Excellent stuff. I couldn't help but notice on your blog that you sometimes post more than four times a day? If you are aware that this impacts your rewards negatively then fair play to you but I thought I would mention it so that you didnt lessen any earnings by posting more than four. Does that make sense?
You can post as many times as you like but if you post more than four times in one day then any posts made beyond this reduce the rewards for all posts you made the past 24 hours significantly. So if you make a good amount of money on one post then make another six posts after it in one day you will not get anywhere near your full reward for your good post
The easiest thing to do to make sure you get every penny from your posts is to limit yourself to four a day, just trying to be helpful so you don't lose money :0)
Excellent stuff. I couldn't help but notice on your blog that you sometimes post more than four times a day? If you are aware that this impacts your rewards negatively then fair play to you but I thought I would mention it so that you didnt lessen any earnings by posting more than four. Does that make sense?
What is not permissible, if the post is more than four times a day, please explanations @meesterboom
You can post as many times as you like but if you post more than four times in one day then any posts made beyond this reduce the rewards for all posts you made the past 24 hours significantly. So if you make a good amount of money on one post then make another six posts after it in one day you will not get anywhere near your full reward for your good post
thank you very much for the explanation @meesterboom
The easiest thing to do to make sure you get every penny from your posts is to limit yourself to four a day, just trying to be helpful so you don't lose money :0)