World of Warcraft- Battle for Azeroth- Simgirl’s Alpha Invitation

in #gaming6 years ago

World of Warcraft- Battle for Azeroth- Simgirl’s Alpha Invitation



Today I opened my e-mail to find an invitation to play the Alpha of the World of Warcraft’s newest planned expansion- The Battle for Azeroth. This was quite a surprise! I have played the betas of the other World of Warcraft expansions, but this will be my first alpha.

The new expansion can be pre-purchased and will be released August 14th of this year. There are some cool extras you can get if you purchase the deluxe version including mounts pets, and a cool Horde/Alliance Hearthstone card back. For more information on buying the game visit World of Warcraft




From the looks of the trailer, and from the announcement of the game, tensions in the Legion expansion between the Horde and the Alliance have been growing, and now it is time for all-out war!

I am hoping this is not a pvp expansion in which we are all flagged. But I am hoping there will be many pvp opportunities because I do like to kill the Alliance and it has been much too long since I ran a pvp.

I don’t run pvp very much anymore because it makes me very mad when I get killed. I can’t wait to see what awaits us in the Battle for Azeroth!

Be warned if I do get a dlive to work, there will be some profanity as pvp will be standing for Profanity via Pimp’s girl. Don’t ask.

The name I will be going by in the alpha will be my blood elf priest Babyjususrlz. The requirements for the game are that you must have the Legion expansion, since the game spawns out of this part of the game, your toon must be level 110, and they must have met specific questing and reputation requirements on the factions that your toon is aligned with.

I’ll have to wait until I play to know if I meet all of the requirements needed as I did not play the Legion expansion very much, and hope I don’t have to go back and make up for it before I can continue in the new portion of the game.



I will be downloading the Alpha tonight, and I hope to play it in the morning. The invitation said we are free to share our experiences by ways of steaming, and screenshots, so I will do my best to bring both to Steemit.

Follow along as I discover new places, questlines and pvp battles in the Battle for Azeroth Alpha.


If you have played World of Warcraft and have signed up for the beta invitations, be sure to check your email. There may be an invitation waiting in your mail box for you too! Let me know if you are participating in the Alpha, and what you think about the new additions to the game.

If you are not participating in the alpha but want to know if you are going to like the game before you pre-purchase it, be sure to follow me @simgirl to see the newest posts as I explore the new worlds.


Here is the trailer for the new expansion.

You Tube


I hope you are as excited as I am for the newest expansion of World of Warcraft. Which side are you on- the Horde or the Alliance? Let me know in the comments!

Until next time,

Happy Gaming- Sim Girl

Long Live the Queen!!!








Sweet :D

You sound like a kid in a candy store. I have not played in a few months. Logged in a few days ago to find I cannot get to anyone over 20. damned membership! I have both ally and horde. I love my horde Dark Knights (undead, troll, and have a Orc DK which am up in the air whether I like her or not) Depends on my mood to which I play, Horde or Ally, lol.

I am excited!!! I do have Alliance toons, but I only play them when I get bored with the horde quests. I like learning both sides of the story :D

Me too and when they have another sale on membership, I may renew. I miss the feel of the rush. I have yet to complete the last world too. Stinks that we are grounded in there.

I agree, being on the ground every expansion sucks. Did you know you can buy your game time with in-game money? We haven't paid for time with real money in almost two years now. My husband farms for stuff and then sells in the auction house for the gold. :) He already saved enough to buy the next expansion.

Oh I did not know you can buy those. I had enough gold saved up to buy a game token, and thinking I could still log into the toon I put it on and buy the following months playtime. Now I have to start over with one of the lower ones. Am hoping they did not take all my gold since membership expired.

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