
Thank you! I am excited to see the brussels sprouts turn into towers.

One year we'll have to get into it... for now we are concentrating on building a home and a small summer garden.

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Good luck, that is quite the project to undertake. Building my own home is one of my life goals; I am very envious. I feel like it would be so rewarding to live in a home built by my own two hands; but with the work it entails and the resources required, that might never become a reality for me.

What do you want to grow in your garden when summer comes around?

Eventually we will build a home from scratch... for now a bit od pre-fab timber frame may be what we start with! Just wrote a post about that 😁.

Last year all we had were tomatoes. I'm trying to breed tomatoes to be more self-reliant. Training them to search for their own water and minerals over several generations. But next year I would lile to have most of our veggies growing.

We like kale, sweet patato, corn, cucumber, beens, lettuce, beets, radishes.... who knows we may not have the time to do a very big one this year either!

That sounds like fun, breeding tomatoes for resiliency. I love fresh tomatoes. I had some growing this summer but they got some kind of blight disease and I had to remove them. They were also being attacked by a lot of thrips. I will be planting more marigolds with the tomatoes to help deter them if I do tomatoes again. I read that marigolds are good at repelling thrips.

Do you know about growing corn, beans, and squash together? It is what the original people of america grew together for more abundant crop in a smaller space since the plants work together. I am into companion gardening, as you can see.

Ah the three sisters!!! The original permaculture way. I do know about it, but never did it... not yet!

Thanks for the tip on mearigolds

Yeah, and they'd bury some fish guts with it too. 😉

That would make a good place to bury fish guts, of course they knew about permaculture!

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