in #gaming6 years ago

Hello steemian! back with me again @tgkraies this time I discuss the game that is familiar to everyone MOBILE LAGENDS BANG BANG this game is definitely very famous all over the world, in this game also a lot of very powerful hero, this time I will review a hero which is again very famous in MOBILE LAGENDS BANG BANG

Of the many heroes in this MOBILE LAGENDS BANG BANG I will only review one hero who I think again many who love this type of hero, MARKSMAN may now be on the menu RANKED friends are all fighting over this type of hero, which I really like from this type of hero is very able to steal the blood towersecara slowly and also he is the type that must be protected in the team, because without this type of hero team is nothing, MOONTON issued a name for this HERO is LESLEY, already know or not hero lesley this, my friends all do not know it i will directly review it now


Everyone may already know about this one hero, but for those friends who do not know about this game do not worry I will help my friends all for reviewing this one hero, this hero type marksman maybe friends all already know how its important hero with this type of marksman, if according to how I play this hero is very great from all other types of marksman because he is the most superior of other heroes of the type marksman, but depending on the user of this hero and his team, because if this hero lost level, we will be hard to deal with 1vs1 with other marksman opponents.


1. Lethal Shoot

When shooting this hero enemies will get five energy. If Lesley does not receive damage for 5 seconds, the next basic attack will have a further range. The Lesley attack will provide a 35 percent critical chance and 1,2x physical damage. Critical effects and the addition of damage can be stacked so as to generate considerable damage. The use of active skills will reset the Lethal Shoot cooldown.

Lethal Shoot is the main stock for Lesley to do the farming. With the addition of damage when Lethal Shoot is active, Lesley does not need a gear that provides damage or critical in the beginning. In contrast, Lesley instead requires a gear that gives attack speed, because Lesley attacks tend to be slow when compared to other marksman.

2.Master of Camouflage

Log into camouflage skill for 3 seconds. While in this skill, Lesley's movement speed will increase by 30 percent. If Lesley is exposed or inflicted damage, this mode is automatically lost. This skill will also provide additional status of additional permanent physical damage to Lesley.

Mana cost: 30 mana

Cooldown: 4 / 3.6 / 3.2 / 2.8 / 2.4 / 2 sec

Physical damage: 50/90/130/170/210/250

Movement speed: 30 percent

Duration: 3 seconds

Master of Camouflage will be a useful skill at the same time can make lesley damage. Lesley could use skill to reset Lethal Shoot.

You can do a Master of Camouflage combination with Lethal Shoot to provide two attacks with considerable damage. The trick is to wait for the active Lethal Shoot, then shoot the enemy and immediately activate Master of Camouflage and immediately shoot again.

3.Tactical Grenade

Lesley will throw a grenade that can give 150 physical damage. When the enemy is hit by a grenade he will slam into the back, while Lesley will jump backwards when pulling out this skill.

Tactical Grenade can be used to cancel Lesley's ultimate. When the ultimate is canceled, Lesley will have a Fatal Bullet in his rifle. Bullets from Fatal Bullet have greater range and damage than basic attack.

Mana cost: 40 mana

Cooldown: 10 / 9,4 / 8.8 / 8.2 / 7,6 / 7 sec

The main function of the Tactical Grenade is to oust the enemy heroes who are trying to approach you. When done with the right time, then the hero will bounce off and you will have a chance to escape

You could say this skill really makes your enemies angry because they feel in the pentalkan and we run away

4.Ultimate Snipe

Lesley will lock the target in her firing area. Once locked up, Lesley will fire four deadly bullets that can deliver physical damage and certainly five percent of lost HP belongs to the opponent's hero.

This bullet can not penetrate the hero so it could be about or blocked by another hero who is on one track with hero being the target Ultimate Sniper

So friends should be able to place and target the right before using this skill

Cooldown: 40 seconds

Physical damage: 200/250/300

Additional physical damage: 5 percent of lost HP

Unlike Layla's Destruction Rush that can be used at the beginning or end of a fight, Ultimate Snipe requires you to reduce your opponent's HP to the dying position first so that the damage is effective. But thanks to the existence of this skill, the dying enemy can not escape easily, especially the mage, marksman and assassins who have little durablity.

