Früchte, Kräuter und Gemüse aus meinem Garten / Fruits, Herbs and Vegetables in my gardensteemCreated with Sketch.

in #gardening8 years ago (edited)

Hallo Freunde... Hello everyone...

Deutsch English

Gestern habe ich euch Bilder von Beeren aus meinem Garten gezeigt.
Jetzt sind die anderen Früchte, Kräuter und das Gemüse dran. :)

Um das Gemüse zu schützen, muss ich immer hart gegen die spanischen Wegschnecken kämpfen.
Alle möglichen Gegenmaßnahmen haben wir ergriffen, aber trotzdem hat es nichts geholfen.
Ich habe letztes Jahr endlich aufgegeben und einfach ein Hochbeet extra für das Gemüse gebaut.
Leider hat auch das nicht viel genutzt, diese "bösen" Schnecken kletterten einfach hoch ... unglaublich.

Ich weiß nicht, was ich noch tun kann, außer zu hoffen,
dass meine Nützlinge sie irgendwann unter Kontrolle haben. T_T
Die Igel kamen zwar immer zu Besuch, aber ich hoffe sehr,
dass sie sich bei uns ganz niederlassen werden.
Wir haben einen Holzhaufen und ein Igelhäuschen für sie vorbereitet.
Mal sehen, ob sie nächstes Jahr dort ihren Winterschlaf verbringen würden.
Tigerschnegel und Laufkäfer haben wir auch im Garten.
Sie müssen sich nur noch vermehren, um genug Wegschnecken
im unseren Garten zu vertilgen. Ich habe eigentlich Nichts dagegen,
mit diesen Schnecken mein Gemüse zu teilen.
Aber bitte doch nicht so gierig sein... T_T
Sie machten mein Gemüsebeet komplett kahl über Nacht...
Was für eine Leistung. >_<

Ok... lassen wir einfach unser Gemüse sehen, das wir noch retten konnten
und dasjenige, das die Wegschnecken nicht mögen.

Yesterday I have shared some pictures of berries from my yard.
Now the other fruits, herbs and veggies are on the line.

I always had to fight hard against spanish slugs for the vegetables.
Every single tipps to solve slugs problem have been tried, but none of them had actually really worked.
Finally I gave up last year and simply decided to build a raised bed especially for veggies.
Unfortunately it didn't help much either. Those slugs still managed to climb it up

I just have no idea anymore what to do, except hoping that the useful creatures
in my garten could finally put them under control someday.
The hedgehog had always visited us, but somehow I hope that they
would like to settle down in our garten. We have laid a woodpiles at one corner
and also bought a little beton house for them to hibernate during winter.
I still couldn't see whether it's already inhabited by now,
but I certainly hope it would be occupied at least by next year.
There are also some Leopardslugs/Limax Maximus and Carabids in our garden,
but they still need to breed more and propagate so that they can hunt enough the mean slugs
and put them under control. I actually don't mind at all to share my veggies with them.
But please, don't be so greedy... allright? T_T
They could make my raised bed completely bald overnight... What an accomplishment, isn't it? >_<?

Well yeah, let's just see the other fruits of mine and the rest of veggies which had survived the slugs attack...

Muscat bleu: They taste very sweet and aromatic. Traubenbaaa5.jpg

           The Corn...


This is the variety of cucumber that often used to make pickle.
Cherry blossoms.
This is self-pollinating, so I don't need to plant two trees to get fruits.
However there are enough cherry trees in the neighbourhood
although motst of them are the sour varieties.
My cherry variety is named "Lapins" and tastes very sweet.

