Sky assault 3d flight action game review

in #gaming7 years ago

Good day steemians, welcome to my blog once again. today I bring to you another game review titled "SKY ASSAULT 3D flight action"

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Sky assault 3D flight action, is a 3d flight action shooting game designed to play the role of shooting and Protecting the continent against the enemy's invasions and become a hero!.
So the game is an action cool draughty game that is also very much fun to play and also it's a game that displease oneself when getting to play it hard as the levelling point of which the game was designed to prolong.
the game also features a lot of other great components, this components as well also have it's various ways of handling things that the game does which makes it more superior and qualitative to the game player or gamers.
The game itself according to it and how it was been stated on the downloaded site, it was said to be that sky assault 3d flight action game is one of the best 3d shooting game ever, you may agree with me that every positive statement been said on other games might sound literal and true holding to the fact that the developers made it worth it, that could be the good side of the games, now back to what I was saying, looking at the statement they said about the game been the best shooter game ever, honestly I don't in anyway see this game as the best shooting game ever, there are so many other best shooting games out there that are ten times better of than this one, not like the game is not a good shooting game but looking at it outrightly it's just not the best shooting game Ever, though everyone is entitled to his/her opinion just like I said mine.
Even the total downloads of the game on appstore is not better enough to be called a good best shooter game after 1 good year of developing and emasculate it. So I'll just conclude with that and I hope you understand the points am getting into. It's also an outstanding game that can make you happy while playing it.

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The game also have some other good and bad aspect of it which as well is always known to be on all games mostly on games that made a lot of sensations to the society, games Like this are recommended as the commercial games that inputs a lot of people towards getting eager to go about the game and or see how it works, that could be distant part of it. So on looking at the game, some of the substandard things I came across on my own personal side was to be that the game wasn't an understandable one not like you can't understand it at all but as you know there are a lot of various games that are not understandable at all, but here in this game it's a bit of something similar to them in as much as how hard I've tried to understand the game in a well pleasant way, buh yet it still gets me confused and also another bad aspect of the game is the gameplay of the game the part wereby should be necessary to power up and choose another weapon for fighting, it wouldn't show them all buttons for you to click and the annoying part that got me almost provoked is that it wouldn't show the necessary buttons when needed, it'll only show them when you're not in need of them which pisses me off, as always, in every game be it how good it is there's always the negative side of it that makes the player feel furious towards the game.

The good positive side of the game also isn't much, Better off I'd say the positive side of the game was just to be that it's a kind of addictive game that you'll always want to play whenever you feel less busy.
Even after all the negative sides of the game, forget it this game is just a lot fun and entertaining, another special thing I also like about the game is it's strategy and modes of playing, everything about the Game were all designed in a way that could get you displeased while playing it cause it's a lot challenging to the player.
The sky assault 3d flight action game was released on 2016, December 1, that's like almost a year ago but yet the improvement made on the game still hasn't brought them to have enough downloads like other games do have a large downloads Even within 6 months of publishing it. After everything and the publication of the game some little faults that has been fixed so far after much complaints from the gamers are the; Add new customs and fixed bugs buh I still don't get why bugs are been fixed on games all the time..Lol. So as part of what I was saying above it's always good to have a raging part when talking about a particular game.

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Speaking about the gameplay of the game I'd say it was much of an effortlessness and a strict one, at first in the beginning of the game I got a lot confused that made me wanted to quit playing it as at that moment I didn't know it has it's adroit sides, the story of the game as well was also something that can make you pacifying going closer in and in to hear the very best of it.
So the gameplay actually involves shooting yea! Cause that's how it's been stated at the beginning of writing this review, and as the game is said your mission is to Protect the continent against the enemy's invasions and become a hero!.
The good thing there on the game and why I liked it much was because of the features and the modes, the game have a lot of great features and components that made it sound much like a fantastic game, the best side of it is that upgrades and the things for levelling up were all much like you can never expect to be on a game, it have so many other superior weapons and good quality things that when you go for upgrade you wouldn't regret why you wasted your coins in purchasing it. The player can also bring out map at any time provided he/she is at a levelling point.


The gameplay also works in an unpleasant way, just like the way I thought it has some enemies that I'll need to destroy buh yet on the game waited for so many minutes to see an enemies yet I saw none. At times the game sucks, it's good part can always turn be the bad side. There in the game you'll also find more new items and equipments that will make you more powerful and grant you abilities to do whatever thing you'll like to do. And again it's true that most games do ask you for payments before you can accomplish an item or but up some items at the store, that's apart but here in this game you can get enough coins just by killing the enemies it, the only possible way that can make you gain more of what you didn't expect is by executing the enemies very fast that way you'll get double of whatever you want.
So the gameplay actually involves riding with a dragon that does fly up in the sky then having your gun for shooting.
The game contains 6 difficult levels which is known as episodes, the episodes are levels that can't be played except you play the first stage that way it'll make it be a lot easier for you to play it cause you might have then learnt and have a lot experience in the first episode of the game.

The game is also intense and fun, it has four types of controls that you can choose depending on the most type you want that can be easier for you, it have the type 1 type 2 type 3 and type 4 all of them are all the tilting controls which serves a lot better when using it. So like I was also saying above the game consists of 6 Stages known as episodes, the first episode is called the; prelude to the counter attack, the second one is called the operation falling stars, third one; wasteland; fourth one; for Victory, fifth one; area five, and the last one is known as end the legion. Each of every stages here or episodes were all not the same but as though they all look familiar in there own way of fighting. So the gameplay is good and fun throughout.

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Speaking about the graphics of the game, distinctively its really not a good one, the part whereby you'll need to move to another side of the game so as to allow you play it effectively were not well designed and this especially is something that makes it becomes monotonous to the player, but another good side of the game that the developers played a lot of sense was the part of the beginning of the game, there they designed the graphics to be a good looking one so that's was perfect and good. So in overall the graphics of the game was an attainable one.

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the sound of the game on sky assault 3d flight action is a good perfect sound that suites the game thoroughly the war sound it makes and the bangs is something that can make you love the game more, the noises that the enemies do make whenever they want to secure there place or strike the fighter is also a good one and it's much good hearing about it, so in overall the sound of the game is just an optimal one and it's always good to hear.

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Offered by.....masilgames

Last updated....DEC 1 2016

Modes......single player, iOS,

Category.... Action/adventure

Content rating....Rated12+


Language..English and all others


You can get it on googleplay store


Gameplay..... 7/10

Sound..... 8/10


Graphics..... 8/10

Scare factor...... 5/10

Content....... 7/10

Story...... 8/10



In overall the sky assault 3d flight action game is a well comprehensive game that does well in testing your skills and abilities to see how good you are one gaming. The negative side of the game that made me feel like it's a crappy game is the part whereby you'll need to buy up some coins with your money before been eligible to purchase an item on the shop. Though they're all good as well but that doesn't made any sense. So in overall the game is fun just like every other games that are all fun, you may want to get this game sure you can do so, it's available on playstore. Thanks

Thanks for reading!

IMAGE SOURCE: 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8

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Resteem and



Goodluck to you as you gambol this game.

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