2nd batch of starts coming up 4/9/16. Featuring Missy!



Our Springtime garden is coming great! We've rotated and now have our 2nd batch of starts coming up. This time we got a lot planted. We're looking at having a bigger garden then what we had last year.

Sorry for the lighting but these were the best pictures I could get. It was too dark for pictures without the lights on.

On the top shelf we got:

Peppermint, Rosemary, Sage, Shasta Daisy, Chamomile, Fennel, Feverfew, Mullein, Marigolds, Nasturtium, Blue Susan, Cauliflower, Parsley, Green Pepper, Lemon Balm, Lemon Bergomot, Anise, Basil, Yarrow, and Sorrel.

On the bottom shelf:

Cabbage, Lettuce, more Parsley and Sage, Red Peppers, and three different kinds of tomatoes: Beef Steak, Apaste, and San Marzono.

Where would our garden be without are little garden kitty guarding the plants? Missy loves the shop and stays back here at night. In this case guarding the starts HA HA. During the day she roams around outside. She will follow you all around the yard when you are tending the garden. You might remember some garden blogs of mine from last year featuring Missy. If not then this should refresh your memory:


Missy also likes to get on the roof too! She is an outside cat after all HA HA.

Well there you have it. So far our garden this year is coming along great. Hopefully this means I should have some more blogs from the harvest by the end of Summertime going into Fall.

You might of noticed we are growing several flowers too. The flowers Grandma picked out for the garden are to deter certain bug predators as well as attract certain pollinators. Remember, always have some sort of flowers growing in your garden too for these reasons.

Thanks for looking and happy gardening!!!

As always I'm Theo aka Rainbow Man and here is the PROOF!!!
PROOF the grow lights are too bright.

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Awesome looking garden start. You should plant Missy some catnip lol

We've got some. I'll make sure we plant some for her.

You have a good jump on the garden. :-) I have no place to start my seeds with all these cats. My garden is usually a bust....

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