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RE: Another Year Comes to an Abrupt End

in #gardenjournal20195 years ago

Looks Amazing 😁. Ive been pondering a garden for too long and finally dug out a bed around my house. I found some veggies i can start in November here in S Fla, woot. I have never gardened before although my dad and grandmother have major green thumbs so ive been around it. Ive only grown marijuana, tomatoes and palm trees lol. I just planted these yesterday so we shall see my luck lol. Ive actually been pondering a nursery business for aome time, i am just a total amateur hah. Have to start somewhere. Thanks for the update 👍.




I'll tell you what, if you get hooked you will love it. I can spend hours and hours in the garden. There is nothing like growing your own food.
You've got a nice selection of seeds.
We have never had any luck with melons of any type, maybe you will have better luck.
We have had a garden for many years, and if you nhave any ? don't hesitate to ask. We would be more than happy to lend a hand.
Have a great Day my friend!

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