Außerdem müssen wir noch mit den Vögel konkurrieren.
Sie sind echt sau schnell. Mein Mann hat mal gesagt "Lass uns die Kirschen morgen erst pflücken, wenn sie schon richtig rot sind."
Aber ... am nächsten Tag waren alle schon komplett weggefressen!
Ich hoffe, dass wir nächstes Jahr etwas mehr Kirschen bekommen.
Wir haben den Kirschbaum erst vor 3 Jahren gepflanzt.
Er ist noch relativ jung,
deshalb produzierte er noch nicht so viele Früchte.
But at the moment we are still competing with the birds in harvesting it.
They are sooooo fast. One day my husband said, "Well...ok, we would pick the fruits tomorrow, when it's completely red."
But the next day, they are all gone... T_T Well... I hope we would have more next year...
This cherry was planted 3 years ago, so it's rather young.
That's why it still hasn't produced many fruits yet.
Feige6cf84.jpg Paprikae035c.jpg

On the left is a fig tree that supposed to be winterhard. But let's see, when this winter has passed, if it's true or not.
It's still alive today, but I wonder if it will bear another fruits and will be ripe before it's getting too cold again.
last year it didn't ripened.
In a pot above is sweet paprika.
Above in a pot is in Indonesia called "Kangkung", but here in Germany called water spinach.
It tastes very delicious sautéed with garlic, onions, a bit of soy sauce, tomatoes and chilis.
I have 4 varieties of thyme but here are only three of them to be seen:
broad-leaved thyme,
Golden Dwarf thyme, Garden thyme (Thymus vulgaris)
Lemon balm
Cherry tomatoes. These variety tastes very sweet.

Above are some asian shallots, whereas below is a butterhead lettuce.

Ok ... that's all for today...
I'll see you again next time with another stuff from my garden...
Have a nice evening everyone and thanks in advance for your vote. :)
If you don't want to miss my next garden photos, don't forget to follow me by clicking this:

Sehr schöne Fotos & noch schönere Früchte / Gemüse / Kräuter!
Diese Trauben sehen so lecker aus :D
Gegen Schnecken könnte ein Netz helfen, das man über das Gemüse spannt. Bei Trauben oder anderen großen Gewächsen klappt das nicht gut, bei Spinat, Zucchini & co. ist das jedoch sehr gut.

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You have a great assortment of garden fruits, vegetables, and herbs! Very nice!

I can relate about having slug problems, for sure! I have found that they hide out in the grass during the day and come into the garden at night. So a wide band of bare soil or wood chip mulch helps a lot, because they have to leave protection.

I have a Lapins cherry, too, here in Oregon's Willamette Valley. They are a tasty cherry! They are the last to get ripe, out of the different kinds that I have. I have sat in my office, on a conference call, and watched Cedar Waxwing birds strip my entire tree of Early Burlat cherries in one hour! I couldn't even stop them because I had to be on the phone call. So maddening! So I was glad to have Lapins still not ripe then! :O

Here's to great gardens for everyone in 2017!

Yes, indeed. We don't want to use chemicals to fight them. So we only tried the natural way.
Chemicals would not only harm the slugs but also the other creatures and the environment.
Although there are some stuff which are said to be naturally degradable so that it wouldn't damage the environment, but it would be harmful to another kind of snails, that are useful like Leopard slugs and Escargots for example, because they have similar body characteristic.
A beer trap would not only attract slugs in our garden but also inviting slugs from neighbour's garden, so it's not a solution either. :-D
Finally my husband had to personally help the limax maximus and the ground beetles in hunting slugs LOL.
Especially when it's a rainy days... he would hunt slugs at night and throw them in the composter to let the leopard slugs have a party.
We had planted some pyracanth near the cherry tree as an attempt to distract the birds. It's supposedly loved by the birds too. I hope it will work ^_^
Have a nice gardening too soon.
I'm looking forward seeing yours ;)

Your husband is a good friend of the Leopard Slugs and Ground Beetles! Now he just needs a T-shirt that says that, lol! ; )

Perhaps I need to make one for him :-D

Nice gardening! I especially like the cherry tomatoes and the graphes (Muscat bleu) in the first picture. Thanks a lot for sharing!

You're wellcome.
I also planted a white grape, but it hasn't produced any fruit yet, so I didn't take any photo of it.
However, this violet one is my favourite anyway.
Btw... I'm looking forward seeing yours too :)
Have a nice weekend.

That's great! I'm look forward to seeing the white grapes in the near future! :)

Have a pleasant weekend! ;)

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