in #gardening7 years ago

This tool gets the job done!

Many in America are perhaps most familiar with the Sai because of Rafael from the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. I too grew up watching the TMNT team and, although my favorite Ninja Turtle was Michelangelo, you’ve got to admit, Rafael knew how to handle his weapons.

Since @papa-pepper is not a violent man, I have little use for weapons. If certain weapons like knives, guns, or Sai have other things that I can use them for though, you may find me carrying one. Many years ago I found out that a Sai makes for a very handy garden tool.

Because of how solid they are, Sai can take some abuse. Very often in gardening you must get seeds, cuttings, or rhizomes deep into the earth, and often the earth may not exactly be easy to work with. Most recently in my propagating efforts and when I received a bunch of Hops rhizomes from my brother, I had to get rather lengthy plant pieces deep in to the soil.

Interestingly enough, the two shorter tines one each side of the long center shaft can even help prevent the Sai from going to deep into the earth. Whether I am attempting to plant some Corn seeds two inches deep in the soil or to bury a slender eight inch Hops rhizome, the Sai can be very handy.

This is why you will frequently see a Sai in my garden with my other tools. I guess in a pinch I could perhaps try to defend my garden from some sort of hungry attackers too, but, since I lack the skills of a martial arts specialists or a ninja turtle, and since I’d rather just share, I may be sticking to non-violent uses for my Sai.

As always, I’m @papa-pepper and here’s the proof:


Until next time…

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although my favorite Ninja Turtle was Michelangelo

I knew I always liked you @papa-pepper!

Good to know! Something else we have in common!

I always wondered what those things were for!

Now you know - KNOWLEDGE IS POWER!

Really Ninja Turtle Gardening ;-) I like it.

I thought it was knightly sword)

Only for cutting cucumbers.

Proof of Sai? Saicoin?
One Saicoin for every stab or kick of an martial artist?

Sounds good to me... except for the getting stabbed and kicked part.

Teenage , mutant , ninja , turtles ! 🎼🎶🎵🎼🎶🎵

Heroes in a half shell - turtle power!!!

They are fun to train with. I would love to see a video of you making some interesting moves with two of them while you use them for gardening 8-).

That does sound fun, but who'll pay the medical bills?

They are not supposed to be sharp, and you are far less likely to hit yourself in the head with them than with nunchakus, which are of doubtful gardening use anyway.

I can't imagine using those for anything other than threshing the grain at harvest time... and hitting myself in the head of course.

Elektra's dagger........another name for it

Cool, I did not know that.

All thanks to HOLLYWOOD💯

DAMN @papa-pepper! That last pic is intimidating
(I wet myself a little)

At least it was only a little.

This guy sucked in the first nintendo game sooooooo bad

I loved the Arcade version though. Donatello's bo staff worked well for distance hits in the nintendo game.

Thanks for the recalled memories @trafalgar!

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