Study on effects of light on growth and changes in vitamin content in germplasm

in #gardening6 years ago (edited)

Light is one of the most important elements in the development of plants. For photosynthesis to take place, light energy is a prerequisite. Chlorophyll absorbs the appropriate light energy to produce carbohydrates and releases oxygen from the carbon dioxide and water so that the new plant can breathe, grow and grow.

In agriculture, in addition to plant, soil, temperature and water factors, light is a very significant factor and directly affects the productivity, yield and quality of the crop. Different crops, at different times of growth and development, absorb different amounts of photons of light (light energy). There are long-term crops that can only be grown on a seasonal basis, resulting in low economic efficiency while market demand is high.

So the problem is: How can stimulate the growth and development of plants, improve yield and still ensure the nutrient content of the tubers, shorten the growth time tree; How can grow off-season crops to meet market demand and bring economic benefits.

With the advantages of LED technology: Adjusting the light energy best suited to the plant species and in each stage of plant development gives the plant the necessary wavelengths, so that the plant produces The photosynthetic capacity is greatest, stimulating the plant to grow better. When combined with LED technology with the control of a number of factors such as temperature, humidity, ... we can perfectly plant in the off-season to bring nutritional value as well as high economic efficiency. . Because of the above reasons, this technology is the main research direction that scientists choose to study.

So far, there have been many studies on the effect of Led Light on different crops [5-9].
The Effect of Blue-Light-Emitting Diodes on Antioxidant Properties and Resistance to Botrytis cinerea in Tomato Kangmin Kim1, Hee-Sun Kook1, Ye-Jin Jang, Wang-Hyu Lee, Seralathan Kamala-Kannan, Jong-Chan Chae and Kui- Jae Lee.
• Plant Growth as a Function of LED LightsAuthors' Names Redacted
• Relation of light to growth of plants. F. THUT AND W. E. LoomIs
The effect of red and blue light on the growth and development of frigo strawberriesGiedrė SAMUOLIENĖ, Aušra BRAZAITYTĖ, Akvilė URBONAVIČIŪTĖ, Gintarė ŠABAJEVIENĖ, Pavelas DUCHOVSKIS

Recognizing that the vegetative process and vitamin content of plants are directly influenced by light sources. On the other hand, vegetable sprout is a short-day plant, easy to cultivate only about 5 to 7 days is able to harvest, meet the daily consumption needs of every family.
Moreover, the vegetables are considered as vegetables contain nutrients, fiber, minerals as well as high vitamin C, fold many times vegetables and fruits. In addition, the taste of vegetable spices are also delicious especially good for children and vegetables can be processed into a variety of dishes help change the taste of each day.

So the question is whether it is possible to use Led Light to stimulate the growth and development as well as the amount of vitamin in the vegetable itself even higher.

In this study, we investigated the effect of light on the growth of the white geranium as well as on the content of the study. Vitamins vary for different lighting conditions. By choosing the ratio of LEDs illuminated, the lighting time is most suitable for this vegetable. Over time, research is expected to evolve into a lighting technology

Utilized in high-tech agriculture, producing and cultivating clean vegetables or high economic value crops for households and large-scale greenhouse farms.
2. Objectives of the study
Study the impact of light on the development of sprouts in which the studies will affect the development of plants, the nutrition that is synthesized in the plant, the development of the chlorophyll as well as the vitamin C content. in sprouts when changing lighting conditions.
3. Research objects
White radish seedlings.
4. Research Methodology
Using the experimental comparison method: In the construction of vegetable systems, changing the lighting parameters, different projection time from which to investigate the nutrient content and vitamin C in vegetables. By selecting optimal light conditions, optimal screening time for the growth and development of the vegetable.

