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RE: Hyssop Harvest

in #gardening7 years ago

Hello @generikat dear,

I have at long last come around to confess, and hopefully at least partially atone for, my sins...

Principle among which is having "forgotten" you.

How, might you ask, could I possibly have forgotten you? I know, it is almost unthinkable... I am claiming "temporary amnesia," officer...

Well, my amnesia has been at least temporarily cured, because here I am! What cured it today was working on the latest and greatest version of my library... and, connecting the dots, remembering my friend the librarian at long last. And, vain as I am, wanting to stop by and brag tell you about my new library, and invite you for a visit and a cup of tea...

"Welcome to My Steemit Library"

Anyhow, now that I have you back in mind, I've visited your blog and upvoted accessible posts... Just trying to show a little love here...

ALSO, to tell you that your latest post (THIS ONE) now occupies a position of honor on my Library's Health Shelf where library patrons can take it down and admire it as much as I have when I found it here today.

Please accept my abject apologies for the long absence... and please do stop by and remind me of your blessed existence from time to time? :D

I really love this article about hyssop... I've been reading about it in the bible since childhood, and now I want to grow some and try it for myself... :D


My dear friend @creatr, there is no confession needed, everyone gets busy, and I mean, by the looks of it you have been incredibly busy! My librarian senses started tingling as I read your comment and I was super over the binding as I clicked on your incredible post organizational scheme. AMAZING!

I have stopped by your blog and upvoted your posts quite a few times, but it is I who should be atoning, you are so good about commenting and I haven't left a single reply for a long time on any of your recent fantastic posts. A situation that I will be mindful to remedy!

I am so glad you liked the hyssop post and I feel so honored that you let it occupy a space on your health shelf, thank you😊 Hopefully someday soon you'll be enjoying some hyssop from your yard, I am sure it will grow happily down in Socal.

Someday I will have to pick your brain a bit, I have been working on updating @generikat's shelf as I have over thirty new posts to add to that post of organization, and you are so right about an edit button making our lives easier, because as it stands the only way I can think to update it is to add to it and make it a new post. That sort of weirds me out, but I don't want to let it get too far ahead of me. I really do value all of the work you do in the Steembrary area, it's totally inspiring!

Thanks, friend, for absolving me. ;)

Thank you also for re-steeming my Library! :D

At the present time, the only way I know of to update your Shelf would be to copy, edit, and re-post.

There is a very cool created by @ausbitbank - SteemViz - that will let you "recover" the original source of your Shelf if you haven't saved it somewhere...

Thanks for your encouraging feedback, and please let me know if you find any "glitches" in my Library, as I have kind of rushed to get it all done well within the week so that I can make corrections before the door slams shut... ;)

Some say I should maintain it "offline" from Steemit, but that kinda defeat the purpose... I will continue to try and persuade the developers to fix this. :D

Also, let me know if I can help you in any way with your Shelf... :D

It's good to know a "real" librarian... ;)

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