When Ultimate Snipe is activated, Lesley must be in a stationary motion. So make sure you enable this ultimate in a safe position from the enemy range. If there is an enemy that comes to you, you should cancel it by activating Tactical Grenade.


1.Scarlet Phantom

Scarlet Phantom has the largest attack speed increments. The gear will add 40 percent of Lesley's attack speed. In addition Scarlet Phantom gives a critical chance of 10 percent, not too big but pretty good for a first gear.

In addition to additional attack speed and critical chance, Scarlet Phantom also provides 30 physical damage points and Unique Passive Frenzy which will provide additional attack speed of 35 percent and 10 percent critical chance if you successfully land a critical attack.

The Unique Passive will last 2 seconds for every critical attack you pass to your enemy.

2.Swift Boots

Because it has a role marksman then for the affairs of shoes Lesley does not have much choice. Your best choice falls on the cheap Swift Boots.

Swift Boots will provide 40 speed plus movement plus 15 attack speed. The latter status is more than enough to cover Lesley's weakness in attack speed matters.

3.Haas's Claws

This time item can add a lifesteal for hero lesley in this skill can get 70 physical attack add 20% lifesteal what if our HP down below 40% hero will receive additional 10% of physical lifesteal

This is the most important skill we must make before we war against another hero

4.Berserker's Fury

Because it already has the required attack speed, Lesley can switch to the affairs of damage and critical chance. Lesley's eligible items are Berserker's Fury which adds physical damage, critical chance and critical damage.

Berseker's Fury is an item for Lesley. All the status Lesley needed to compensate for the other heroes in the mid is owned by this item. Additional Unique Passive Doom will add five percent additional damage after Lesley landed a critical attack. An additional five percent of the damage makes Lesley's damage slightly up and down compared to other marksmans.

When lucky, Lesley can land more than 1000 damage physical attack to the enemy hero. The amount of damage that it is difficult to achieve by other heroes, especially in the mid game.

5.Blade of the 7 Seas

This fifth item adds quite a physical attack with an extra item item that before it makes this lesley stronger to melama other hero, but the build item lesley is not cuku can survive because this hero armor is not strong, so friends all do not never try to try to fight alone

6.Blade of Despair

Again Blade of Despair became Lesley's last item. Blade of Despair was chosen because this item will give 170 physical damage and 10 percent attack speed.

In addition, Unique Passive Blade of Despair is also not bad-bad very. 10 percent additional physical damage when enemies are exposed to abnormal status is a very useful Unique Passive, especially in late games.

Maybe from each person is different when making lesley item build but for my review I suggest friends all use this build item that I give this, because I guarantee my friends will become more pro player from your friends


Emblem is in addition to our hero, here are many emblems for each hero type but here I use the marksman type to give more damage to my lesley hero

As my friends can see here my marksman emblem has level 34 level to add a good deal of damage


1. Attack Speed + 4.50%

2. Lifesteal + 4.50% (3.00% + 1.50%)

3. Physical Attack +18.00 (10.00 + 8.00)

4. Crit. Chance _2.00%

5.Physical PEN + 4.00

6.Waepon Master

7. Talent +1

Maybe until here the discussion about the review character LESLEY in The Mobile Legends Game and if friends all want to play this game my friends all can
download in appstore all friends, and do not forget my friends all to continue to follow my article, if my friends all like my articles do not forget vote and follow me in @tgkraies wait for the continuation of his other game reviews from and make teman0teman all who have read my article hopefully happy and can directly apply it
good luck and good luck to all friends
see you later in my article thanks.   

 My Handphone Specs : Iphone Six Plus
Proccessor : Apple A8 Dual-core 1.4 GHz Cyclone (ARM v8-based), GPU PowerVR GX6450 (quad-core graphics) 



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