Pelmythia Roleplaying Game campaign module: Death or Glory

in #gaming6 years ago

Apologies to everyone for my absence on Steemit for the past few days, been dealing with a particularly uncomfortable back injury that has had me down. But, aside from soreness, I am recovering quite well, and wanted to bring to all of you a post from a campaign module I had started for the Pelmythia table-top role playing game. The Pelmythia novels were born of table-top gaming sessions, and upon release of the novels, I will be putting together the role playing game source books, so that all of you that enjoy table-top gaming with friends and family can delve into the world with your own characters. For this module, I created an entire party of NPCs (Non-Player Characters) to adventure with the PCs (Player Characters). Also, if a player preferred to use a pre-generated character, they could choose from the NPC list and play that character instead of going through the character creation process (which, personally, was always a lot of the fun of table-top gaming, but some see it as boring and a necessary evil). In the Pelmythia table-top RPG, the story teller is called Lore Master, or LM for short.

Forgive the size of the images posted; this module was created in Microsoft Word. Apparently I have a halfling-sized laptop screen, and I had to take screenshots of each page in order to be able to post them here for all of you to see. In order to capture each page in its entirety, I had to zoom out to 75%. Regardless of the size, I hope all of you enjoy them.





















Thanks for taking the time to view my post. All comments are more than welcomed and will be responded to, up votes are greatly appreciated, as well as re-steeming and I always am thankful for new followers. Until next we meet...

Title screenshot taken from Skyrim: Legendary Edition (modded, PC)

Tropical Wolf beach.jpg


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