How to Hearthstone #1 (for beginners)

in #gaming6 years ago (edited)

Hey there peeps.

I have been streaming Hearthstone on Dlive and it occurred to me that I could post about this game on steemit, trying to help newbies, at least to not make the same mistakes as me in the beginning. I don't know if I'll post more about Hearthstone in the future, besides my streams, but here is number 1. Some tips to help you develop your card collection and enjoy the game a bit more.


1- Don't disenchant anything.

You lose value when you do so, and over time some cards tend to make comebacks in different decks, and you might need to craft them again. To craft a legendary you need 1600 dust, when you disenchant it you only get 400 dust. Same applies to epic, rare and common cards.

Having said this, you might need to disenchant somethings in order to make one deck that gives you a chance to climb the ladder a bit more. But you must be carefull with what you disenchant.

2- Build at least one solid netdeck.

At higher ranks most people, if not all, are playing netdecks, from sites like or . To play such decks is optimal. Although the fun relies in creating your own decks and see how they perform, the truth is that the decks featured in the Hearthstone websites were created by people that play the game professionally and have been tested and tweaked trough hundreds of games. Even if you cannot build exactly like it is right now, you should try a close copy, and improve it as you can. Beware that decks from standard mode are not good in Wild mode, and decks from Wild are impossible to play in standard, due to most cards not being allowed.
Choose a hero, build that collection first, for this have in mind the next tips.

3- Try to finish the season in the highest rank possible.

Choose one: Standard or Wild. Maybe Standard is more popular right right, also more feasible for newcomers. Which ever is your choice, you should not fool around in that mode and really try to finish in a high rank. Do your missions in the mode you are not going to take seriously. The highest you finish the better the rewards are. And this will grant some more dust so you can improve your next season. This should be attainable by playing a top tier deck from I have made my own decks and my own tweaks to known type of decks, with a good result, you can do the same. In the end the netdeck is the safest bet :)

4- In order to rank up play for several hours straight.

It is the only way to reach higher ranks. I may be superstitious, but after playing Hearthstone for years( on and off) It seems that one is always destined to lose the first 3 games. This way you wont go far if you only play one hour. Learning to play a deck also takes many games. To learn it even better you must play all the popular decks, but that is for when we will be able to do such thing :o)

5- Play Arena, don't buy packs.

I'm so guilty of this, as I never enjoyed playing arena very much. As a result, I'm not very good at it. Becoming a good arena player is a great way to earn rewards from the game and build your collection. Finishing the Arena with 3 wins and 3 losses, for example, will allow you to break even, higher than that you get your gold back, some packs, golden get the point. It's your choice thou. I know I will keep buying my packs lol

6-Use more netdecks.(Arena)

Part of being good in Arena is making the right choices when you are picking your cards. For this I recommend using, takes a little longer to make your deck but it will actually pay off in the end.

7- Save some gold.

So you can pay your way into some of the solo adventures (new expansions), which always include new key cards. Blizzard has lately launched some free adventures, but you'll never know. Not very important if you intend to become a full time standard player. But important if you are a bit of a collectionner ;)

8-Don't tilt.

People will emote to piss you off, to take your mind of the game, to trick you into surrendering. This game doesn't involve skill only. In fact that is probably the least important reason. Luck is a huge factor, just like in every other card game right? You might lose against your best match-up just because you got all your cards in the wrong order, happens all the time. Queue again, play other game. This is crucial in order to reach a higher rank. Don't give up, if you are playing a solid deck, you should be able to rank up a bit more in the end of the season.

I hope you found this useful, have fun :)


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