How-to Play the Sims- The Jungle Adventure- New Building Materials

in #gaming7 years ago (edited)

How to Play the Sims: The Jungle Adventure- New Building Materials


This week I was asked by @cgbartow to create a Sim gif like the ones @snook and I make, with a Sim made to resemble him. After doing a little research, I found that he was a gamer! I wanted to create a background for the gif in which I could take photos of him on the computer playing games.

This gave me an opportunity to show off some of the new building materials that came with the Jungle Adventure game pack recently. The Jungle Adventure is a vacation spot in the Jungle, and the decoration style is unique, and it resembles a southern/Spanish motif, with open windows, and Aztec tiles.


I tried my best to create a Sim that resembled @cgbartow, and then sent him to take a bunch of selfies. But first I had to make a background that was worthy of a selfie. I used the money cheat, so I would not be concerned about a budget, and I could buy and replace items at will.

I bought a small lot of land to build on, and then built a small one floor house using the new building materials that were installed with the Jungle Adventure game pack. To separate the new items, you can go into the build mode, select the filter menu, and then pick the Jungle Adventure from the list of packs. Click on the check mark to confirm.

Once you have done this, the icons of the items will become yellow in the building menu until you select them for the first time. This makes it easy to see which items have been added with the new game pack.


The new building materials added with the Jungle Adventure game are very South-West style with both cool and brighter colors mixed in creative designs. The doors, and windows come in many different colors, and the tiles too give the building a splash of color and texture.

The wall papers and paints were very impressive. They ranged from complete solid colors, to full print and half printed decorated patterns. I choose the light green/aqua color for most of the house. I liked that the windows were open, making the house look as if it welcomed a fresh breeze.


There were many selections of decorative items in the new Jungle Adventure game pack. The roof tiles were very pretty, and in a variety of colors. The rugs were also very colorful, and everything was color coordinated to match, which was nice.

The lights are pretty, the game pack came with a nice hanging light with candles, and wall lantern, a table lantern, and a large table lamp. Most of the outdoor items included in the vacation homes for rent are also included in the game pack. This includes an outdoor picnic table, a barrel grill and lots of very BIG statues and ruins.


The Jungle Adventure game pack of the Sims 4 also has so cool jungle plants. The trees are big but can be resized by holding the shift key and [ and ]. The flowers have two new additions, one is a very big Canna Lily. Both flowers come in a choice of colors, yellow and red.

There are many bushes to choose from, including the outdoor restroom bush. I really liked the new jungle plants and used them all for a garden in the back of the house. With more land, it would be possible to recreate the jungle and the ruins with the pieces provided in the build mode.

Here are some photos of the house I built using the new building materials in the Sims 4 Jungle Adventure game pack. It turned out very nice if I do say so myself.

They only thing I didn’t like was that the windows did not fit the way I like, but they still looked nice.

The Living Room
The Bathroom
Living Room from Back Door
Front Door View

The Computer Room

The Back Garden

I hope you have learned a little more about how-to play the Sims, and the new building materials in the Jungle Adventure game pack. Thanks to @cgbartow for requesting his own Sims gif from me and inspiring this post! I liked the way this house turned out, and these materials would make a very nice house for a more experienced builder like @snook.

Here is one of the gifs I made for @cgbartow. Thanks again for the opportunity!!

Until next time,
Happy Gaming- Sim Girl








Oh wow I loooooooove the Sims. I haven't played in ages. I got into Secondlife for awhile and stopped playing that too. I miss gaming so much omg. This is bringing back so many fond memories. I bet so much has changed. I had every game and every expansion pack. I was a sim fanatic to the end. Is there a sim coin yet? I followed you. I wish to catch up!

No Sim coin yet! But I'm sure it is in the making! Sims 4 is completely different, by ways of playing, but the main concept is the same. They can multi-task now, and there are lots of new expansions. The Jungle Adventure is the newest!! Let us know if you decide to play again.

Sorry I'm so late in responding. I went to go look at the games a few days ago. I would have to start all over because I don't have 4. :( My daughter will be 6 in a couple of weeks and this might have to be one of those family purchases. Haha... If I get back involved, I will certainly be in touch because I don't know about this new Sims at all. Was my favorite life simulation game. I also had sim city for the old systems ;) back when I was a youngin' SO many memories. Ugh.

So do you buy these online or just subscribe? Do you go to EB games or something and get a disk? Or no disk? Do you need a computer at all or is it all online? Or only part online?

I play mine on the pc. The name of the company who runs the software is Origin. You can purchase and install games from there. I haven't had a disc in a long time. I can play as soon as it installs :D It would make a great family game!

That tells you how long ago I played. Sims 3 and everything was on CD! Haha. Okay I will have a look.

@simgirl, my daughters are huge fans of the sims. I used to wonder why they spent so much time on it. I never knew the build out and details was so manipulative. I now know from character to environment to objects and more the level of craftsmanship it takes to put this all together. I think i will take some time to sit with my girls and have them show me around there alternate realities. Really appreciate you opening my eyes its amazing how something someone makes look so easy can turn out to be a world away from reality.

You sent him off to take some selfies? Hilarious :D
The gif came out pretty good, I hope he likes it, but I have a feeling he will 💚

You take orders or do people contact you in some other way to make them into sims?

I don't take orders per say... but I can make them if you'd like one :D

Just to clarify, I used "order" as a request and not a command. English can be tricky sometimes :D
When you get the time, I would appreciate you playing a bit and making something that looks like me. The most important thing you should know is that I LOOOOVE green colour. Clothes, furniture, makeup, everything. Even my nickname is "Green" lol. I eat green food, wear green clothes, have green furniture in my house and of course adore nature. For those little things in my appearance that make me memorable: undercut on one side of the head, nose pierce (green of course lol), green tattoo of a lucky clover above my left breast, just below the neck and red hair. There you go. But only do it if it will bring you fun :)

That is awesome!!!! I will work on it!!

As in depth you are with these posts,it's a shame that you don't work for the company! Then again, maybe it wouldn't be as much fun one you had to punch a clock! I really like all the plant choices and flooring options from the pack! (Kiddi's bday is coming up. My shopping is now so much easier, thanks!)

Thanks! It was fun to build, and choose the colors. There are so many options! Maybe a Sim's headhunter will find me one day A?? ha ha. I would definitely consider playing for living!!! This is a great gift idea! I am so glad I could help! Happy Birthday Kiddi!!

Once again you made another perfect Sim's post!!!

LOVE the house!!!!! you made it better than anything I could do!!

and the Gif's are GREAT!!

Thank you! They really gave us so pretty stuff to work with in this pack!

This looks really cool. I have not touched sims in a while, in favor of more action packed games like titanfall 2 and overwatch. Do you play any other games aside from the sims?

I do play Hearthstone, and World of Warcraft. I will be leveling my toons this summer in wow to get them ready for the expansion! :D

i haven't played it from last 6 months,but you just remind me of my old days now i am thinking of playing it again..... ;-)

@adityajainxds #thealliance

Yay! I'm so glad! It takes on a different aspect once you understand it. I need to go back to the jungle now!!

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