Gaming: Would You Buy A Netflix Gaming Service?steemCreated with Sketch.

in #gaming7 years ago

Is the future of gaming a streaming service? There are talks of it and I think there is already one service for it, but it has not replaced consoles. People are still buying playing on their PS, Xbox, Switch or PC. But what if you didn't have to get the game for your system but could just turn on the game streaming network on your television, pick up the controller and pick the game. And what if you could play anyone online that had the service? Downloading games is already the norm, is streaming the next step?

Let's start with the positives. The consumer would really benefit from this. You could play anyone online and would not have to worry about your friends having the same system. This would lead to a more robust online experience where you have all players competing, not just ps vs ps and pc vs pc. It would be easier to find a game with players of your skill level. There would also be the ability to play games for a few hours without buying them. When I was younger I used to rent games all the time. It was great because you could finish off a story in a weekend and then return it. Now there are a lot of games I would only play for the story that I would not drop 80 dollars on. And it would be convenient. Pick the controller, turn it on and game.

On the negative side we have the price. It would be very expensive. I would see it being at least 30 a month if not more. Video games are expensive. A game has to be 80 CAD for it to make a profit. And even with that it can be a struggle. Now add that up for all new games that get released on the system. There is also the problem of exclusive games, why would sony or xbox want one their franchises on this network?

Personally I would get it in a second, but that is ignoring a lot of problems that will have to be overcome first. I originally though this was the future of gaming but with PS5 and Scorpio being talked about, it looks like consoles are here to stay, at least for awhile.

Would you get the service? And what would we name it?


*my upvotes/rep disclaimer:


only if it had acess to the beginning of gaming till recent games for one lump sum per month. All game companies

This service already exists at Nvidia. Personally I don't buy the new games since the DLC exist. And in addition I am a fan of retro.

Yeah that was the one I was thinking of. I don't think they have the catalogue of a PS though. Retro is awesome.

I wonder how the companies would work together on this. Because I would even pay per game .

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