face. Her dreaming caused her to twitch and shake occasionally.

"No!" She screamed. Suddenly sitting up.
Surprised, she inspected her surroundings and miserably dropped her head in her hands.
"What!" Her door flew open and a dark figure stood in the doorway.
"Nothing. It was just a dream"
The figure moved closer. Revealing a young man with messy hair and nothing on but a boxer. Revealing an extremely fit body.
"I thought you stopped having them." he sat down on the corner of her bed and yawned.
"So did I" she sighed. "Sorry for waking you"
"Its ok I was up anyway"
It was clear that he was lying, she giggled and moved back to lean against the wall. He moved in next to her and she rested her head on his shoulder.
"You know you shouldn't be in here" she said in a sleepy tone.
"Who's gone snitch? You?"
"Funny" Her eyes began to feel heavy again.
"I'll leave when you're asleep"
"That won’t take long" she yawned again causing him to yawn too.
He brushed his fingers through her hair until she fell asleep. Slowly he slid out from under her and headed out the room. Clicking the door shut behind him.
The breakfast bell filled the academy waking everyone up. In an attempt to blur the noise out Neveah puller a pillow over her head and groaned. A sudden knock on her door echoed in the room along with the voice of head mistress Kane.
"Get up Neveah!" She yelled in her stern and ancient British tone.
Reluctantly she got up and threw on her uniform. The school crest was clearly displayed on the chest pocket of her blouse. A phoenix spared its wings widely over her chest, the lower half of its body still ashes. Her waist high pencil skirt curved her body perfectly, and her black silk robe finished off the uniform.

She ran down the now empty hall to the dining hall. Her shoes echoed on the marble floor as she barged into the dining hall. The room was filled with chatter and clinging knives and forks. At the end of the hall stood one long table where all the teachers sat. The rest of the room was filled with tables surrounded by students. The room was split in segments according to classes. Hastily she made her way to her group where Zaia had kept a seat for her.

She quickly sat down and dished up.
She could feel eyes burning though her back but was too afraid to look behind her.
"Good morning" Zaia greeted.
"Did you have another dream last night?"
"Uh, yeah"
"Thought I heard you scream. I wanted to come check on you, but... Curfew you know" Zaia has always been a rule follower, too afraid to break them.

Neveah knew this about her and didn't blame her for not checking on her. She smiled and pulled her in for a hug.
"Did I hear voices in your room" She whispered before they pulled apart.
"Are the walls really that thin?"
"Well it could be because we’re right next to each other. Or, maybe I was just hearing stuff" She winked her goofy little wink where the other eye stayed only narrowly open. Neveah laughed and grabbed a spoon of cereal.
"I wish you’d stay away from him" Zaia voice turned serious "He's bad news"
"Nothing happened" She assured her. "And I can take care of myself"
"I know…."

After breakfast the hall split up as everyone made their ways to their classes. Neveah and Zaia said their goodbyes, and headed in separate directions. Zaia was off to the "book of spells" class, and Neveah headed to the war room. Before she went to the war room she ran to the locker room to change into her tights and a loose t-shirt. When she was done she ran down the hall to the room at the very end, pushing open the ancient doors to reveal an equally ancient room.

The walls were filled with weapons of all shapes and sizes. In the centre of the room stood the fighting ring where most of the students had already gathered - including their coach. Most of the kids were messing around with their staffs, play fighting one another. She grabbed the last staff on the stand and joined the rest of the class.

She passed through the crowd and headed to her favourite spot in front of the large window that filled the entire wall. As she passed Coach King, he grabbed her wrist - pulling her closer. A Chill ran up her arm and down her spine, weakening her knees.
“You ok?” His deep voice whispered in her ear. Each breath stroking her neck.
“I’m fine” She smiled.
“Why didn’t you tell me the dreams were back?”
“I didn’t want you to worry.”
“Not telling, worries me more”
“Well I’m sorry, but I’m fine”
“Uh, Coach” a Voice disturbed them. Causing them to jump.
They turned to face Logan. One of the schools’ greatest fighters.
Coach cleared his voice and let go of her wrist.
“Yes, Logan”
“Seth and I wanted to know if we could team up today” His eyes examined the both of them.
“Oh, yes of course”
Awkwardly she began to walk towards the bench in front of the window.
“Alright! Everybody calm down”
The class grew silent.
“For those of you who haven’t been paying attention! It is our duty to protect the spell casters! If you can’t do this, then there is no need for you at this school!” His voice filled the room as he walked around in the center of the room.
“Today we’re going to focus on defense. Partner up!”

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