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RE: A Feminist Gamer’s Guide to Gardening: Weeding your Mentions

in #gardening8 years ago (edited)

That, I'm afraid, is what we call a fallacy of relative privation. It's an appeal to worse problems, often used as "There are children starving in Africa!" fallacy and it just doesn't hold any weight in a real argument.

I'm sorry this post upset you so much, you seem very offended. I think if you research relative privation it may help you feel better and perhaps have a less traumatic response in the future. Good luck!


You being "afraid" that is what we call a fallacy of relative privation doesn't make it not hold weight. Leave your condescendence elsewhere.

using feminism as a flag for stupidity is a disgrace to feminism and to women who really fought opression.

Importance is a relative concept in every aspect of life, and attention is a scarse resource. Aren't you a feminist? Why don't you help poeple be aware of more damaging issues and solve your petty problems yourself ? Aren't you strong and independent?

You can cry because your hamburger is cold all you want, you just don't get shove it into people's faces without sounding like a spoiled brat. Specially when "There are children starving in Africa!"

Too bad you intellect is clouded and you can't see that.

Nice writing style though