
Thank you very much dear friend @anothervoice for your kind words and support to my work

they still use a cow dung there?
it stinks a lot

The big producers no longer use these products, we cling to this technique that our parents have taught us, the once-dry stray has no smell or is unpleasant, since it is only grass, dry, the other we use is dry rubbish And the hangover.
Thank you very much for this nice visit
I wish you a great week
greetings to your family

thank you my dear friend!
you're very very kind and always courteous!

It's a pleasure. I love Argentina and I am happy that you are holding on to the old ways. I wish I would have know you when I was there. Who knows what we could have done. Just keep of the good work you are doing and keep telling the world about it here on Steemit.

Who tells you that at some point you can not return, here is very beautiful to live.
Thank you very much dear friend @anothervoice for this pleasant visit and support for my work

I have my DNI with permanent residency and I hope that one day I can return and stay. I always refer to Argentina as mi Argentina. The problem is money. Maybe Steemit will provide the opportunity for me to generate income that would allow me to return. Maybe one day we will share a mate in the campo. I do love the campos. I want to share this photo of me at an asado in the campo of my neighbors in rural Neuquen. That is me in the blue. Gracias por todo mi amigo!

This is what makes my country beautiful, the quality of the people, here we borrow to attend to others, the barbecue, the quilmes never miss a meeting, thank you very much for this beautiful photograph.
have a beautiful day

Garcias vos, hasta la proxima!

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