2.1. research process
2.1.1 Location, time, study subjects

  • Location: in the laboratory.
  • Time: 7 days.
  • Object: White radish sprouts are grown from seeds imported from Italy supplied by Sen Vang Seed Company.
    2.1.2 Research content
  • Study on the effect of different lighting conditions from sowing to harvest (5 days) with the following lighting rates:
    o The tree is illuminated in the sunlight
    o Tree not illuminated (in the dark)
    o Lighting using Led lights with Red / Blue light cabinets is as follows: 100% red (R), 100% blue (B), 4: 1, 1: 4, 2: 1, 1: 2
    Investigation of plant height, leaf development, weight measurement, leaf chlorophyll development by absorption spectrophotometry, vitamin C content analysis in trees under different lighting conditions. .
  • Study on effects of time of daylighting on the development of trees. Experimental lighting time is 4h, 6h and 8h in a day.
    2.2 Build the vegetable growing system.
    After the research in the laboratory, intelligent seedling systems were installed:
    -** Seed preparation**: Radish seeds, imported from Italy. Selected for easy growing, fast-growing and high yielding crops as shown in Figure 2.1
  • Prepare soil for planting: The canopy is mixed with coconut fiber and fresh husked rice husk as 1: 1 in Figure 2.2.
  • Tools: plastic tray size 45 x 65 cm, water spray.
  • Prepare tree planting cost and layout: The tree is designed with three levels, each divided into two different lighting modes. The distance between the floors is 54cm. A humidifier and air temperature gauge (usually maintained at 28 degrees Celsius and 60% humidity) is attached to the rack as shown in Figure 2.3.
    Fig. 2.1: Variety of white mustard seeds imported from Italy

Figure 2.2: Vegetative root system

Figure 2.3: Vegetable growing system

  • Timer Kit: Turns off daylight and weekdays of Kawasan Taiwan.
    Figure 2.4: Timer set to automatically turn on the power.

2.3 Vegetable cultivation techniques.

  • Treatment of seeds: white bean seed, soaked in the traditional way, mixed with warm water (50oC - 55oC) for seeds to soak 15-30 minutes, remove seeds, deep seeds.
  • Price: The price can be mixed with coconut fiber and fresh rice husks treated with a ratio of 1: 1.
  • Sow seeds: Sow seeds into the tray, density, each tray contains 100g seeds.
  • Take care of:
    Stage 1: After sowing seeds, water the plants with a humidifier, then place the trays in the low light for 72 hours.
    Stage 2: After 72 hours the seeds have germinated evenly, bringing the trays to illuminate with different lighting parameters.

2.4 Measurement methods
2.4.1 Investigate the effect of lighting time on tree growth
The tree is illuminated from day 3 after sowing. The daylight saving time is controlled by the on / off timer with 3 different conditions: 4h, 6h and 8h. With the selected lighting is the best lamp condition as studied above (1R / 4B ratio).
The purpose of this study is to find appropriate lighting conditions for the plants to grow and to save energy in lighting.
Figure 2.5: Lighting system for sprouts

2.4.2 Uv-vis spectral analysis, chlorophyll investigations.
Sprouts from different light modes are crushed and put into separate jars (equal vegetable mass) with 10 ml of 90 oz alcohol in each vial.
Vegetable leaf juice + 90 degree alcohol in vials
After 30 minutes, the solution is removed from the solution, each sample taken with 1 ml of distilled water and 9 ml of distilled water to dilute the solution, followed by UV-vis.

2.4.3 Analysis of vitamin C content in sprouts.
Principle of action: Vitamin C can deodorize iodine based on the amount of iodine is eliminated by the vitamin contained in the sample, inferring vitamin C content.
The process is as follows:

Weigh 5g of beetroot sprout in a mortar with 5ml of HCl 5% until homogeneous, then transfer the whole solution into a measuring vessel or flask with distilled water, distilled to 50ml with distilled water. , stirring, filtering.

Add 20ml of the filtrate to the triangular flask, titrating with I2 solution with starch as indicator (5-10 drops of 1% starch in vitamin C container)

Titrate until blue appears and stops.

