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RE: Revved Up Ragtag, Part 3

in #gardening7 years ago

That's a great idea for weed killing with the boxes. I wish I had enough boxes to cover my entire yard. lol. I have a severe weed problem all over. I've thought of building a compost bin behind our shed. Mine would have to be a cage with a lock because of all the wild animals out here. I've taken to throwing old food out in the woods. It's always gone the next day bc/the raccoons and possums take it. It'd be nice to compost for the garden though.


I got my fill of weed pulling with the firepit project. LOL! I vowed to find an easier way for the rest of the areas. Carpeting was on my 'maybe' list, but cardboard was more versatile and easier to find. Maybe you could do a section of your yard, a little bit at a time?

You are vulnerable to pesky critters in your setting, for sure. I'm not sure how folks deter them, but I'll bet there's lot of advice hereabouts from those that have dealt with it. A locked area would probably be a good start, though.

The cardboard is a great idea, so cheap and easy. I'm thinking I'll be using some old carpet over the winter to help kill off weeds and prepare a growing area for next spring. Its gotta come out of that old home, so I might as well put it to use before it goes to the dump.

Exactly! Cheap and easy is the best!

The carpet should would well for weed control. I wish I could remember who, but one of the folks from the Garden of Eden group mentioned using carpet with awesome results. Good on you for re-purposing it for such a worthwhile cause!

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