I played Civilization 6 for 30 hours and I'm sad

in #gaming7 years ago

I love the Civilization series. I even liked Civilization 5 pre-expansions, which is not something that a lot of fans of the series would say, since it had some sad bits. And since Civ 6 was on the Humble Bundle for 12 bucks, I jumped at the chance and played it for 30 hours in just a week.  And... oh boy... does the series need a reboot.

Now, there are bits of Civ 6 I like. Somehow, they're the ones that actually change something in the series. Having wonders take up actual space is a superb idea. The districts are great.  Archaeology is neat concept. What the hell did they do with everything else? No, really? What is that interface? Was it made by Firaxis? Was it made on the same continent with Sid Meier? I honestly think it was outsourced, because the game just doesn't work properly with the default one. I had to put a modded interface in to make it bearable, and the unit selector is still stashed in the nether region. But even with the improvements, with an added actual city screen, it still feels like a lesser game than just about ever one of its predecessors. And it starts from turn 1. Why haven't they improved movement yet? If I have a scout unit, why does it move just like three warriors? Why is it as incapable from the start to go through forests and over hills. Why does the scout unit even exist? Why do I have to wait so long to get a military engineer to build roads in the direction I want to? Where are the railroads? Why can't I use an airport for trade? 

I could continue asking stupind questions for a few more paragraphs, but most of them boil down to "So the DLC will sell" and others to "they didn't think it through" and a few to "they hate you". The new expansion won't really fix these things, not all of them. It can't. The base game has to many problems. So what's there to be done? I'll probably do a show about this on GamingHD, once I find a place to cram it in the schedule, but since I've got you people to bounce ideas of, let's see what can we do for the next civilization. 

  1. A Living world
    Remember Alpha Centauri? Remember how good it felt to actually see the world change? The fungus spread, the mind worms evolving, the sea levels rising, the craters after using a Planet Buster. So many beautiful things. Why not add them to Civ? And by that, I mean why not add world events, like rising sea levels influenced by pollution... or at least add pollution again. Add weather events, droughts that make food scarce, earthquakes that reveal new resources or destroy existing ones, ice ages. Heck, volcanoes that form new islands to explore.
  2. Have barbarians and city states do something
    Barbarians at least attack you, but city states are just there for the most part. Have them try to actively expand, they need more personal interests. Have one of them be ruled by a crazy dude with his thumb on the nuclear button. Or, hey, they could do that to the barbarians, they could have the turn into rogue nations that just break all rules, have slavery, and in general are bent on ruining you.
  3. Greater people
    There are so many types of great people that the default interface can't handle them all on the same screen. Why are there so many of them? There's three types of artists that do the same thing. You've got scientists and engineers sometimes overlapping and a bunch of them just kinda suck. And worst of all, they're one trick ponies. It would be nice to have them be useful in the long run. Have your prophet do something extra, like go on a spiritual quest. Have the scientist give a bonus to research per turn, and have'em be kidnappable. Heck, you could even have spies be able to do that.
  4. Spies
    Apart from having them be able to kidnap people, make them a bit more useful. Capable of doing more shenanigans, like in the old days. Poison a well, sabotage public transport, ferment discontent among the public, not with the intent to flip a city, but just to decrease its efficiency. Also, the old plant a nuke trick wouldn't be that bad. You could go all supervillain and tell them you put one there and you'll detonate it if you're not crowned king of the world! OK, this may be a bit more of a rogue nation type of affair, if the barbarians get to that stage and have spies.
  5. City management and Civ management revamp
    Just amenities to make people happy? Really? No yearning for having a place to get drunk, no will to live free to worship what god they chose, and not your state religion. No need for public transport? No health issues? No actually depth to it? It needs to either go back to Civ 4, to Alpha Centauri or totally revamp into something new that makes cities what they used to be, a nightmare whenever you take one over, an absolute tragedy that you wish you had razed to the ground.
    Improvements to national civics wouldn't be bad either. Most of the current ones stink. You've got an entire category dedicated to just giving great people points. It needs to either go back to the Civ 4 style, to the Alpha Centauri style, or to a method that works better, that makes the government feel more... government. Maybe add taxation back, taxes were fun!
  6. Diplomacy more
    I like they've got Casus Beli now, but everything else is kinda crap. It needs intrigue. It needs plotting, cooperative plotting, it needs spheres of influence, it needs to take a page from Crusader Kings 2. It needs a United Nations again, a coalition of power, an axis of evil at least.
  7. More wondrous wonders
    Same as with the great people. Wonders now don't feel as great as they used to be. Remember when building a great wall prevented a declaration of war? Ok, bad example, that was maybe a bit too extreme,  but wonders don't feel as epic, as game changing, as huge! And considering that they occupy space now, the decision to build one, the risc, the loss of land, should be rewarded. And yeah, having a copy of every sea unit you have is great, and the bonuses they give are nice, but they're not top break the bank to build'em, sacrifice some slaves to finish them in time wondrous. 
  8. Bring back the advisers
    Where'd they go? They used to kill it! They were awesome! Have them be recruitable from the great people, have them give bonuses apart from advice. Have them be killable by spies and kidnappable, influenceable, bribable.
  9. World engineering
    Why let Alpha Centauri have all the fun? Let's drill a giant hole in the ground to dump nuclear waste and have it leak into the ground water. Let's try and build dams to dutch the ocean and extend land. If they're going to keep workers be perishable, at least have them do epic stuff!
  10. More civilizations
    Greece denounces Greece. Really informative Civ 6, really informative. What was wrong with multiple leaders for a civilization? Also, bring in more civs. Have some Thracians, they've been avoided for the past 30 years. Insert some Romanians, some Hungarians, add a Bulgarian, add customization civs again, with delectable bonuses.

So endeth the rant. I'll see about refining it and adding more for the inevitable show. If you've got any suggestions, please let me know.  I'd love to steal some of them :D


Some really great gaming content here definitely an upvote from me, hope to see more content from you real soon, as a fellow gamer I'd like to also ask if you can check my gaming content out too and leave a comment or two and maybe even a follow

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