Vitamin C content in the sample (in%) is calculated by the formula:

X (%) = VxV1x0.00088x1000 / V2xa x100 (4)

X is the number of mg of vitamin C present in the sample
V: is the number of ml of 0.01N iodine used for titration
V1 is the total volume of sample solution (50ml)
V2: is the sample volume taken to determine (20ml)
a: is the number of grams of raw materials to extract vitamin C (5g)
0.00088: the number of grams of vitamin C corresponding to 1 ml of 0.01N iodine solution

2.4.4 Research on fiber and water content in plants.
Principle: Use heat to evaporate water contained in the sample. From the difference in sample weight before and after drying, the moisture content of the sample was calculated
The process is as follows:
Drying at 100 - 1050C to constant volume, then the amount of free water in the sample will evaporate.
Nutritional formula of vegetable sprouts (W):
W = (m1 / m) × 100% (5)
In which: m is the sample volume of vegetables before drying (mg)
m1 is the volume of vegetable samples after drying (mg)
Figure 2.8. The germination was weighed before being dried
Figure 2.9. Germination was dried at 1050C for 25 min

3.1. Results of studying the effects of lighting conditions
3.1.1. The development of seeds
After three days of sowing, the plants gave 98% germination to ensure good seed quality as well as soil and water conditions to meet germination requirements.
When sowing seeds
1 day after sowing
2 days after sowing
3 days after sowing

Figure 3.1. After 3 days, sow seeds

3.1.2. Study the effect of lighting time on tree growth.
Observation Figure 3.2 shows that the growth rate of sprout in 6h lighting conditions is better than that of 4h and 8h.
With 8h lighting time, due to biodegradation, the plants develop slowly, and in the case of plants that are illuminated during the 4h shedding period is shorter than the photoperiod of the tree also affects the metabolism.

This is also evident when we observe in both cases that roots are growing slower in lighting conditions 6h / day. The height of the tree is measured: With a 4h average height of ~ 12.5 and a height of 8h, the average height is ~ 13.5 cm, while the height of the tree is 6 hours.
Figure 3.2. Results of sprouting vegetables with different lighting time
(a: 4 hours, b: 6 hours and c: 8 hours)

3.1.3 Comparison of tree growth with different lighting conditions
Observation of trees with different lighting conditions (shining time 6h / day)
The tree is not illuminated for 5 days. Yellow leaves, leaves do not grow chlorophyll, the stem is long, medium height ~ 12.1 cm

Natural lighting conditions.
Grows normally, green leaves, average height ~ 13.5 cm

Illuminated R / B ratio (1: 2)
Leaves well developed, average height ~ 12.5 cm

Illuminated R / B ratio (2: 1)
Leaves grow slower than 1: 2; Average height ~ 12.3 cm

Illuminated R / B ratio (1: 4)
The leaves are green, the plants grow very well, average height is ~ 13.5 cm

Illuminated R / B ratio (100% Red)
Green leaves, however, grow poorly (leaf is very small, and closed due to being suppressed with red light, average tree height is ~ 10 cm

Illuminated R / B ratio (100% Blue)
Green leaves, well developed but not always due to the lack of red light, the average tree height ~ 12.5 cm

Figure 3.3. Variegated vegetable systems with different light rates
From Figure 3.3 we can see that the 1R / 4B selection rate gives a very positive result, with the height of the tree as in natural light conditions. In addition, with LED lighting conditions due to selective wavelengths appropriate leaves and trunk grow better than outdoor lighting conditions.

3.1.4. Survey results of harvested vegetables
From the survey, the postharvest weight of the tree under the best conditions (light 6h / day, light rate 1R / 4B) will reach 910grams when planting 100 grams of seedlings at the rate of 9.1: While in other conditions the rate is only 500-700 grams when sowing 100 grams of seeds. In contrast, when done outdoors it was only 500 grams / 100 grams of seed.
Figure 3.4. The volume of vegetable sprouts obtained

3.1.5. Chlorophyll content in leaves.
Figure 3.5. Absorption of leaf vegetables

As shown in Figure 3.5, the absorption spectra of the components in the leaves are very clear, namely chlorophyll with two major components, chlorophyll a and b. These substances are strongly absorbed at 410 nm wavelengths, 470 nm, 610 nm and 670 nm. Looking at the absorption spectrum of non-illuminated plants, it is clear that there is very little chlorophyll in the leaves (the absorption peaks are very low, almost none).

Plants that are illuminated during chlorophyll development under red lighting conditions are almost equivalent to sunlight, and for the remaining lighting cases, very clear pigment compositions in high-growth leaves The lighting conditions with R: B ratio are 1: 2.

