What's in the garden today?

in #gardening6 years ago

So I picked some things out of the garden but I noticed a nasty surprise, someone has been nibbling my tomatoes.


I don't know if it was a chipmunk or a squirrel or something else, anyone have any ideas? I saw the remains of a couple of other tomatoes also, I was really expecting more tomatoes but now I have some competition. If this continues or gets worse I think I may put out some rat traps. Here is what I pulled out anyhow:


The cucumbers were way too massive, I must have missed them the other day somehow. I was going to cook up the tomatoes with the basil but since there were only three I just ate them. I cooked up some zucchini and meat and put it on pasta and put the basil on top so that worked out.

I was excited to see that one of my bell peppers is starting to turn red:


I had pulled off a couple of peppers that had dead spots on them but so far the rest look good. I also spotted this little one, the first of the season:

Aubergine is my favorite plant to grow, there is just something about them, especially this variety "Black Beauty", it really lives up to its name. What's your favorite plant to grow?

These low resolution cell phone photos and dull commentary are @funbobby51 original content, all rights reserved, please upvote generously and resteem, one of my BMWs is in the shop

Check out my previous harvest:

Cucumber Surprise


I'll play garden sleuth for a minute....I am not sure a chipmunk would eat such a large portion unless it was more than one, I've never seen squirrels interested in tomatoes, have any skunks around?

In fact I do! I was thinking about posting about that as well! we'll see how much that fucker likes rat traps. Any ideas other than that for getting rid of a skunk?

You just had to ask. They burrowed under my neighbors garage facing my property. There are three girls renting there and I asked them to tell their landlord. He didn't do anything until the family expanded under their back porch then he sent someone to trap them. I asked the guy about the one(s) living under the garage and he said the landlord didn't mention anything about the garage. All he did was go over there and threw sand over the opening....I could have told him that wouldn't work since I had already tried filling in the holes, they dug them back out, filling the holes with water, that didn't discourage them, placing a huge slab of concrete with bricks on top, they just dug under them. So I am sure the girls were giggling at me like wile e coyote after the roadrunner when I was out there digging a huge trench alongside the garage. I took some chicken wire and nailed it to the bottom frame of the garage then placed some discarded treated 2x4's after replacing my back steps down into the trench to hold down the bottom of the fence securely then replaced all the dirt. That worked.....up until I notice the other day a hole on the other side of the garage. I normally wouldn't care but my grand kids run around back there, between their yard and mine it must seem like a football field to them and the girls don't have a problem with them running around, they never use the backyard anyway. My dog is also a concern since he's been sprayed twice but it's been awhile since he's been sprayed. I think twice was enough for him, at least I am hoping it was. He survived last summer without getting sprayed and so far so good this summer though I know Pep'e back there since I seen him last night while watering some trees I planted. I can see why he chooses that location since there isn't a whole lot of use, is highly vegetated, wooded and there's always a continuous supply of fresh water from a ceramic tray I keep in my flower garden....so yeah I am partially to fault.

Beautiful vegetables! Makes me want to grow some! We've grown the little tomatoes before. . .delicious. Even brought them in through the winter as I had put them in large pots. We had some tomato eaters too. Nate swore up and down it was the school kids cutting through our yard. I decided if it was, at least they got something healthy to eat!

I think it's the skunk. Good luck with your growing! Really nice job!

Thanks, I have posted some more garden/veggie pics if you want to check them out.

Someone or some animal must be teasing you, they took one bite and left it there for you to see it!
My favourite plant to grow would be weed, the problem is I dont have a garden and in Korea they will kill me ):

someone suggested a skunk which is totally possible because my dog got skunked a few nights ago. Confucius say: he who lives in glass house in Korea grows weed in basement. ;)

Best remedy I've ever found is hydrogen peroxide, baking soda and dish soap. (preferably Dawn, it lathers up great) You can find the exact mix online, works like a charm.

yup, I used a commercial product that I had on hand and the baking soda peroxide and dawn mix, she was able to come in the upstairs of the house just 24 hours later, it did take a couple of applications of each.

That must be one hairy dog, usually one time around does a good job on my dog, who is a lab mix. Once I think I had to do the face and ear area twice, he doesn't like it a whole lot messing around his face. If I remember right I think the article I read you had to leave the mixture on for five minutes. Then I soak his collar in the mix overnight to get rid of the smell on his collar.

she has a short thin coat, perhaps I didn't leave it on long enough. I got off enough of the stink, you have to smell her head up close to smell it.

fresh vegetables..
yummy tomato..

Do you have a fence around the garden?

Maybe a Squirrel? But that's definitely a big bite!

they have never bothered the tomatoes before, someone suggested skunk and one recently got my dog so maybe that is the culprit.

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