The Human Body Needs Iodine to Optimize Health: Here's an Overview of this Vital Nutrient and How to Get Enough of It

in #gardenofeden6 years ago (edited)

Iodine is an essential nutrient for the human organism, yet the body doesn’t make it - you have to consume iodine in your daily diet. Given its importance to the humanoid, it is worth thoughtful consideration of your sources for this vital element. 

Iodine is the 53rd element on the periodic table, with this configuration of electrons in its shells. 

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Iodine benefits the body in numerous ways; today, we will share how important iodine is for a healthy thyroid.

The Thyroid

The thyroid gland is shaped like a butterfly and is located at the base of the throat. It is a main player in the the endocrine (hormone) system. The thyroid is regulated by the pituitary gland, which is regulated by the hypothalamus. Most of the body’s iodine receptors are in the thyroid (women also have a concentration in the feminine tissues, because iodine is necessary for developing babies). [1,2]

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The thyroid produces hormones that regulate metabolism, protein production, and kidney, brain, liver, skin, and heart function. [3] Those are some super important systems!

The thyroid creates hormones that direct metabolism and growth. Thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3) are created by combining iodine absorbed from the blood (which came from the diet) with the amino acid tyrosine. The thyroid needs 4 atoms of iodine to produce T4 and 3 atoms of iodine to produce T3. [4] If the body doesn’t have enough iodine atoms, it cannot produce appropriate amounts of these thyroid hormones -- which is bad news down the line!

Every cell in the body uses thyroid hormones, therefore every cell in the body depends on appropriate levels of iodine in the body for optimal functioning [2, 3], yet 95% of Americans are deficient in iodine! [5

While serious disease may take years to manifest, iodine deficiency guarantees sub-optimal metabolism because iodine is foundational to proper thyroid function.

Hypothyroidism is an underactive thyroid. [1]

In this disorder, the thyroid does not make enough thyroid hormone.  It is caused by iodine deficiency. Symptoms can include: [1]

  • Increased cholesterol
  • Depression
  • Fatigue
  • Hair loss
  • Memory loss
  • Dry skin and hair
  • Constipation
  • Weight gain
  • Goiter

Hyperthyroidism is an overactive thyroid. [6]

In this condition, the thyroid makes too much thyroid hormone. Paradoxically, it can also be caused by iodine deficiency. [37] Symptoms can include: [8]

  • Weight loss
  • Anxiety
  • Irritability
  • Brittle hair
  • Sweating
  • Rapid heart rate
  • Fatigue
  • Tremor
  • Trouble sleeping
  • Frequent bowel movements
  • Bulging eyes
  • Graves’ disease, an autoimmune disorder that attacks the thyroid
  • Goiter

Goiter is an enlargement of the thyroid. [9]

It can be mild to severe.

30 million Americans have thyroid disease--that’s almost 10 % of the population! [1] Thyroid disorders affect more women than men, which may not be surprising when we consider that the mother greatly depletes her iodine reserves by incubating and nursing babies. Various thyroid disorders can have the same symptoms; a blood test can confirm a diagnosis. 

Untreated thyroid disorders can lead to heart disease, mental problems, infertility, diabetes, and cancer, so it is important to supply the body with enough iodine for optimal thyroid health. [8, 13, 14]


The RDA is 150 mcg for men and 220 mcg for pregnant women, and 290 mcg for nursing mothers, but these levels are extremely low given the rampant iodine deficiency in this population. [1213] In fact, the recommended daily allowance for iodine given by the FDA is actually the bare minimum to prevent goiter rather than to optimize health. 

Iodized Salt

In the 1920s, doctors observed a prevalence of goiters around the Great Lakes. Iodized salt was introduced as a cost effective and easily distributed means of getting iodine into the food supply. [10] It is not actually iodiNe with an "n" but manufactured iodiDe with a "d" that is added to iodized salt (along with a slew of potentially toxic chemicals, from anti-caking agents to aluminum derivatives). [11] Further, there is only about 30 mcg of iodine in the recommended daily allowance of iodized salt, and only 10% of the iodine from iodide is actually available for the body. Iodized salt is really not a reliable and healthy source of iodine. [9]

So what does the thyroid need?

Research shows that nascent iodine is an ideal form of this element for the body to absorb; as it is pretty much ready to go, no energy is used in converting it to a useable form. 

Iodine is a key for thyroid health and therefore metabolism regulation, but this is just one of many responsibilities of iodine in the body!

Iodine is an essential nutrient for the body, and it is vital to the foundational functioning of the human organism. Please consider if you are getting enough of this nutrient! There are very few reliable and sufficient sources of iodine in the American food supply, so it is a great idea to contemplate your body’s source.  While there are trace amounts of iodine in some seafoods, the only real food on earth with enough to meet the body's needs are sea vegetables. Unless you're eating uncooked, unprocessed sea vegetables on a daily basis or supplementing with a high quality iodine of the proper form, there is little to no way your body is getting enough of this foundational element.

Because we understand the importance of this element and want everyone to live their most awesome life possible, we make the highest quality nascent iodine we have found available by donation towards building a better world for ALL!

*We do not give medical advice; this is just shared experience and research. 


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Cheers to your health and happiness! 

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It's amazing how little we are aware of the needs of our bodies, even some of the most important ones like Iodine. So glad you're sharing this!


So very impotent

Awesome post

Super valuable info that can upgrade and even save lives!



what a great post! Iodine is so important!

I thought one important fact missing here is that the body will absorb and retain elements like fluoride and chlorine in an attempt to compensate for the lack of iodine because they are so similar in composition.. however I'm sure everyone knows how damaging both chlorine and fluoride are to humans. Make sure you get enough iodine so your body will not seek out its look-a-like elements! :-D namaste

SUPER important!!! Yes that's a great point that we address in other articles and is worth mentioning many times over. Thanks for bringing it up here @amariespeaks~
Iodine, fluorine, and chlorine are halogens that compete for iodine receptor sites in the body. With enough iodine in the system, it's not too big a deal to be exposed to the harmful halogens in reasonable quantities - but #1 almost no one has enough iodine in the system anymore, and #2 it seems we are increasingly exposed to more and more toxins every day!
All the more reason to supplement with plenty of iodine from high quality sources.

Hello. I liked your post, keep it up. Good luck to you and have a nice day :)

@gardenofeden thanks for your information

Iodine is must for proper growth

Posted using Partiko Android

It is one of the most important elements that gets the least attention!

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