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RE: "Iranian poppy" flowering today! :) / "Armenischer Mohn" blühte heute! :)

in #gardening7 years ago

@jaki01 I love them!
hope that one is safe from slugs they love them too
i had to put sand on top of the soil of the ones I have in the garden
it's pretty early - mine are still budding I can't wait
they're spreaders :)


The leaves of this kind of poppy are so rough and hairy that slugs don't touch them (at least after they have reached a certain size).

@jaki01 that's true but not in early spring. I had five of them last year and they munched on all 4 .. damn slugs

Was it this exact species Papaver bracteatum?
I also ask because I am curious where you did purchase it, as I only found one merchant who sells its seeds in Europe ...

@jaki01 it's the papaver in this post click and scroll down you'll see it :)

For sure you show a plant of the genus Papaver, however there are many similar species (for example Papaver orientale), but Papaver bracteatum is the biggest one between them, and therefore I was seeking it and only found it at

they look the same - notice the four spots in the middle? the leaves are exactly the same, the buds too as well as the mid part - just that the one on the pic on my post is orange but I bought 2 in red maybe related? I don't know its Scientific name so I looked it up - it says Papaver Oriental

That's exactly the same link like in my comment above: so you have Papaver orientale which is quite common in the shops. I ordered Papaver bracteatum.

yep I read it :) -

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