
I went to sleep in tears last night for the rage that this post gave me

Did you know there are girls in india held in bourdels and used as sex slaves? Did you know there are complete towns of christians being wiped out and their inhabitants crucified alive? Did you know 9 YO girls are being forced into marriages to older men that rape her sistematically?

Oh, but you want to raise awareness on gamergate. I bet if you could you would knock on that little girl's home and implant the awareness chip inside her head, because gamergate and Anita whatever are more important

Do you know we are a part of the demographics who have one of the easiest existenses in the history of humankind?

You have it all, yet you complain. You will not aknowledge this until you lose it, and believe me, you will

That, I'm afraid, is what we call a fallacy of relative privation. It's an appeal to worse problems, often used as "There are children starving in Africa!" fallacy and it just doesn't hold any weight in a real argument.

I'm sorry this post upset you so much, you seem very offended. I think if you research relative privation it may help you feel better and perhaps have a less traumatic response in the future. Good luck!

You being "afraid" that is what we call a fallacy of relative privation doesn't make it not hold weight. Leave your condescendence elsewhere.

using feminism as a flag for stupidity is a disgrace to feminism and to women who really fought opression.

Importance is a relative concept in every aspect of life, and attention is a scarse resource. Aren't you a feminist? Why don't you help poeple be aware of more damaging issues and solve your petty problems yourself ? Aren't you strong and independent?

You can cry because your hamburger is cold all you want, you just don't get shove it into people's faces without sounding like a spoiled brat. Specially when "There are children starving in Africa!"

Too bad you intellect is clouded and you can't see that.

Nice writing style though