Shrub Rose in Sunscape's Garden

in #gardening6 years ago


Here are a few pictures of the Pink Shrub Rose that I have growing up against a wood trellis in my garden. It is only 4 years old and about 4' tall now. I can hardly wait to see it when it is 8' wide and tall and full of little roses. They are just so adorable and I love the shad of pink.

2010-05-08 18.11.48.jpg

2010-05-16 22.13.36.jpg


petals pinkflowerday sunscape photography.jpg


Thank you @sallybeth23 for asking to see my shrub rose, it is not as vibrant as @gardeningchef but I love it just the same. I will do my best to capture some better pictures this summer.
Until next time, this is Sunscape...

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this pink color is very beautiful @sunscape,
I like this flower.

Very beautiful rose and lovely color. In my Grandmothers house we had many roses in different colors. I used to pick up one rose everyday when I go to school and smell it. One day a spider came out of it :P I had phobia fo years , but know I enjoy them again :)
Have a nice weekend!

OH My! that would have put me over the edge as a child too. lol Now, I capture them and take them back outside.

Preciosa amiga, muy decorativa para el jardín.

What a very beautiful rose! Are they scented, as well? They remind me of times gone by...

Bright Blessings!

This one has a faint scent, not like my long stemmed ones. But pretty just the same

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