Weird Weather on The Homestead, More experiments...!

Boy has this September been a scorcher. The leaves on my Maple trees have mostly turned red and have fallen on the ground. The Canadian Geese have been flying low, and started flying on August 17 south for the winter, which by Canadian standards means that the Geese are 2 weeks ahead of schedule and the cold snap will happen 12-14 weeks after August 17. Now with these 3 weeks of weltering heat the geese are confused, only the Maples have turned colored, not any of our other tree's.

I went fishing, today just to see how the fish are responding to this prolonged heat, and low and behold, they were biting as if it were July. Normally this late in the season, the cooler waters should have stimulated the fish moving from their summer homes to their winter habitats, but that is not happening this year.


So now what has been happening in the Garden. Well normally I would have taken most of my plant's like my peas, my tomato plants, my celery plants and green peppers plants out of the garden and prepared the soil for winter. This year I decided not to, as the weather has been so hot and humid, so I kept watering my plants and I now have flowers on my green pepper plants, more flowers on my tomatoes and my Celery are just thriving and about a foot and a half tall.

Sept 6 garden 4.jpg

Tomatoe 1.jpg

So what about my fruit tree's and bushes. My blueberry bushes have all turned that lovely crimson and show no signs of any other fruiting process. However my strawberries have lots of flowers and green berries. My apple trees did not produce apples this year sadly. I believe it is due to so much rain and not enough pollinators.

Just wanted to put it out there how the weather has affected natural habitats in my area. How about where you guys are all from, have you all had a very different transition in your seasons, and how has that affected things.

Happy Trails


Nice fish, my wife and I are considering moving out of the city and being ranchers. The steak documentary has excited me about ranching.

I think you should grab the bull by the horn's and just jump in with 2 feet, and go for it. Don't look back, your not going that way. I love my life in a small community. no traffic, it takes me 10 minutes to go to the bank. We own land, and everyone is always ready to help. I wish you all the very best my friend.

It's nice that you're documenting what you are experiencing and comparing the changes to previous years. I just started to get into gardening for myself this year and its been a lot of learning and information recording. Thanks for sharing

Thank you. Yes there is so much to learn. I have been gardening for years and I am still learning. Happy Trails my friend.

I do like the colours of autumn/fall, and new for me this is year are the beautiful crimson blueberry leaves that you mention.

Mine look just like that. I planted lemonade color Blueberries this year, I am anxious to see what they will look like. Thanks @pennsif

We have had more rain in our rainy season than normal and they are predicting October and November will be worse...

It is really strange the weather patterns. Where are you from my friend?

Transplanted Canadian living in Nicaragua.

It's been crazy hot here also. Other than a couple days when it rained, it's been in the 80sF. Since I live about 100 miles south of Lake Superior, it normally isn't lake that here. We should be in the 60s and 70s.

I know right. Even my dog who normally shed's her summer coat it has not started yet. Weird weather as I stated. Thanks

it's been a bit cooler than average's been almost a month since we've had hundred degree temps...

Well it was actually much much cooler in August, we even had frost a few evenings, but now its been so hot like +30 with the humidity since September 1. It's crazy really for Canada. We would normally be around 12-16 celcius day time highs. It is suppose to be this hot again all week again next week. I might just get another round of green beans. Where about's are you from @everittdmickey

I'm in Central Texas.

Ah well your weather is warm enough to get another round of gardening in.

Last year it froze...once.
For about two hours...
..........that's kinda unusual here.

The natives think they have winter here...
...but they don't.
I've seen winter...I know better.

Ah you must have visited Canada when it was winter a true winter. Hope you survived the destruction of Harvey. I have prayed for the recovery of those sadly affected. Nice chatting with you. Now following.

Thank you.
I got thru Harvey Ok.
Some of my relatives weren't so fortunate.

Still in the middle of a heat wave here. Tomatoes & peppers still going strong, as are my pole beans. Planted mini crop of radishes & carrots. Radishes are showing 2nd leaves already and carrots are starting to sprout.

You are right about the weird patterns. I guess we just have to 'wing it' and hope for the best.

I planted carrots a week ish ago and they are now sprouting also. Just to see how far I can push the limits. Thanks @aunt-deb

Hadn't thought of it as pushing the limits, but that's exactly what it is. Good luck with your carrots!

Thank you

Here in Southern Missouri in the US, we are hot, humid, and dry as a bone. We desperately need rain and cooler temps. I've even read that some people's apple trees are blooming again!! Crazy!

I have never heard of anyone else's apple tree's blooming again either, so I think I will be safe there.

This is how I want to live like when I got the money to build my own house. Nice garden and nice fishing at the river.

You are living my dream.

Yes I am so truly blessed. I live in a great region in my country. Thanks

Our weather here in Arkansas has been kind of off, too. It was relatively cool this summer, but the last few days have been in the mid 90s! Thanks for the north-of-the-border account! RESTEEMED!

Thanks for the resteem. It actually makes me wonder what kind of winter we will have. IS this just an abnormal year or is it a sign of changes. Who knows.

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