How to Use Hydrogen Peroxide to Deskunk Your Dog

in #gardenofeden6 years ago

35% Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide has an incredible number of healthful uses in the body and around the home!

This is one of the cheapest and most useful substances we have found for increasing health, so we want to tell you about it! 

  • Food grade means it is safe for ingestion as well as household use.
  • The high concentration is caustic at full strength. It must be handled with care - we suggest wearing gloves. It may cause chemical burns if you get it on your skin, but flush thoroughly with water and there will be no lasting damage.
  • The high concentration must be diluted for use, but this makes it a cost effective solution for a range of applications.
  • The brown bottle of hydrogen peroxide you find at drugstores has a concentration of 3%. While you can dilute it, you can't make it any stronger. It's great for topical uses, but is not safe to ingest as it contains stabilizers and other compounds. 

We're going to share just one amazing use for 35% Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide in this post: DESKUNK YOUR DOG!

Skunks are not naturally aggressive creatures, and have a unique defense mechanism of spraying a very strong, foul smelling liquid at threats. The intense, distinct odor is not dangerous but can be enough to make many predators leave them alone.

Outdoor and country dogs love to explore, and it's quite common for our four legged friends to get a little too close to the very interesting and intriguing skunk. If your dog gets sprayed, the odor can be overwhelming and is certainly not something you want to bring into your house! There is an old wive's tale that washing your pet in tomato juice will get rid of the smell, but this is not only not very effective but can also be expensive. Thankfully, there's a fantastic, economic solution - you can wash them with a dilute hydrogen peroxide solution!

Here's how to use 35% Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide to deskunk a dog:

  • Dilute 35% food grade hydrogen peroxide to water in a ratio of 1:16. 
  • Mix the diluted hydrogen peroxide with 1/4 cup baking soda and 1 teaspoon dish soap.
  • Rub the mixture into your dog's fur, then rinse thoroughly.
  • Shampoo and rinse your dog once more.

We have known about and used 35% Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide for hundreds of uses for decades. We find it to be an economical and effective solution for enhancing health and wellness, so we are happy to offer it by donation! 

For even more uses of this awesome product and for more info, please visit our website

Or Chat with us!


Cheers to your health and happiness! 

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Yet another use!

well done bro, very nice article

This is great thanks! We would always use tomato soup growing up in Louisiana. It was easy to get the cambells concentrate, plus our dogs enjoyed the process ;)

Thank you very much for the information! Not too much to know some things that can help others or even yourself :)

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