3.1.6. Results of the study on vitamin C synthesis in vegetables
Figure 3.6. Vitamin C content found in the germplasm samples

The results showed that, with red light stimulation, the highest level of vitamin C content was 160 mg / 5 g of vegetables. Under normal conditions, the light of the sun, the content of vegetables is only 98 mg / 5 g of vegetables. This is explained by the mechanism of vitamin C formation in plants to empty the thermal conditions to ensure that plants survive and grow. Under normal conditions, under sunlight it is a condition that the tree usually develops. On the other hand, under red light conditions, the plants are inhibited and produce more vitamin C to leave the red light behind.
3.1.7. Study fiber content and water content in plants.
The dry matter content in the illuminated sample (R: B) 1: 4 is the lowest of 5.23% and the highest in the sample is totally red light 8.79%. This is equivalent to the highest water content in vegetables grown under R (B: B) conditions of 94.77% and
Table 1. Fiber content and water content in sprouts for lighting conditions
Fully illuminated by red LEDs is the lowest 91.21%. With water greatly affecting the volume of fresh vegetables, the volume of vegetables grown under lighting conditions (R: B) 1: 4 would be the highest. This result is perfectly consistent with the results of mass measurements of the above mentioned vegetable samples

3.2 Conclusion Chapter 3
In Chapter 3, we outlined the results of sprouting of sprouts in the first 3 days of 98%, the results on the growth and development of vegetables, the amount of vegetables, the amount of chlorophyll As well as the content of vitamin C, fiber and water in vegetables are also clearly indicated when changing light, shining time in the vegetable system we have built. With the stimulation of green light (1R / 4B ratio) for growth and development well when the tree weight and water content in the tree is higher.
At the same time, the amount of chlorophyll in the highest vegetables corresponds to the 1R / 2B ratio and the amount of vitamin C in the sprouts is improved when we use red light to stimulate.


  • An overview of the nutritional value of vegetable sprouts, the role of light in plant life as well as the synthesis of vitamin C in plants have been studied.
  • Establishment of experimental vegetable systems with different lighting conditions, different shedding times and observation during the growth and development of the plant.
    Indicates the effects of light on growth and development as well as the vitamin C content of the sprouts. With the appropriate lighting time of 6 hours per day, green light (1R / 4B) It stimulates the plants to grow well, yield the highest yield and mass, while at the rate of 1R / 2B the plant develops chlorophyll and the vitamin C content in vegetables is highest when stimulated with red light.
  • When combined with the control parameters of light with other environmental parameters such as temperature, humidity, pH ... then we can fully develop this technology applied in the field of agriculture. high technology.
    Not only does it stimulate vitamin C levels in the sprouts, it also opens new directions for the use of light to stimulate plants to produce a variety of other beneficial substances: cancer, anti-aging ... in many of the leaves, flowers or fruit especially towards the production of crops of high economic value in large farms.

reference sources :

  1. Takaaki Miyaji, Takashi Kuromori, Yu Takeuchi, Naoki Yamaji, Kengo Yokosho, Atsushi Shimazawa, Eriko Sugimoto, Hiroshi Omote, Jian Feng Ma, Kazuo Shinozaki & Yoshinori Moriyama, AtPHT4; Nature Communications. DOI: 10.1038 / ncomms6928 (2015).
  2. Kim K, Kook H, Jang J, L ee W, Kamala-Kannan S, et al. (2013) The Effect of Blue-Light-Emitting Diodes on Antioxidant Properties and Resistance to Botrytis cinerea in Tomato. J Plant Pathol Microb : 203. doi: 10.4172 / 2157-7471.1000203.
  3. Plant Growth as a Function of LED LightsAuthors' Names Redacted.
  4. Relation of light to growth of plants. F. THUT AND W. E. LoomIs.
    The effect of red and blue light on the growth and development of frigo strawberriesGiedrė SAMUOLIENĖ, Aušra BRAZAITYTĖ, Akvilė URBONAVIČIŪTĖ, Gintarė ŠABAJEVIENĖ, Pavelas DUCHOVSKIS.

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Great article about the impact of lights to plants. It is very informative that you can experience with a lot color shade of light. It could be a great example of feasibility study of light for the growth of plant.

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