Reclaiming The Backyard Firepit, Part 25

in #gardening7 years ago

A while back I was attempting to finish up the firepit area, but stalled when I ran out of landscape fabric.

I finally got some more fabric, but ended up tackling another project first. There was plenty left over, though, to finish up out back. After all, it wasn't a huge area that needed attention.

The trick was tucking this piece up under the other two pieces so they could help hold it in place. The fabric pins are basically useless in this spot, because there's gravel buried all along the outer edge from the now extinct pool set up. Once that was in place, it was only a brief job to spread the mulch.

I had some left over from the front yard project, so I ended up using a bag and a half total. For those keeping track, I have one last bag of mulch in the van. It's staying there 'til I need it, because it makes the van smell great. ;~P

I moved the chairs and makeshift table into place. Or course, Tink had to check out the new arrangements. I'd say she's comfortable with it. The minute I sat down for a break, she was up on my lap for some back scratchies and kisses.

Bonus shot of the front yard all spiffed up. We can't take credit, though. We hired a couple neighborhood guys to mow and whack weeds. They did an awesome job!

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Building up a cozy area is a lot of work but so rewarding! I love catching up on the progress of your yard!🌱

Thank you, hon! You're exactly right. I've gone out there a few times, but not to work... to read, to enjoy the breeze, to hang out with Tink. Hubby has even joined me a few times. (He has trouble with his feet and our yard is like walking on baseballs.) Sometimes my spur of the moment projects actually come to life. Lol!

Well the results are lovely and are worth all the love and effort you have put in!🌸

Those red pots are so pretty! I think everything is looking great. My husband bought us a few of those kinds of chairs. He left his out in the rain and weather for a year. I went to sit in it the other day and my butt went right through the seat lol. It was like a comedy movie where someone splits their pants. My husband had to help me get out.

Thanks! It's coming along...

Oh my, that had to be a sight! I'm glad you weren't hurt, well except maybe your dignity. The fabric they use on those chairs can be flimsy sometimes.

Mine are ancient and have been thoroughly abused, but the fabric has proven to be dang near indestructible. Funny thing is, they were a 'premium item' back when Pepsi used to run UPC code promotions. I'll give Pepsi props for quality on these considering they were 'free'.

Oh, and get some new chairs. ;~D

Everything looks so nice in your yard these days! You've really made a lot of progress with your fire pit area! It's a great example of just keeping at it, one piece at a time. And it looks like your dog is enjoying it all, too! :D

Thank you! It's been an interesting process, for sure. I've learned a lot, but the best part is all the folks I'm getting to know on here.

And, yes, Tinker is having a blast. She's not used to having Mom in the yard with her so much. We're both spending considerably more time outside these days.

That's great about Tinker. And what a good point about spending more time outdoors now that you have such a nice place to hang out -- and work to do, lol! ; )

I really like that last shot of the red pots in their places in the yard.

Thank you! They were an upgrade from the flimsy wooden 'planters' that were there originally. The red was hubby's idea!

It does seem to have worked out well.

i live in california and we are in a drought, had to let the grass die it sucks

That does suck. I lived in Florida for a couple years and saw similar conditions. Some folks would just make their whole lot gravel and used containers to add greenery. I guess that's one solution...

Don't you love a rewarding project? Looks great! 🐓🐓

Indeed! Sometimes chipping away at it is the best way to go. You get to have lots of little celebrations on the way to a big one!

The shot of your upcycled containers from far off really shows how beautiful they truly are! You know when a neighbor starts to spiff up their yard it becomes contagious, right?

I am so impressed with the work you have done this year. Keep it up!

Thanks, bud! I've always been tickled at the way the red pots really stand out. It sure makes it easier to give directions for pizza deliveries. Lol! You're right about the neighborly 'competition', too. We're usually the ones apologizing for our ramshackle stuff, but we do point out it makes them look that much better...

I appreciate the support more than I can say. Thanks again!

Haha, never thought about it making easier for pizza deliveries!

we do point out it makes them look that much better...

That is a way to put a positive spin on a situation. Now, they may be dissappointed with all the positive additions you have done, lol.

Of course, you have my support. @aunt-deb to the moon!

Awww, thanks, bud!

Boy, would they be in trouble if I had the funds to do all the projects I have in mind! Lol! I think I would turn the whole lot into raised beds and pathways.

Ah, well, maybe I'll win the Lottery. ;~D

I think I would turn the whole lot into raised beds and pathways

You never know what you could accomplish if you put the power of the Steemit community behind it.

Could you imagine a whole bunch of people showing up with tents one day for a week long community gathering and then seeing butts and elbows working to beautify your yard and make your dream a reality!?

That would be so cool.

I love how you think big! That would be an awesome sight, indeed! We could video the whole thing and launch SteemiTV.

Seriously, I gotta win the Lottery or VIVA goes to the moon... either will suffice. ;~p

Good project and Nice Picture.

Please follow me @patricksanlin and upvote. Thanks

So interesting to see! Great shots.

Elrond Huston Aka ehuston

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