A look at before and after pictures of my garden after 1 month.

in #gardening7 years ago (edited)

Can you believe its been a whole month since I started doing my garden, I started off by black mailing my hubby to tidy the garden up as it had got into a right mess.

Here is how it looked a month a go

After Hubby got stuck in to get it sorted after black mailing him a few cans he got my garden ready so I could get started with my plan for a little flower garden.




I then went shopping with my Steemit money and bought a lot of pots and flowers, I have spent quite a few hours potting and re-potting to brighten my garden up. We had a few disasters after the weather changed and heavy rains flooded a few pots, thankfully most of them have survived and now they are starting to bloom.

Here's a few pictures of my garden now and how it looks

I can see a massive difference, my garden now looks more alive and colourful. Its been hard work and caused me a lot of pain but its been worth it seeing all those gorgeous flowers that I have grown with help from you on here.
I feel like I have achieved something, and now when the sun is out I can go sit out there and enjoy it.

Thank you son-of-satire


Tidy! You are awesome. I would have given up before I started the work of cleaning haha!

Thank you, I hate cleaning, hubby did the heavy work :)

So much progress! It's fun to look back and see how far it's come. When you're puttering with it every day it's easy to lose track, but the pictures (and our aches) don't lie.

You have done a spectacular job! Kudos to you and hubby!

(P.S. That pot with the face and feet cracks me up!)

I have 2 but can't find the other one, think he is hiding from me lol Thanks hun for all your help and advice :)

You're welcome! Will be thinking of you when I plant the impatiens I picked up for the containers by my front steps. Yours are so pretty!

(Hint on the third pepper - up and to the left of the other two. Towards the top of the plant.)

Finally effort is paying off

Yes, over the moon :)

Nice! It looks very tidy. Do you have any vegetables or herbs, or are all non-edibles?

Thank you,I have some herbs growing, haven't started on vegetables, I might give them a go next year :)

Big difference! You did a great job. Cool! I wish You good luck in the future.

Thank you , All the hard work done now, just sit back and watch the flowers grow :)

I think it makes a big difference and I suspect it helps you feel better in yourself too. I think nature helps to do that.

I totally agree, I feel like I have achieved something and now have somewhere I can go and enjoy, Its beautiful to sit with and the fragrance is so nice :)

Yes for sure. I think there was one time where I was staying in hospital accommodation and I hardly ever saw any greenery. It starts to take a toll I think.

It does, it brings you down. I am severely low in Vitamin D now hopefully I will get more time outside that will change :)

A lot of people with depression can get low on it. Also people who are overweight - so double trouble for me! That's why I try to get out into the sun for a walk at least - even on an overcast day it can help.

I have the same problems, sitting in the house all day does you no good but when you can't walk far there's no where to go. I am on Vit D tablets but don't feel any better or maybe I do maybe its them that;s given me the energy to do my garden :)

I'm taking the tablets too. It is supposed to help.

That's what my Dr said :)

@karenb54, what a cute little place to be. I want to relax now.

It feels nice sitting out there now , Thank you :)

It looks great..just remember that some of our best moments begin with pain. Keep on planting

I must be having some fantastic moments then as my knee has me in tears lol Thank you :)

your welcome and try and rest and ice that knee when you can

Thank you, I am sitting now just took my medication, waiting for them to kick in :)

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