Super Sustainable, Beyond Organic, Wildcrafted Herbal Tea & Smoking BlendssteemCreated with Sketch.

in #gardening7 years ago

Plants are an important aspect of our lives - we have a football-field sized garden, several raised beds, and numerous wildcrafted areas on our property, and we rely on their bounty every single day to nourish ourselves and our community.

Our herbs are particularly incredible. They are abundant and aromatic, lush and lovely, delicious and delightful, PLUS they have potent healing properties! We grow impeccably sustainable, beyond organic plants with tender love and kindness, and extend our high-vibe consciousness through harvesting, drying, and processing them.

We've nurtured these babies every step of the way! From wee little seedlings to thriving plants to bountiful harvest to patiently drying the herbs, we joyfully tend to every stage of the game. 

We produce no carbon emissions and no pollution at any stage of the cultivation process! 

Now, our stockroom is full of dried lavender, mullein, eucalyptus, 7 kinds of mint, and 9 kinds of basil, and we want to share the abundance! 

We use our beautiful dried herbs to prepare a variety of delicious, healing tea and smoking blends.

For tea, simply steep the herbs in hot water for 3-5 minutes. You can also put these blends in your bath for glorious aromatherapy!

For a smoking blend, crush and roll the herbal blend with your favorite plants! We like to combine super sustainable spearmint, chocolate mint, and licorice mint with organic, homegrown tobacco for the purest menthol cigarette you can find! 

We love sharing organic, homegrown TOBACCO with people, because it's a healthier and more sustainable choice for ALL! 

There are no pesticides/herbicides/fungicides/insecticides in the cultivation, no toxic additives in the manufacturing--in fact, there IS NO manufacturing, OR taxation in the distribution! Even the packaging is upcycled! Our herbal blends could be lovely paired with cannabis as well, amplifying the healing powers to the stratosphere! 

A side note: We’re big on offering sustainable solutions to unsustainable problems, so we’ve been growing our organic tobacco for years and have shared it far and wide. We’ve been so successful at converting people to the powers of the natural stuff, that our demand has outpaced our supply! We are expanding our honorable tobacco venture to get it out to more people than ever before. 

This is REAL garden medicine.

We’re offering some of our favorite nicotine-free blends and pure herbs by SBD donation exchange through the Peerhub Marketplace, where you can also find beyond organic tobacco:

Garden Medicine: lavender, lemon balm, & tulsi rama

Epic Mint: spearmint, chocolate mint, English mint & lemon mint 

Mega Mint: chocolate mint & spearmint

Lemon Bliss: lemon balm, lemon basil, lemon mint, lemon grass

Blessed Basil: tulsi rama, lemon basil, licorice basil

Lemon Lavendar Love: lemon basil, lemon balm & lavender

Lemon Thai Basil

Lemon Balm

Licorice Basil


Chocolate Mint

We hope you are inspired to adore herbs and use them in a variety of ways!


@gardenofeden I like the way you hang the lavenders and mints to dry

  • like with a real hanger - thumbs up
    Nothing beats organic ;)

Thank you @englishtchrivy! It gives us much more space in our drying room, and we can easily move the herbs if need be :)

Read Time: Stop: 00:02:18.894

I wish more people had found a way to produce real quality, what we have are excuses for care, pretty much like the bots around here, automation, fabrication, why don't we have enough, we really are lazy when it comes down to it, rather give away our responsibilities to some other authority, because it's easier :)

Good on you, by the way how is the reiki with the tree climber going :)

Interesting response, @j3dy! We definitely know that there's more than enough of everything, and we're grateful to share that reality. The self-sufficient lifestyle can be easy and fluid, and it's waaaay more fulfilling to live in our own power than to give it away.

Reiki with the tree climber is going wonderfully - we'll share an update soon. Thanks for asking!

It's amazing how many wonderful mints there are -- even all those Basils are mints, too, so amazing! It's great how you are drying those plants, too, with no added energy. That's the way to go whenever the air is dry enough. Happy gardening and enjoy all of the Mints! : )

Yes we sure do love our mints, @haphazard-hstead! The mint family is huge, and even includes rosemary and oregano :)

Rosemary is the one that just doesn't seem like a mint, but is -- and a great mint it is! Plants are so wonderful. Instead of the basketball "March Madness" festivities, you have the "Mint Madness" fun and enjoyment! :D

We make tea from lemon balm and peppermint. In the heat, this tea has an invigorating effect. A good post)

Thank you @inna-yatsuk! Lemon balm and peppermint make a fantastic tea. We are blessed to enjoy a new, unique batch of tea every single day.

I love that you share your tobacco with strangers +-+

Thank you, @soldrakon! The pure tobacco plant is pretty incredible, but unfortunately it has been demonized by being lumped into the same category as poisonous industrial cigarettes. When we find a more sustainable and honorable option for any aspect of life, it is our honor, duty, and privilege to share it, so we're happy to bring beyond organic tobacco to as many people as we can!

Good job i love healthy foods

Yet again another phenomenal post @gardenofeden !

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