#GrowWithMe, Winter Sowing Spinich

in #gardening7 years ago (edited)

It's still winter, sad but true...

So I'm winter sowing!

What's Winter Sowing?

Winter Sowing refers to the practice of sowing cold hardy plant seeds outside in the winter. Usually you sow these seeds into mini greenhouses made from plastic jugs or other recycled containers. Typically the seeds know when to "wake up" and start growing. Winter sowing eliminates the need to slowly acclimate your seedlings to outdoor temperature fluctuations (harden them off) because this is done from the start. Another bonus is that you'll get an earlier crop if the seeds you sow are cold hardy and you keep them well hydrated.

Today I am sowing "Samich" Hybrid Semi-Savoy Spinach, a fast growing wonderfully productive cold hardy green.


Ash and I prepare our recycled containers, poking holes in the bottom for drainage and in the top for ventilation. My helper fills each half way with seed starting soil. We don't want the containers to be too full to allow room for veg growth.



In go the seeds, sown pretty thickly as I want dense growth, I will thin them out later if need be...


Spinach seeds like to be covered with about a centimeter of soil, and any seed likes to be nice and wet to germinate...


Put on the lids and get ready to bring them outside! Seems simple, no?


As I said, its still winter. Its cold out here, even in the greenhouse its -6C. But I think these babies will do okay. No harm trying at least!


I am setting up my grow space with a black plastic bag under the containers to attract heat from the sun for a little boost.


And now we wait!

I have no idea how long the seeds will take to germinate, I will try to be patient and check on them often. I have to remember to keep them watered, some proponents of winter sowing recommend leaving the containers outside so that rain and snow supply the water they need to grow, but I want to try in the greenhouse!

Have you tried Winter Sowing before? How did it go?

Take Care, @amymya

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Make me a SPINACH SAMICH!!! lol
(name on package) ;)

Yum, I am gonna make ME a samich!

I could comment something about the post, truly I could...

...but I just can't help thinking those eyes are far more precious :P


Thank you Smax. Eat more spinach and you too could have eyes like these... xD

I am Cornholio! (Whoa! Hm heh... that was cool) I need T.P. for my bunghole! Come out with your pants down!

You notice that too? My daughter has eyes similarto @amymya but darker color with that golden pupil ring...

What age is your daughter dear sir?

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Thank you GD!

Aw good luck to your seeds. Can't wait to see them when they grow.

Anj xx

Thanks Anj! I cant wait either ♡

i love that you're using the recycled containers! i have a set of about five that i'll be putting some spinach & lettuces into this weekend.

your helper is efficient! high five there little buddy!

Awesome! Yes He is a great helper😊

Kinda messy :D
At least he can easily pick up one seed
at a time with those little digits LOL!

we like the messes around here :)

Oh yes!!! I will be watching to see how this goes. I attempted to grow some late last season but it didn't do good outside. Maybe when I get my cold frame built I can do it.

Still that cold there? WOW!

Yes the weather is all over the place here, typical NS spring :)
Who knows how they'll do, I'm hopeful😊

This is how I start my onions. I am curious to try Spinach next year.

I've featured this post in this week's The Garden Shack Newsletter here.

Cool! Do you start them from seed outside in containers or sets?

From seed.
I've tried sets once, and was very disappointed at how many of them went to seed instead of bulbing up.
Winter sowing was my solution to this issue, I don't have a greenhouse anymore...strike that...I don't have a greenhouse Yet!

Spinash yummy! I do hope I'd see them grow. You are very talented amy!

I think they will :) Thank you Dawn <3

Please give a report when your spinach-babies sprout! I'm interested in the amount of time it takes from a midwinter planting to germination!

Also, what is the difference in temperature between outdoors and inside the greenhouse?

I definitely will! The temp is only 1c warmer inside than out first thing in the morning, but later in the day it warms up much more with the sun. I have a gadget that can measure and record soil temp and how many hours/how bright the sun shines, I should put it out there with these guys and keep track of the rise and fall...

I wintersow every year..with great success! I usually do flowers as I use coldframes to start my veggies. It's always fun come spring when all the little plants emerge. I leave them outside from the start and depend on the rain and snow to do the watering for me.

I should really probably do that, I just want to use the greenhouse because this is my first spring with it, hehe :)

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