A Corny Proverb

in #gardening6 years ago

After loosing our tomatoes to frost, the newly planted ones are doing well. The peppers are recovering after being pinched back, the beans have emerged. Our potatoes are showing new growth and the onions and beets are going strong. Now with the threat of frost behind us, it's time to plant our corn.

There is an old proverb that says:
"One for the Blackbird, One for the Crow, One for the Cutworm, and One to Grow".

We start by spreading compost and fertilizer where our rows of corn will be planted. We then work the compost and fertilizer into the soil taking care to go about 4 inches in depth as we'll plant our corn 1-1/2 to 2 inches deep.

Once completed Candy let's us know it's time to take and break and play ball.

Corn must be planted in squares, or blocks as it is pollinated by the wind. Planting in long rows would prevent pollination and ears would grow, but with few kernels.

As the saying goes, you should plant more seeds than you think you need because often, only 75% will germinate. But I don't really think you have to plant 4 times as many seeds as necessary. Our seeds are planted 4 inches apart in rows that are 30 inches apart. When the plants are 3 to 4 inches tall, we will thin them to 8 to 12 inches apart.

After planting, its a good idea to tamp the row down so the seeds make good contact with the soil.

Water and wait. With a little bit of luck we will be running ears of corn from the garden to a pot of boiling water on the stove, and enjoying the freshest, sweetest corn you can imagine! Stay tuned.


I don't mean to be critical, but after enjoying your post Tea for the Tillerman I'm a little surprise to see you working the compost and fertilizer into the soil by hand instead of running the tiller down the row.

I hadn't heard the proverb before, but it is so true. Of course for us, it always seemed the raccoons and squirrels were the greatest threat to our golden treasure.

All criticism expected and respected. Fortunately we had tilled this garden during the making of Tea for the Tillerman, so working it in by hand was relatively easy.
Although not that important for the corn, we have left enough space between crops to use the tiller for weed control and we'll probably do a video on that when it's time to weed!

Squirrels are fast and raccoons love the cover of darkness. Have you found a way to keep these critters at bay?

My Dad used to say the best way was a yard full of kids at play and having the dog pen next to the corn patch. But now the kids have all grown and our old dog Sam passed many years ago. So Dad gave up growing corn just to feed the squirrels and now buys it from the road side stands which fortunately are still abundant around here.

nom nom there's alot of great food gonna be coming out of that plot of ground!

There sure will. You can count on a harvest video or two....

I am impressed and pleased to read and see his day of planting the corn, it is very pleasant to see the earth and put the seeds, then tamp and water the seeds, it is a strong but pleasant job because as we say it was done "with the sweat of his forehead "at the same time reminds me of one of the many days of work I witnessed in the planting of corn, so many memories. Hopefully have a good harvest more or less within 3 months or a little more and struggle with supplies to achieve a good harvest, collect a corn first, exhaustive work but very pleasant congratulations. Tell me how are the new chicks, they should be beautiful and changed the plumage, Candy looks very good happiness is noted in your journey with you giving them that moral support that satisfies a lot. I am happy to know that the planting of their vegetables have been progressing, Very good video. Greetings to your wife, and for you @brimax

The chicks are growing fast and most of their feathers are coming in. We'll do an update on them soon!

I am glad to know that they are in full growth, I am waiting for new photos to follow even though the evolution of the girls is far away. A lot of greetings to you, Mrs. and Candy. @brimax

Friend, how are you? That corn harvest will be very good in my country we would do many things with corn, although it is hard work to harvest and then collect, and most importantly, you do it yourself
in the video, I call my attention Candy really see her for me it is a joy she is very beautiful
How are the new girls going? they must be bigger
In Venezuela vegetables are very expensive and not all sites are suitable for planting, so I congratulate you because they have a great treasure
. I am very grateful for your support. I await the new harvest, greetings to your wife and the beautiful Candy

The girls are getting bigger! Update to follow...

Hello dear friend, I love all the explanation you give about the corn planting, because you add a few interesting tips, I studied during my youth in a technical high school in which one of the subjects that I studied was agriculture, I think that was born there my love for plants, nothing more rewarding than to strive to see the great rewards of the earth, once we got to plant corn but did not explain those details that you mention, such as planting more seeds than are necessary, Your knowledge is really valuable and I appreciate the fact that you share it with us. I send you a big hug and I hope you will soon publish the result of your blessed sowing.

We will definitely do an update on our corn planting, and harvesting!

Gran trabajo @brimax para tener unas hermosas plantas en tu jardin y asi obtener las plantas y sus frutos mas frescos tienen una forma muy particular en Canadá para regar las plantas. Saludos amigo

Gracias, we do have a particular way of watering here in Canada.....for us we use rain barrels that have collected water off of the roof of our garage!

I think I'm already imagining this fresh corn coming out of those pots and putting a little butter on it

Great my love everything is recovering I am happy for you and Candy as always collaborating

They will be really tasty right from the pot!

Hello friend out there I could see Candy running from one place to another this beautiful

I see that they have a lot of work I am glad to know that not everything is lost they were able to save some part of what they had sown. They are things that happen. The good thing is that they are recovering and working on this again

We are happy that all was not lost as well, thank you.

That makes me very happy not everything is bad

Brother, how are you? there is new planting of excellent corn as you show us each step that you with your own hands cultivate
Does the new one grow as it goes? how is your wife? How is Candy? I see Candy in the video as part of the family she is very intelligent
I wish you luck brother with the harvest soon we will see the results
Greetings and blessings for all

Thank you Brother, everyone here is doing very well!
Dare I ask how things are going for you?

Well brother between one thing and another well the other is that we have problems with the internet so now I almost do not connect I hope it is solved soon

We'll keep our fingers crossed for you!

Thanks brother!

Hello friend how are you?
I eagerly waiting your post because it has profound effect on my mind.I am glad to see your gardening.
thanks friend.

You're quite welcome. Thank you.

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