Pork Chop With Summer Vegetable Medley

in #garden7 years ago

These lovelies came out of my Ragtag Garden a few days ago.

Hubby finally settled on a 'sauce' to accompany a juicy pork chop. He started with half the zucchini, dicing it into bite size pieces.

The pepper was next and he used the whole thing. After coring and de-seeding, he diced that up, too. He layered the veggies in a bowl in order of use - softest, quickest cooking ones last - using paper towel separators between for ease of use when cooking.

Vidalia onions are in season, so he was generous with the portions. Vidalias are an exceptionally sweet white onion - specifically grown in Vidalia, Georgia. It's the soil that makes the difference. The variety, Panache, would be an acceptable substitute and seems to be more widely available.

To round out the medley, two Roma/plum tomatoes are roughly diced and kept at hand.

Heat a sauce pan. Add a splash of olive or peanut oil to coat the bottom of the pan. When the oil is hot, add all the onions.

Reduce heat to medium low. Stir occasionally. Add a quarter of the tomatoes to start breaking them down and generating some liquid. This will be a repetitive process as each ingredient is added.

When the onions are clear, add the peppers. When the peppers are soft, add the remaining tomatoes. Add garlic powder and black pepper to taste. (Start off easy and add gradually.)

To thicken it and add a little richness, allow a knob of butter or margarine to melt into the sauce.

Add the zucchini cubes, stirring gently, coat them with the sauce. Cover and let simmer on low until the zucchini is tender. Remove from heat, leave covered.

As the veggie sauce finished steaming, he fried up a boneless pork chop with a smidgen of a Garlic-Herb seasoning mix.

I was lucky to get a picture, before he devoured the whole thing!

Upvote, ReSteem,



Looks delicious, you have taught him well :)

I love pork chops! Looks really good. I also love vidalia season. Really great for onion rings and on burgers. Glad to see you cooking up that garden.

Hubby snarfed it up pretty quickly. Lol! Pork chops are a fav around here.

Exactly right on the Vidilias - get while you can. They go fast, I've found. ;~P

Thanks! We're enjoying the results! The hardest part is deciding how to use each item, because there are so many good ways to fix 'em.

Looks so yummy and fresh! I love the gifts from my garden too!

Looks like the rag-tag garden is in full effect!


I am really pleased your food to table stuff is happening, and you kept us along for the whole journey, it has honestly been one of my fav. things the last few mths to follow on here.

Plus you are not a bootlicker and suck up and I like that too


Thanks! That's one of the most fun parts for me, too. Makes the aching muscles and banged up shins worth it. I'm so glad you've enjoyed the journey! It's motivational to know folks are interested as it keeps the momentum for the next step going. You've always been one of my loudest cheerleaders and I can't express how much that means to me.

LOL on the bootlicker/suck up observation! I got to leave that behind when I escaped cubicle-world. Never again. Besides, I'm too old for those games now. Ha!

I kept your buckets of gold firmly in mind today, during the self imposed physio outside, it helps me push thru that stuff most days, to focus off the pain but still on the movements I need to do.

I've been keepin my eye out for reasonable food grade type 5 gallon buckets since you started this series and remind Bob the Statist all the time on his travels around town to keep eyes open also.

I donated most all the wood from my place to his greenhouse we put up in his yard years ago but he does not really care for the plants, it is greenwashing to make him look earth friendly and green etc politically.

My food has always grown when I take time to plant it because I actually water the stuff, weed it and take care of it.

I cannot do much w my injuries but my hot peppers and tomatoes will be nice, for the first time in years.

Physio sucks. Am glad I can be a distraction from the painful facet!

Every little bit helps, even Bob's lame attempts. At least he's headed in the right direction. I have a feeling he wouldn't even have thought of a greenhouse except you mentioning somesuch to him.

It might be a hardship, but I've seen several other gardeners mention ice cream shops and bakeries as a good source of containers. Maybe you and Bob could canvass the local establishments? That might be a good distraction option, too. Definitely more tasty!

A friend of mine owns all the local Dairy Queens, I should ask Steve about this, that is a good idea.

I know a lot of people with restaurants, I hate asking people for stuff.

Thanks Eddie.

There ya go! And I'm betting they'll be glad to get rid of 'em. You'll be doing them a favor.

Even if that's not the case, they'll think the idea is neat.

Go get 'em, bud!

I went down to one of Steve's DQ tonite to start there, the other sister is the Ops Mgr for his grid all around here, I have her email addy now and cell, the girls behind the counter loved my idea.

They laughed a bit, I told them about you.

I guess I was a little animated about it all LOL

Keep you posted sister.

Awesome that you've got a lead already and some support to boot! The laughs are a bonus and, besides, gardening is supposed to be fun!

You're doin' it right.... Lol!

My tomatoes are really growing, and I keep telling Bob the Statist I am going to be using your bucket growing technique --- I have always wanted to try it but with your pictures and progress of someone doing it, it is going to happen.

Got your posts UV that were not paid out too.

Good to hear your crop is doing well! I see a batch or two of pizza sauce in the making. ;~D

The buckets are best for low-maintenance gardening, no doubt. The height is nice, too. Almost like a raised bed situation. I'll bet you'll really like them! Oh, and any non-toxic container will work. Be creative! (I just happened to have access to free buckets when hubby was a painter.)

I'll need to 're-charge' them for next year, which will involve a total re-build of the buckets. I'm sure the dirt in them is spent after so many years of non-use. (That's why I'm shocked I've gotten ANY produce.)

Some of the other Steem-gardeners have great ideas on self-watering systems that look interesting, too. Getting the watering right is my main challenge, so if I'm going to do this next year, it only makes sense to plan accordingly.

Thanks for the UVs, bud! You always take good care of me. Hugs!

I was already hungry. And your vegetable medley that you just showed us didn't help. Ha
Thank you for showing us how you fix some of your vegetables.
It looks very appetizing.


Lol! Sorry about that... It's a risk we all run when browsing food posts, isn't it?

Hope you find something tasty at hand soon!

That looks so good, going to have to give it a try. I have a hard time coming up with recipes for pork chops. You photos and instructions are great!🐓

Thanks and I'll pass that along to hubby - it's his creation! He had the rest of the sauce over chicken, but said the pork chop was the better match. Enjoy!

Looks great, thanks! :)

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