Blue Water Blues - The Trip part 1

in #gedwriting8 years ago

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Savana felt relieved as she walked out of the exam hall for the last time. She wasn't the only one it seemed as all the students around her began to cheer and scream at the top of their lungs, pushing and shoving at each other to get out. She wormed her way through the crowd and made her way to the dorm.

The dorm room, just like the rest of the school, was filled with a cheery chatter. Most girls were packing; others were hugging and saying their goodbyes. She had to pass a maze of girls before finally getting to her room. She pushed her door open and fell down onto the bed. Her moment of relaxation was interrupted by a knock on the door, without looking she said "Yeah?"
"Got a minute?" a familiar voice asked.
Savana sat up looking straight into Blaze's eyes.
"Blaze" Savana cleared her throat.
Blaze and Savana were never friends but ever since she and Nash had started getting closer, Blaze had not been far behind to try and ruin things between them.
"I don't think you going on this trip with Nash is such a good idea" She started
"Not this again" Savana replied annoyed. "Blaze whatever you're trying to do it's not gonna work"
"I'm not trying anything other than helping"
"Helping!?" Savana got up "Helping with what, exactly?"
"Look I, I know you think you know him but there's a lot you don't know about him"
"Just get out of my room"
"If you're not gonna believe me just asked him what happened last year at the Halloween party" She said before she left.
Savana could feel her blood boiling and her heart racing. She decided to distract herself with her last bit of packing while listening to some music. It wasn't long before she heard another knock on her door. This time she decided to make sure who it was before letting them in. She turned down the stereo and asked "Who is it?"
"It's me" a familiar male voice replied. She smiled and headed towards the door.
"Me who?" She replied sarcastically.
"Abraham Lincoln"
"Well in the case" She placed her hand on the handle. "I obviously can't deny a former president entry, now can I?"
They laughed as Nash pulled her in for a hug.
"You ready?" he asked as they pulled apart.
"Almost" She replied. She grabbed a couple more outfits from her closet and threw them on the bed. Once she was done she double checked everything before zipping it up.
"Let us be off" She cheered.
Nash grabbed her bag before she could and headed out the door. She followed not far behind and locked her door behind her.
Her eyes faintly met Blaze's and they headed out causing her to wonder what she was talking about earlier in her room. Should I ask him? She wondered. She was probably just trying to mess with my head She reminded herself and decided to put it in the back of her mind.

The first half of the trip flew by, even with Blaze’s words still on her mind; they arrived at the motel they had decided to stay in before they took off in the morning. The motel was dingy and in the middle of nowhere. They pool that sat in the centre of the courtyard had two lawn chairs floating in them and what looked like a dead bird.
"Maybe if we're lucky we might end up on the news" Nash joked nervously as he unlocked the room. The room fit in perfectly with its surroundings. Two single beds rested against the wall with one small table between them. The bed sheets were an awful brown colour that blended well with the dirty tan walls. An old box TV stood on top of the drawer across from the beds next to a small desk.
After arguing about who should take one for the team and check out the bathroom first Nash finally gave in and went to check it out. As he pushed the door open a stray possum rushed out and into the room. Savana squealed and jumped onto the bed yelling "Get it out! Get it out!"
Nash seemed completely calm when he replied "Why? It could make a very tasty dinner"
"What!?" She felt like she was gonna cry just thinking about it "No! Nash please just get it out" She pleaded
"Ok, ok"
The possum was now under her bed making strange noises as Nash strolled to the door that led outside and opened it. It took some persuading but eventually the possum left. It was only then that she realized that she had been holding her breath. She immediately let it all out and sagged down onto the bed. Nash headed into the bathroom to double check it before closing the door to take a shower. To afraid to get off the bed she decided to just stay in the clothes that she had been wearing all day. She hadn’t realised how exhausted she was until her head hit the pillow and before she could even decide when to question Nash she was out cold with a light snore.

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